Thursday, August 4, 2011

Box Jumps/Push-ups

It's been a crazy busy week full of stuff to do and many emotions to go along with it. I haven't gotten to bed before 11 once this week, so I've been hardcore draggind. yuck.

Strength: Push Press 6-4-3-2-1-1 26kg-31.5kg-36.5kg-42kg-47kg-55fail-55kg PR

Shoulders felt pretty good on this. And was hoping my new shoes would give me a PR, since anything overhead hasn't been PRing lately. Boo! I failed 55kg on the first attempt, but I think I just gave up before it even started. I wasn't completely there. So I was determined to get it the second time around. And I probably could've gone even a couple kg's heavier for another attempt, but I decided to take it easy.

8:00 AMRAP of:

3-6-9-12-15-18-21-....continue on in intervals of 3
Box Jumps (24/20")
18 full rounds + 2 push-ups

I knew the push-ups would be my limiting factor here, so I tried to make up for it on the box jumps, since I've been improving on those. I stayed true to form on the push-ups making sure my hips didn't touch and I wasn't snaking the movement. At times my butt was a little too high in the air on the way up, but hey my hips didn't touch right?! Definitely started to feel the fatigue in the round of 9. Box jumps weren't as great as I hoped for. New shoes took some getting used to. And I wanted to make sure that my hips were opening up, but I was still moving through them at a good pace. I wasn't breathing heavy at the end of this, just felt the muscle fatigue in my arms.

After a few minutes of rest, I jumped on the bar and did 3 x max dead hang pull-ups with the red band. 5 reps-4reps-4reps. then I did some mobility on the ball for my foot and some stretching.

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