Friday, August 26, 2011

FBG Prep Round 2

Been utterly exhausted this week. Every night I've been home for just enough time to eat, pack my food for the next day, shower, then hit the sack. So that's like an hour. Last night I was able to get home a little earlier and enjoy some girl time with mom! It was nice to relax for a liiitle longer.

Thursday's Strength: Thruster 6-4-3-2-1-1 26kg-31.5kg-36.5kg-42kg-47kg-55kgfail-53.5kgfail you know how I say I hate Jerks....well I think thrusters have moved ahead of them. This movement absolutely destroys my shoulders. I felt the pinching even on the first and lightest set at 26kg!!! So freaking annoying. Every set was just uncomfortable and I didn't enjoy any second of it. After the second set I almost just called it quits. I cleaned 55kg then went to stand it but was forward and my elbows were dropped so I just dropped the bar. Got 53.5 almost up, but not enough. Just didn't have it in me and this movement just irritates my shoulders way too much.

WOD: 2 rounds of FGB at 110% of reps from last week with 5:00 rest in between
Wall ball shots - 33 reps
SDHP - 33 reps
Box jumps - 27 reps
Push Press - 22 reps
Row - 16 cals


The first round I was able to push through most of it fairly well. Obviously had some breaks in between. On all the movements I did half the set took a couple breaths then the second set, with the exception of box jumps, those were broken up a lot more. Second round was just awful. I was getting like one or two wall ball shots at a time for a good 10 reps, sdhp was 10-6-4-8-2-3, box jumps were all over, but better than the first round, pp was 11-11 and the rower was just big strong pulls. Definitely tiring, and even more so that I had to coach right after since we ran so late. It's kind of making me nervous for FGB though because I feel like I'm not doing as well as I should be...

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