Friday, April 20, 2012

Press and Couplet

I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. But sometimes it's hard not to question WTF, why?!  It's been a rough couple of days emotionally, but we'll get through this. Yesterday's constant support on Facebook was so overwhelming, but kept a smile on my face all day.

Press: 4-4-4-4-4 @ 80% of 1RM - 76#

Not much to say here. Press is a hard movement. I haven't increased my press in over a year. hopefully that'll change next week..

5 rounds for time of:
10 Push Press 65#
40 Double unders


-My goal was under 6:00...I beat that by one second! :)
-All push presses were unbroken, never dropped the bar.
-First round of double unders unbroken, second and third were 25-15, fourth and fifth were pretty spastic.
-Got me breathing heavy and the shoulders were smoked

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Being Positive Makes a Difference

Tuseday was another long day at work. But I've been finding out more news about paths I can take with nursing, and I only have a couple things left before I can apply to the school. So I'm getting really excited. There IS a light at the end of the tunnel!!

I'm not gonna lie, when I first saw today's workout in the google doc, I was dreading every minute of it. 30 HSPU in a's like my worst nightmare lately....

Strength: Back squat 5(60%)-5(65%)-5(70%)-5(75%)

It's de-load week, prepping for next week! Just like yesterday with the OHS there would be a couple reps where I would just lose the tightness in my core and the rep would be hard fought. as long as I keep everything tight, I'm good to go. The one thing I want to get un-tight are my hips. Hoping this doesn't hurt me next week. Lots of leg mobility this week!

800m run
400m run
200m run
*used a 25# plate and ab mat

GAH! Right before we started the wod, I told Chris I was aiming for 5 HSPU a round. If I was able to do that, I would be very happy. Came in from the first run around 4:15, definitely not an all out sprint, but good enough. I was pretty much delaying the HSPU! Got to the wall and busted out 2 kipping HSPU. I was like hmm, ok, this might go better than expected. Then it was 2 more then 1's the rest of the way. Once I got to 5, and I felt pretty good about them, I decided I was going for 10 every round. There was no looking back after getting the 10 in the first round.

I knew they would be hard fought in the later rounds. But I wasn't going to give up. I wasn't going to let that negativity and hatred for HSPU seep into my head. I've been making strong improvements in the last few weeks, so I wouldn't let this bring me down if I struggled with it.

However, to my surprise, I only had like 3 or 4 failed attempts during the entire workout. Where I went to kip up, but just couldn't get up more than an inch. The last few workouts with HSPU have been absolute torture. But I removed those from my mind and just focused on the task at hand and stayed positive. The mental game is like 90% of the battle. You think you can't do it, well shit, you aren't going to do it. You tell yourself you're going to do it and you're sure as shit going to do it!

When I was done with the wod, I stayed to cheer on Kelly and Alex. We all struggle with HSPU's, well some of us, so every support you can get, dramatically helps! So as much as I hate HSPU, I'm glad they've been coming up more often in workouts! After the wod, I decided to try regionals standards...HOLY CRAP is it a huge difference. It doesn't look like a major difference, but geez. One day I will get there! :)

I'm hoping how great I've been feeling in the gym and the improvements I've been seeing there lately, transfer over to some weight loss. That's been a struggle for sure, but I know all the added stress in my life doesn't help. The gym keeps me going and fighting through all the 'suck' in life, so I'm especially thankful for that.

Praying for some good news or plan of attack today...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Love me some OHS!

Definitely had a case of the Monday's. Did not want to get out of bed and go to work at all. But looked forward to getting to the gym to work on some OHS! It's been since October, I believe, that we really worked these in strength, so I was eager to get after it.

Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3
*Find a heavy 3RM
*Worked off old PR back in October of 140#

bar(5)-55(3)-85(3)-95(3)-105(3)-115(3)-125(3)-135(3)-145(1) PR

Since it was Monday night, I got to the gym later after class around 7:20. Mom always comes late so I have someone to workout with and to my surprise Hannah hadn't worked out yet either. So I was happy to have her there, so we could feed off each others strength! :)

The OHS doesn't make me feel the tightness in my hips nearly as much as in FS and BS. I have no idea why, but I'm ok with it. My shoulders felt a little sore from Sunday's workout, so I really had to get those warmed up.

I had a hard time figuring out where to go with the weights because my 1rm was from so long ago, so I looked at the board and kind of followed Cannon's+ 1/2. On my set of 135, I felt really great. I kind of lost tightness in my core on the second rep so I was a litle wobbly, but once I regained control, I felt really good.

