Tuesday, August 2, 2011

CFG5 = Inspiring

If you didn't know...Mom and I took a quick trip to California this weekend. We left Thursday evening and arrive in Carson, CA around 12:15 AM...2:00AM our time...so I was almost up for 24 hours. Needless to say I was exhausted. As much as I wanted to get up to go to the beach and watch the first wod of the day, getting in that late and the beach being almost 40min away WITHOUT traffic, we decide to just take our time getting ready then head to the Home Depot Center to catch some of the first Affiliate wod. I was grinning from ear-to-ear the second I walked in the HDC. I felt like a kid in a candy store with all the other CrossFitters, tent city, the stadium set up for the next wod, the cheering, the swag, the everything. It's something every CrossFitter should experience at least once.

You thought it was inspiring to watch the people compete at regionals...but Oh.My.Gosh. these athletes are SO inspiring. All the hard work they've put into their training to compete at that level is fascinating. It was also inspiring/emotional to watch the events when there was an athlete struggling to get that bar up and to finish the wod, and the other athletes and the crowd were behind them to help them get over that hurdle and give them the confidence they CAN and WILL do it. Annie Sakamoto was definitely one of the most inspirational females, her tiny little thing lifting those weights...sheesh! One of my other favorite parts was Rob Orlando's show he put on during the rope climb/C&J event, glad his spirits were still up after the first wod and that he made the best of the situation. I could talk forever about being there just one day. Next year I hope to make it the entire weekend!

Saturday mom and I visited one of her old high school friends that lives in San Diego. We toured around town and went to lunch and then did some hiking. Every trip I've been going on lately gives me thoughts about wanting to move and see what else is out there. I feel so sheltered in McHenry and I feel like I'm missing out on so much. Maybe one day I'll get out of there, but for now I need to focus on the job/new degree situation.

Sunday we drove back to LA in the morning to catch a 12:30 flight. I was hoping to make it back to the HDC for the first events of the day, but wasn't really possible with a 2.5 hr drive from San Diego. Regardless, this was a much needed little getaway. Wish it was longer, but mom and I had a great time.

Strentgh: Snatch 3-2-2-1-1-1 25kg-30kg-35kg-40kg-45kg-50kgfail-48.5kgfail

I'm stuck. Every time I go to work on the snatch, I can't get past my 48kg PR. A few weeks ago when I tried this on a Saturday I could get 50 up, but couldn't lock out my shoulders to stand it up. I dropped under it, got it overhead, but no lock out. The last two times including today, I was so out in front I couldn't even get it overhead. Then I tried 48.5, just to PR, but nothing. I almost had it, it was overhead, but too out in front so I couldn't hold it up to stand it up. I have a problem from being out in front and forward from the beginning of the movement. I need to keep my bar path tighter, and some how almost jump backwards to make sure I stay back. Every part of this movement is forward to me which just throws me off balance and can't get it. So my next steps are to start focusing on breaking down the snatch piece by piece. Saturday I think I'm going to work on some snatch balances, to start off with.

5 rounds of:
50 double unders
12 pull-ups

Bill came up to me after this one and said "your double unders looked pretty hard today". Well, basicall I should've have done the double unders to begin with. With my foot issue I've been having, pretty sure it's Plantar fasciitis, I should've subed the DU's. BUT along with my foot issue, I haven't been eating all that well the last few weeks, so I can definitely start to feel the effects of that. I just felt super sluggish and off and the DU's just wore me out. However, there were quite a few times during the DU's, I just stopped becuase of my foot. So I should probably stay away from those for a few days. I was hoping my new CF kicks would magically get rid of the problem! :) The pull-ups were a struggle as usual. I would get sets of 3-4 to start then it would be 1's and 2's the rest of the way. Between the humidity making the bar all slippery and my lack of confidence in stringing more together, it was a rough one. Good news was I didn't tear my hands, and I was absolutely ecstatic about that!!

Cash-out: 3 x max ring dips on the purple band 7/7/7, then a bunch of rolling on my foot and stretching/mobility later on.

So here's to getting back on track with the diet after a few too many slip ups and getting back in action. Not worth feeling like crap all the time and especially during a wod! And here's to taking the first step tonight to make change happen! :)

1 comment:

Steph said...

you can do it hun! :) I'm right there with you getting back on track myself!