Friday, August 12, 2011

Hey Karen, I owned you!

Another long week is almost finished. Thank goodness. I'm getting tired of this job search thing, there's nothing out there. I don't want anyone to think I'm not thankful for the position I have right now, it's great pay, benefits, and gets me experience etc. But I have so much going on in my personal life, that the added stress of being completely miserable with my job isn't what I need right now. I want to work closer to home so I can have more time to take care of things in my personal life.

Yesterday's Strength: Jerk 5-5-5 36kg-45kg-51kg

My least favorite lift. I struggle with this lift a lot because of my right shoulder. It just gives out and doesn't have the strength I need to carry the load. We also discovered that when I begin the dip I kind of fall onto the balls of my feet instead of staying on my heels. Which then causes my hips to travel foward and carry/balance the weight in the front instead of more on the back leg.

150 wall ball shots (20#/14#)

The last time we did this was back in October and I got 8:23. I had Ivy couting for me and pushing me through my rests to get back at it and keep moving. This time I was by myself, I had to push myself and not sit there resting too long. I heard about some of the other times the girls set in the morning and it gave me something to chase. My plan was to start out with 3-4 big sets to get the first 100 knocked out. I was able to do 30-30-20-10 and kind of hit a block, but pushed past that and did 5-5-10-10-10-10-5-5. Every time I dropped the ball I made sure to take a few quick breaths and get right back up there. I made sure every one hit the target, I missed one and redid that rep to make sure it counted. By around the 100th wall ball, my throat started to feel like it was getting smaller and was burning. So my breaths were short and quick, enough to get moving again. I called time and immediately laid on the floor trying to catch my breath. I was ecstatic to see I PR'd by almost two minutes. but my throat was burning for a good hour after and I was coughing as if I had smoked a pack before the wod. yuck. Still feeling it a little bit today!

Yesterday's Eats
Breakfast: 3 eggs, blueberries, strawberries (I think I need to switch this up...)
Lunch: 2 cups chili 2 squares dark chocolate
Snack: Larabar
Dinner: chicken cobb salad and an apple and frozen strawberry lemonade
Dessert: some trail mix and 2 squares dark chocolate


Steph said...

awesome PR Kirsten!! : ) Way to go hun.

kinsy said...

Nice work Kirtsen! You rocked Karens world!!

Jennie Yundt said...

Amazing PR! I'm bummed I wasn't there to see it. I probably would have hoisted you up on my shoulders, carried you around for a while, and then sprayed you with champagne!