Monday, August 22, 2011

Death By C&J

Busy weekend, with no time to update the blog. So what better way to do it on a quick break from work! :) Friday was a great night with softball, then dinner with a great friend - felt good to chat and just relieve some stress, then saw an amazing band play at Corkscrew Pointe. Saturday was a rainy start with a great wod then FINALLY got my new car that I've been patiently waiting for four months! Ugh. I'm so glad I don't have to purchase another car for many years...such a pain in the ass. Then went to dinner with the p's and Jer. A great weekend, but now I'm feeling kind of crummy, sneezing, coughing, stomach ache and head ache = no bueno. Why must I be at work instead of in bed?! On other exciting news, I start class tonight! New chapter of my life starts now, and I'm really excited!!!

Friday's strength: Jerk 3-3-3 42kg-48kg-54kg

Everyone knows how I feel about this lift. But Friday this felt EXTRA heavy. Even the first set felt like a million kgs! yuck. Oh well, got through the 3 sets, last one wasn't too pretty. Really need to work on my split jerk form!

Death by Clean and Jerks (60/40)
*First minute do one C&J, second minute do two C&J
*After failing a round, rest the next minute
*Divide last successful round in half and start from there
*Go for 20:00

Total reps 88

I didn't expect this wod to be THAT hard. I misread the divide part, where I thought you just did the same reps for the rest of the minutes up to 20:00, instead of going 3-4-5-6-etc. So it definitely took a lot more out of me than planned. I made it through 8 successful rounds, the 9th round I got to 7 reps. Then I started at 4 and went to 7 and then started at 3. Tough wod, but I liked it!

Oly Lifting on Saturday: Snatch work 25(4)-30(3)-35(3)-40-45-50fail-50fail.

I'm STILL trying to get that 50kg snatch. It seems so close, but soooo far away. I don't feel out in front like I normally do, it's more that I just didn't lock out my shoulders. I've been working on this for months now...ugh.

Team Saturday:
In teams of 2 complete 3 rounds each of:

400m run
30 squats
20 push ups
*While Partner A is completing round Partner B completes max Double Unders
20:53 and 506 double unders

My partner was EJ. I don't see him often or get that opportunity to work out with him, so it was nice to have a new partner! We both had a weakness, so it pretty much evened out at the end. I rocked the double unders while sucked at the pushups and he was the opposite. Mid wod came the torential down pour, so that played an interesting roll! Overall great quick wod that kept us on our toes!!

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