Sunday, August 28, 2011


There's not question about it....last week was a terribly long week. Each day I was home for no more than an hour at night to eat, pack my food for the next day, shower, then go to bed. But hey, that's what I got myself into, so I'm going to have to deal with it.

Friday's Strength: 2 OHS @ 60% of 1RM (37.5kg) OTM for 10:00

Here I was working on driving through those heels again and trying not to come up onto my toes/balls of my feet. I also tried to keep my feet a little more forward than turned out.

30 Clean & Jerks (40kg)

The last time we did this back in February I got 4:00 even. My goal this time was to strictly beat that. I tried my best not to rest at all, but the fact that I would just drop the bar instead of keep my hands on it and follow it down then right back up caused me some time. I also lost a but of time when I failed the 29th clean (just stupid). But I got right back up and finished with a 34 second PR. I'll take it! Next time, shooting for under 3:00!

Friday night I was able to enjoy dinner with some friends. We haven't been able to all get together in awhile, so it was a nice evening. I was absolutely exhausted by the end of the night, but it was great!

Saturday morning was hard to get up. I was considering sleeping in and not going to Oly class. Instead I got up and made my way to the Fort. Decided to work on my heavy cleans. My shoulders were destroyed from this week, so these were just uncomfortable. I couldn't even get my elbows around for a 60kg clean. ugh.

Team Saturday was a good one and quite a few people showed up. The wod was:

In teams of 2 complete 1 round for time:
20 pulls on the rower (each)
X wall ball shots (14#) 74 reps
30 Overhead Squats (25kg)
2Y double unders 150 reps
40 Burpees
Z Power Snatches (25kg) 102 reps

*1 Person working at a time
*x=100-calories rowed
*y=number of seconds to complete overhead squats
*z=number of seconds to complete burpees


I really enjoyed this WOD. I got to work with "bad" Tiffany. haha, despite the name she is far from bad. This is the second team Saturday I've been able to work with her and the first time was her first team sat! Needless to say in just a few shorts months she's come a long way. We had a good strategy going throughout the wod. I think we were given more reps on the double unders and snatches because Bill didn't hear us right away when we called time, but whatever, extra credit work right? The power snatches destroyed me at the end because my shoulders, but we moved as fast as we could through those. Overall a great workout and was followed by a great breakfast!

1 comment:

(bad) Tiffany said...

Thanks for the kind words Kirsten! This was a fun team Saturday! Thanks for picking up the slack on the snatches, lifting is my weakness mostly because there is so much I forget as soon as I pick up the bar. Can't believe I wasn't bending my legs to get under it. You are a great coach, awesome team mate and I look forward to becoming good friends!