Thursday, May 10, 2012

4 days in a row...

It's been really hard to concentrate at work lately. I just have no motivation to be there.. two weeks from today, we'll be on our way to North Carolina for a mini vacay and I can't freaking wait!

OHS 5-5-5+

Loved seeing these for strength. We've barely worked these and it's a refresher from all the back squat and front squat work. The last set I really wanted to get 10 reps, but my wrists weren't having any of it. I tried to stabilize, but I droped the bar because my wrists were hurting too bad. ugh. Worked on getting full depth on all these reps, ass to ankle. I catch every snatch at the bottom, so I might as well work that depth here!

16:00 Amrap of:
15 ball slams (30/20)
200m run
30 Double Unders

I don't know if it was the fact that this was my 4th day in a row, but after the second round I was beat. I felt like this was going to be a hard earned workout, but I was shooting for near 8 rounds. ALL 7 rounds of my double unders were unbroken. That was awesome!  Same with ball slams.  My runs were pretty sluggish. I used that as my rest to get back in there and crank out my du's. Hoping my runs will pick up, they've been pretty slow lately.

cash out: 5 turkish get ups each side with 35# kb. then 3 x 4 dead hangs with red band.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Free for a Month

Spring semester is finished and I'm free until June 4th. I finished with an A and  B, I'm really happy with that since A&P is a pretty difficult course. I'll be taking the second half of that class this summer in an 8 week class, so it's going to be tough! But I'm ready for it. After my brain was fried from a 200 question final Monday night, I headed to the gym.

Our Strength and Wod were combined, and this is what it was:
Push Press 5-5-5+
Jerk 3-3-3-3-3 (work up to a have triple)
PP: 85-95-105(10 reps - i think?)

Haven't worked push press in awhile, so I wasn't really sure how accurate my 125 srm was. But I went with it anyway. Last few reps on the 5+ set were kind of ugly and I felt it in my back. Definitely didn't keep my core tight enough.

Wasn't sure how far to push it with the Jerks since I just got 145 a few weeks ago as my srm. And my arms were a little tired from the PP. But 125 felt pretty good and I felt like I could go up a few more pounds. The last rep at 130 I came out front, so I had B clean it and I repeated that rep. But I felt good overall.


Strength: Back Squat 5-5-5+ (base #s off 90% of TM. TM=176)

I was a little delayed in starting my strength as I was talking to someone about the gym, so I had to rush through these sets. Hips are tight as usual, mom helped me with some stretching after. Gonna try to do that every day and see how that helps.

3 Rounds for time of:
400m Row
10 Push ups
400m run
10 Pull ups

I actually underestimated this one. I forgot that the reps of 10 would be rather quick, so this would be more of a cardio workout. Which is something I needed. My pull-ups have been struggling lately, but I've added in extra work on dead hangs again, so they improved during this one. The first set was unbroken, second was 5-3-1-1, third was 5-2-2-1. I was pretty stoked with my first set, so I was hoping to do the same for the last two rounds. I fell short, but there's improvement. The row and push-ups gassed my quads like no other, so that slowed down my runs. However, I'm glad I finished this around 16.5 min!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Cupcakes and Cocktails

Thursday was a pretty rough day. Dragging from the lack of sleep and just a bunch of shit going on. Maybe one day something will work out.

I went in a little early to establish a new 1RM on floor press since I couldn't do it today because of school.

I remember going for the 1RM last time I did this, like well over a year ago and my pr was like 1# for 113#. It was rather depressing. So I was pretty ecstatic to see a 12# PR at 125!

Strength: Front Squat 5-5-5 65%-70%-75% (based numbers off of 170#)

Even though I set my 1RM as 160 last week, I felt like I could've had 165 and Kelly's numbers were off of 170, so I just went with those weights. They actually felt pretty good. My hips don't feel as tight/bad during the front squat. I still can't figure that out. But overall, all three sets felt good. I really tried to hit the bottom of the hole and drive from there. Since that's where I catch my clean, I might as well work from there...

5 Rounds for time of:
20 Wall ball shots (20/14)
20 Sit-ups

This wod was pretty much made for me. Wall balls are easy for me all sets were unbroken. Sit-ups were all unbroken.  Feel like I've been kind of slow on those lately, so I need to get some more core work in!

Cash Out
5-5-5 Dead hang Pull-ups (blue-blue-red)
5-5-5 ring dips (purple)
*alternate movements

Feel like my pull-ups have been a struggle lately, so I'm trying to incorporate more dead hangs in again. I need to start utilizing the bar/band at home too!  Ring dips actually felt really good, I need to start doing some holds and just practicing without the band. I'm determined to get those in a wod soon!

After everything, it was Hannah's Birthday so we celebrated with these cupcakes, they were pretty delish. It was like a one and done kind of cupcake, you were satisfied after having one and didn't over indulge! And Kelly brought a bottle of wine since we both had rather frustrating days!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Snatchy Tuesday

This girl is struggling to stay awake this week. Definitely not getting the sleep I need. I had a Anatomy and Physiology lab final yesterday, so the 3 nights prior....I was up until midnight and getting up at 5. That equals major death for this chick. Can't wait for Monday at 7pm, then I will have a month off of school to relax. Bring on the last two finals!

