Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Stronger Pull-ups!

Another Monday down. Starting next Monday, they will be long days till December with classes starting. I'm actually excited. Ready for change and to take the steps in the right direction! I've been pretty tired lately, though. Which isn't a good thing with classes starting. I need to start getting more sleep and going to bed a little earlier and not being out so late on the weekends. I can't say that my diet on the weekends has really helped with my sleep/fatigue either. But good thing the majority of the parties are over with, so I can stay on track 7 days a week instead of just the weekdays. Still trying to find that willpower I had a few months ago...where did it go?!

Monday's strength: Deadlift 5-5-5 establish a new 5RM 65kg-75kg-88kg

My previous 5RM was 85kg. I didn't want to push myself too hard with this lift today. Given that my back has been in good shape for the last couple of months and we haven't deadlifted in quite awhile. I made sure to really focus on my form on every lift. One thing I noticed at the end whe it was heavier was my shoulders wouldn't stay pulled back and would get loose which would kind of arch my upper back. So I really need to focus on keeping those shoulders back with every pull.

WOD: Complete 5 rounds for total reps:
With 3:00 on the clock:
100m sprint
max unbroken pull-ups
walk back to start of 100m sprint

31 pull-ups

My goal with this WOD was to sprint as hard as possible every round, as long as my foot held up. The first two rounds my foot was a little tight, so I think my sprints were faster in the last 3 rounds. As far as the pull-ups go I just tried to stay on that bar as long as possible and get past my mental block that prevents me from getting more than 4 in a row. I had to make an immitaion gymnastics grip out of tape for my right hand because it tore during Saturday's wod. Without this, there was definitely no way I would complete this wod. I was pretty consistent throughout and actually surprised myself and got 6-6-6-7-6. I think I should've got more the first two rounds as well, but the mental block really prevents me. However, I am happy with this because it's always been 2 or 4 pull-ups at a time, so to get more than that on every round was pretty awesome!

Monday's Eats
Breakfast: 3 eggs, an apple with some of my everday paleo fruit dip
Lunch: big salad with tomatoes, 4 oz ground beef and an avocado
Dinner: a big piece of meatzza
Dessert:frozen mango, couple squares of dark chocolate, and 1oz almonds

For those of you that want an update on Jer. He started chemo yesterday and is doing pretty well. A little bit of an upset stomach, but it could be worse. Please keep the positive thoughts and prayers flowing. This is going to be a tough ride, but if anyone can do it, he can! Thank you all for your tremendous amounts of support!

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