Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Long weekend!

So I am long overdue for some updates here... my bad. But whatever, I've been off of work the past 5 days and have been in the BEST mood I've been in, in a long time. It was so nice to sleep in and relax and do whatever I wanted for 5 days. And not worry about an alarm waking me up. I took full advantage of the ability to take naps as well! :) However, the 5 days off caused me to be pretty weak on the diet front and ate pretty poorly. Blah. Jer and I are going to set up an incentive thing for the two of us to keep my diet on track and him with some of his stuff he needs to work on. Should help a ton...I just need to buckle down and do it! sheesh, enough already!

Thursday Strength: Push Press 3 @ 60% of 1RM (33kg) on the minute for 7:00
Not much to say here...just focused on driving off the heels and keeping my core tight.

WOD: "Helen"
3 rounds of:
400m run
21 kb swings (16kg)
12 pull ups

This was just down right awful. Mom and I were out and about all day running around, so I barely drank any fluids or ate anything. I normally drink anywhere between 4-8 24oz bottles of water throughout the day, so I was severely dehydrated. I also felt sick going to the fort and it was like 95 degrees and humid and gross. So all that combined made for a 2:00 gain to my Helen time. yuck. Oh well...as the pattern shows, I'm sure this one will be coming up again...

Friday Strength: Hang Power Clean 3(35kg)-2(40kg)-2(45kg)-1(50kg)-1(55kg)-1(60kg PR)

If you've read before, you're aware that I have issues with anything that has "Power" in front of it and we're going for a 1RM. I have a physical/mental block on dropping under the bar, but staying above parallel. Bu for some reason on Friday, it clicked! And I was able to drop to just the right height for 60kg! 55 kg my feet landed pretty wide, but 60kg i managed to keep them under control! I probably could've gone for 62-63kg, but I felt satisfied with the 60kg.

4:00 Double unders
2:00 Rest
3:00 Power Cleans (60kg/40kg)
2:00 Rest
2:00 Pull ups
2:00 Rest
1:00 Burpees

162/32/23/24 = 241

Pretty disappointed with my double unders during this one...with my foot still giving me issues, while I workout, but not-so-much after, it hinders stringing together DU's. I was definitely hoping for at least 200 du's during this, but that pesky foot...
Power cleans I was ok with, did a strong set of 10 within the first 40 seconds and kind of slowed down from there and did sets of 2 or 3. Probably could've gotten 2 or 3 more out here.
Pullups were a struggle again. The bar was slippery and just wasn't feeling them. I got a couple sets of 4 and then some 2's then it was singles to the finish.
Burpees was all out for me. It was the last minute and no time for rest. RTL was going next to me, so I was trying my best to keep up with him, he finished with a couple more than me, but I feel like I did a pretty good job keeping up with him!

I woke up and just laid in bed for awhile. I had no motivation to get up and go to the gym. This is why I need an intervention. I've lost motivation for some stuff at the gym and my diet. I've gone off the edge. Hopefully I'll find a spark here soon and start kicking ass again.

So I missed oly class and then there was an odd number of people so I didn't participate in the 31 Heroes wod. I talked to Alyson for a good part of it, which was absolutely fantastic, beause I've missed her dearly. Then around the 9:30 remaining in the wod, I started my own of
Row cals
GHD sit ups

and I finished right when everyone else finished. The row was all about strong pulls, no all out sprint here. GHD was pretty hard. I barely get up to use this machine and I'm still a little nervous it will effect "Louis", but all was good. Just a real burner. And burpees were as fast as I could. Pretty good fast wod...

Monday Strength: 2 Deadlift @ 50% of 1RM(55kg) OTM for 12:00
Again, not much to say here. Just focused on proper form. Keeping that back tight and driving through the heels.

Deadlift (70kg) - used 55kg
HSPU - used box

I went light on the deadlifts just because we haven't done these much and I didn't feel like really pushing it on my back. Still kind of nervous when in comes to deadlifts and my back...the box hspu were way too easy. I would've preferred to use the bands, but lack of space didn't allow for it.

Ready to kick my ass in gear and get some motivation going. It's rather depressing when I don't see the people at the Fort that I used to on a daily basis that would give me that extra bit of a push...

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