Here is where I debated forever on what to do. Do I go for a new 1rm or continue with a heavy 3rm. First approach to 135, I couldn't jerk it up because I was still debating what to do. After seeing Hannah get 150 x3, I was like um, you're going for 3 on this set. Got the 135 up and got 3 reps out. This felt awesome since my old 1rm was 140.

After that, I decided to go for 145 for one. I just jerked 145 as my 1rm on Friday, so I knew this was going to be the most difficult part. Took me to my 3rd attempt to get it up. Regained my stability, butt and hips back, stood it up and threw it down. I'm really excited to see how far I've come on these, but sad that my jerk is going to be my limiting factor here. I know I can squat it, just need to get it up. Must get stronger overhead!

Great night at Prevail! Mom and Hannah did an amazing job, love lifting with the ladies! :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

2 days 2 PR's!

Lots to catch up on again. I'll be writing about 3 days worth of wods!'s just so hectic.

Thursday - front squats were our strength. Tight hips...go figure.

WOD: "Helen"
3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 KB swings 35#
12 pull-ups

-My previous time back in August was 11:30, so my one and only goal was to beat that time. I was hoping for around 11 minutes, but knew I would really have to push it. My first run was probably my best 400m run in almost ever at 1:40, second and third runs were definitely slower.
-All KB swings were unbroken every round. Third round my back started to tighten up, so I was glad it was almost over.
-Pull-ups, sucked. We haven't done too many wods with pull-ups lately so these were definitely rusty. The first round I did 3 sets of 4 and the second and third round was a mix of 3's, 2's and 1's.
-15 second PR...I'll take it.

Friday: Went to CF VisOne over lunch with a co-worker that goes there. I've been wanting to go for awhile, and plus, it was a nice long break from work! :)

Press 5x5 45-55-65-75-80
-Debated on my last set being 85 or 80 given that my 1RM is 95. I'm glad I went with 80 since the last 2 reps were hard faught.

Push Press 3x5 75-85-95-105-110
-Haven't done push press as strength for a long time, so it was hard to figure out what weights to use for these sets. My old 1RM from almost a year ago is 120.
-Felt really strong on these and probably should've finished at 115 or 120 for the last set.
-I thought these sets would really tire me out once I got to the Jerk, but felt great going into it.

Push Jerk (could use split) 1x5 95-105-115-125-135-140-145PR-150fail
-In the past I have absolutely despised this movement every time it came up. Mainly because my shoulder were give me issues. But I've been givinig it a new approach!
-I remembered how much I struggled to get 140 up the last time, so I was eager to get it again.
-Was going to finish at 135 because of time, but Brandon said hell no, it looked too easy.
-140 went up with ease, felt super light. Again he said you aren't stopping there.
-145, failed the first attempt, my right arm was a little loose and just didn't lock out.
-145 second attempt, went up with ease again, and Brandon said it looked easier than the 140.
-150 it is...made an attempt, didn't feel right, so I caught it in the rack position and tried again. Got it over head but was weak on the lock out. I think at this point I was starting to fatigue.
-150 is happening in the VERY near future! :)

Sunday: Oly and Team wod.
I've been an extreme funk/state of depression the last week. Lots going on in life and in my head and I just can't escape it... But I was deteremined to go in and get a workout in. I was coaching, so I wasn't sure if I would be able to jump in or stay after. Kristina has been battling this stomach thing for quite awhile, so she offered to takes pics etc. during the team.

I worked on some cleans during the open hour. I probably shouldn't have because my head was not in the right place. And given that I haven't really worked on these in awhile, they felt really off.

Team WOD:
Teams of 3, complete:
2,500 m Row
200 walking lunges
150 Box jumps (24/20)
100 burpees
400 m team run
100 burpees
150 box jumps
200 walking lunges
2,500 m row.
*2 people work at a time except on the rows and run
*must complete one movement before moving to the next
*Teamed up with Kristy and Colin

I came up with this wod and I knew it would be quite a long one. CT and B both agreed that it would be a god one and we should do it. But I also got many middle fingers and "I hate yous" from them during the wod.

I was afraid this would get kind of monotonous with so few movements, but I think it went pretty well. I never really got bored with it.

The box jumps coming off the walking lunges were ridiculously hard. My legs felt like they weighed 100# each. I biffed it on the box 3 times. One I completele biffed and landed on my stomach on the box and I have no idea how!