Tuesday's Strength: Back squat 5-5-5-5 (60%-70%-75%-75%)

So even though I didn't actually PR last week on my BS, I knew I could get that 195 if my head was in the right place. So this week I based my numbers off the 195#. My hips are still outrageously tight and I felt my back lose it a little bit. Hoping I can get that EMS machine from Dan soon and loosen all that up! And hopefully now that I'l have a month break coming up, I can focus a lot more on mobility!

5 Rounds for time of:
7 Snatches (full depth) 75# --> used 85#
200 m sprint
1:00 Rest
Round 1: 2:30, Round 2: 2:20, Round 3: 2:14. Round 4: 2:06, Round 5: 2:17
Total with rest: 15:27

Original weight was supposed to be 95# for girls, but B decided to move it down to 75. I knew 75# would be too easy but I thought 95 would be a little bit much. Especially after last weeks wod where I went up to 95#. I think 85# was the perfect fit. I failed 2 reps out of the 35. Third rep in the first round and last rep in the last round. I re-did both of those, both of them I were out in front. about 95% of the snatches felt great, the bar felt like and I was dropping under quickly. I'd like to try this one again in a few months with 95#. The sprints were more of a rest and not really a sprint, my quads were smoked. Hannah and I were litterally neck and neck with every rep this entire workout and finished the same time. I'm glad she was there and pushed me a little more with being neck and neck.

Cash out:
20 GHD sit-ups
20 GHD hip extensions
20 GHD back extensions

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

More downs than ups...

Last week was a rough week for me in the gym. It sucks that I feel like I've been making some great progress and then 1RM week comes and shit hits the fan.  My back wasn't feeling all that great, so that didn't help either! Along with my mind being in 50 different places at wasn't exactly an ideal week to max out.

Monday started with Back squat.  Old 1RM is 190, I was hoping for 200. All day I was thinking about that 200, but never felt the confidence to get it. So really I just shoudl've stayed home and not even tried. I got 195 half way up, but couldn't finish the lift. Called it quits and did the wod in a bad mood. Never a good combination.

Tuesday was press. I find this to be THE hardest movement to PR on. It's pure strength, no technique involved. It sucks.  I got 95# last October. I couldn't even get that on Tuesday. At least I was laughing about it that day and wasn't pissed. One of these days I'll get to 100#....I think I'm going to add in some Press strength on my own in hopes of that helping...(Bear any suggestions?)

Thursday was supposed to be weighted dead hang pull-up and max effort unbroken kipping. But since I missed Wednesday's Front Squat 1RM becuase of school, I did that instead. Was determined to get a PR since the week was off to a bad start. I wanted to at least end it on a good note. Old PR was 155 and got 160. I probably could've gotten 165, but was happy with a PR and didn't want to end on a fail if I couldn't get it. So I was happy, but it was short lived once Jer came over and made note of how he destroyed me and with Bear making note of it on FB. My efforts felt pretty worthless.  Then I did the wod which was all legs, 200m sprint, box jumps and thrusters. The first rounds of bj's were awful, my legs felt like they weighed 300# each! But it was a good one nonetheless.

Sunday I went in to open hour to work on DL that I missed on Friday. I was worried about my back so I knew this wasn't going to go as well as I wanted. I wanted 250, old 1RM is 243. But once I got to 235 and it was an ugly lift, I knew 250 was far away. I tried it though, basically stood next to the bar attempted, got like a cm off the ground and was like not worth. Did the same with 245. So I called it quits before I did anything stupid. And moved onto Grace!

Last time I did Grace was after the Life AsRX competition in October and my back was roasted then so it took me nearly 6 min, i think it was 5:43 or something. And prior to that I had never done the actual 95#, it's always been 40kg which is 88#. and that 7# difference is quite the difference. But this time I went through it RX'd in 3:35. I was happy with that. My quads were on fire. I did the first 7 tap and go, then 3, then it was a mix of singles. just dropping the bar and following it down and picking it right back up.

Then Kelly and I decided to do Josh's Hero/Suicide Wod as a team s ince we both wanted to do a little more but not smoke ourselves. took us like 17:06,

Yesterday I went to the gym after school. Only 4 more classes left and the semester is over. I can't wait!
Strength Power Snatch + OHS 1+1x7 @65-75%, I used 85# and actually did 8 rounds.

Really focused on a deadlift than a quick pull from the pockets. I tend to rush the bottom of the lift which makes me jump forward. I'm glad it was power today since I have to drop to the bottom of the squat for this lift all the time. This really made me focus on a quick turnover and landing above parallel. OHS was full depth, I was shortening it before Bear told me to go lower. Which makes sense, since that's where I catch everything and need to work from the hole!

4 rounds FT:
20 walking lunges  (I added a womens bar over head)
10 C2D push ups
5 Ring dips  (purple band)

Saw Hannah add the bar over head in the class before me and I thought that was a good idea to add some core work into it. Sheesh that smoke my shoulders though.  Made the push ups and ring dips much harder than they already are.  Ring dips were by far the hardest part for me on these. Really need to start working on these more....I need more time in my life.