Sunday, August 7, 2011

Old habits came back...

This past week has been anything but easy and an extreme emotional roller coaster. I'm pretty disappointed to say that I have resorted back to old horrible habits of emotional eating here and there. A little dark chocolate here, then some cookie cake and ice cream at a 3 yr old's birthday party, then some brownie at another's all starting to add up. And I'm really starting to feel and look like shit. There are so many emotions running through me right now and I reallllllly need to find that spark I had to lose the weight before and get rid of my emotions in a healthier way. This is just pathetic and I'm rather ashamed that I'm even writing about this happening. Tomorrow is a new day, time to start over again. So sick of saying that. Why can't I just stick with this?!

Because of the emotional week I had, I decided to take a personal day on Friday. I was mentally and physically exhausted and just couldn't get myself to even consider going into work. So I took a day off. I took care of some stuff in order to start classes, then went to a birthday party, then worked out, coached and had a softball game. It of course went by way to fast, unlike the days I work...

Friday Strength: Overhead squat : 6-4-3-2-1-1 30kg-36kg-42kg-48kg-54kg-62kgPR

Super excited to get a PR on this. Took 3 tries to get it locked out overhead, but I stuck it on the third try and made a successful lift! :)

WOD: 8 rounds for total reps of:
:20 SDHP (35/25)
:10 rest
:20 Push Press
:10 rest
171 reps

I forgot how much tabata catches up to you and how quickly it does. 8:00 seems like nothing, but phew does it get tough. The trick is working through the entire :20 and getting that bar racked before the time is called to start. I was pretty happy with the end result of this.

Saturday Oly Class, I worked on some snatch balance up to 40kgs and some muscle snatches with just the bar.

Team Saturday
In teams of two
AMRAP in 5:00 of:
row for cals *only 20 pulls per person at a time
1:00 rest
AMRAP in 5:00 of:
10 ball slams (30/20)
10 Toes to bar
1:00 Rest
AMRAP in 5:00 of:
21 double unders
7 burpees

91 cal/ 8 rounds/ 9rounds +12reps = 521 reps

I was partnered up with Pete. I knew he would push me, so I was excited to be paired up with him. On the rower we just switched back and forth with 20 pulls each. We started the second AMRAP with me doing all the ball slams and him doing the T2B, then we switched it to 5 and 5 ball slams then 3-3-2-2 on the T2B. Third AMRAP we started with me doing all the DU's and him the burpees, then we traded with DU's and me 3 burpees him 4. We both surprised each other when I would finish the DU's unbroken he would be like "already?!" then he would do the burpees and I would have the same response! haha. It was a great workout though and in the end we came out with the victory! :)

Cashed out with some ring dips on the purple band 6/6/7.

So AGAIN, here's to a new week and a new start. Time to get my shit together, so I don't feel and look like shit. blah!

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