Wednesday, August 31, 2011


It's pretty disappointing that I can't make it to the Fort on Monday's because of class. But, that just makes me go harder on Tuesday. Hopefully soon I'll be able to get some work in on Sundays. The last few weeks have been pretty rough emotionally. Right now, I'm just taking it one day at a time, that's really all I can do. And the fact that I have one less day to go to the Fort to releave some stress and emotions, kind of sucks. Just trying to stay afloat.

Tuesday's Speed: 2 Snatches @ 60% of 1RM on the minute for 10:00. 30kg

I technically was supposed to do 28.8 kg, but I just rounded up 1.2kg. I originally was going to work my full squat under the bar and drop as low as I could every time. But for some reason or another, changed my mind last minute, and just focused on my bar path and staying back on my heels. I also tried to focus on my overhead position and making sure I didn't throw the bar too far back.

5 rounds of:
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang power cleans
6 Jerks (70kg men/50kg women) - I used 40 kg

I think some people were really expecting me to go with the Rx'd weight on this. Normally I'll do the prescribed weight, but 50kg is heavy. I probably could've done this workout at 50kg, but more than likely it would've taken me at least 16:00-17:00. First let's take a look back at the two times I've done this in the past....

September 3, 2010 at 25kg 9:00
December 28, 2010 at 30kg 7:16

um can you say improvement?! Almost a year ago, I did this wod 15kg lighter and it took me 35 seconds less. THAT is crazy. I'd say I've gotten a bit stronger in the last year. When I did this back in December, I went a little lighter than I probably wanted to, but I know I did because that was a few short weeks after "louis" appeared and I was taking it easy. But adding 5 kg, I respectively dropped almost 2 full minutes.

This time around, I added 10 kg. I could've done 45kg, I could've done 50kg, but I chose to go with 40kg. Was I being a chicken, was I staying in my comfort zone, was I not pushing myself? I don't think so. I think I was being smart my current hang power clean PR is 56kg, this is old, but still what I currently have, my Jerk is 60kg, my deadlift is 105, but I wasn't worried about that. I wanted to gauge my progress at 40kg, plain and simple. I know this wod will come up again in the future, or I can do it on my own sometime in the future to gauge my progress again. I was simply getting a time so that I have a goal for next time. There's no reason to go through this at 50kg and take 17:00 just to get on the whiteboard. I don't really care, all I wanted was a benchmark for myself.

I'm happy I stuck with 40kg. I was able to keep proper form throughout the wod. I could feel my back in the 5th round tighten up and that's what slowed me down in that round. That right there alone, confirmed that going at 40kg was just the right load. Good WOD and great to see everyone push themselves through 5 round yesterday. SUPER proud of all you guys! :)

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