Over all it was a great wod, one of those you just have to keep moving and pushing yourself. Just gotta push past the suck. I'm glad I got to take part in my torture! :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Here we go again

Haven't updated since Friday. Crazy busy and kind of been an emotional wreck and taking it out by snacking on too many apple chips, beef jerky and dark chocolate. blah. I wish I could fix everything with my magic wond and make everything better. :(

Saturday after clinical, I headed to the gym and did a quick wod that was originally programmed for Wednesday this week.

For time:
75 Burpee lateral barrier hops
50 AbMat Situps
25 Supermans

I originally thought of Open Wod 12.1 and guessed it would take me around 6 minutes to complete the burpees. The lateral hop adds to the difficulty of these compare to just jumping up and touching something 6 inches above your reach. I was just about dead on and finished them in 6:19. I could easy transition to the next burpee when I jumped left, but not when I was going right. Weird. Rest of the workout was a walk in the park and finished this one in 8:12.

Strength: Back Squat 5(60%)-3(70%)-2(80%)-2(90%)-1(95%)

Like usual, the hips felt pretty tight today. So I was constantly rolling on the ball between sets. I didn't warm up as much as I normall do, so these sets definitely felt heavy.

5 Rounds of:
7 Clean and Jerks 95#
250 M row
(stair climbs before and after each row to get to the rower.)

I really enjoyed this one today. Another one where you just have to keep moving. My reps weren't tap and go on the clean and jerks. But when I dropped them, I made sure to follow the bar down and get right after the next rep. My shoulder felt pretty good during these, so I was happy with that too. Made sure to keep my back tight so I didn't feel any pain there either!
I took the first two rows a little too easy, but the last 3 were all out sprints.

Good Mornings 8-8-8-8 53#-63#-73#-83#
Negative Pull-ups (10 count descent) 3-3-3-3
*Alternate sets

haven't really done good mornings, so I wasn't going for anything heavy. Really focused on not losing my back and keeping it tight. Transitioned to the bar and boy are these difficult. Most of them were more in the 5 second range...not 10. Definite room for improvement!

Since today's wod was changed and was the one I did on Saturday. I decided to go ahead and do what was now Wednesday's wod.

4 Rope Climbs (15ft)
15 Deadlifts 130#
3 Rope Climbs
12 Deadlifts
2 Rope Climbs
9 Deadlifts
1 Rope Climb
6 Deadlifts


My simple goal through this was to get as far up the rope as possible every round. I just recently got my first rope climb, mainly because I was too chicken to try. So getting anywhere above 10 ft, I was happy. haha. My hands and biceps were smoked from the climbs. I probably got in the 12-15 ft range every climb, so I was satisfied with that. Deads were easy, made sure to keep the back tight and was good to go.

Now, I have like 50 bruises up and down my right leg. I love this sport.

Friday, April 6, 2012


Last couple days have been pretty good. I've been feeling a lot better. I decided today, that if I worked 4 days a week and had one day off to sleep in, I would be a much happier person! I felt so great waking up this morning after sleeping 10.5 hours!! So refreshed.

Yesterday at the gym we did front squats for strength and a wod with rowing and box jumps. Squats felt a little tight again, so I was rolling on the ball a lot between sets. The tightness makes me descend a lot slower which makes it harder for me to get out of the whole. Hoping I can get my hammies and hips a lot less tight by the time 1rm week comes! Wod felt good, tried to go hard during the rows and pace it on the box jumps to prevent injuries.

Today was a pure strength day at the gym. After a little longer warm up it was time to establish a new single rep max on the snatch. This is definitely my favorite lift. It's just awesome how quick of a movement it is and how some people can lift some crazy weights over head!

I was a little nervous going into this because I've barely worked on this movement since February. The open wod 12.2 was really the last time I got a lot of reps in. So I took a lot of time warming up with the bar and going through progressions. My goal was to get somewhere between 116-120. My last PR was 115 and I remember the rush I had after that! ugh, what a feeling.

I did quite a few warm up sets, started with 55 then went to 65-75-85-95-105-110-117. I originally jumped from 105 to 117 and I was struggling a little bit. With that I decided to move down to 110 to get some confidence with going under the bar. I really have no problem dropping under the bar, as everyone knows. My problem is activating my shoulders and getting that bar locked out over head.

I took two more attempts at 117 and I was thiiiiiiis close. I was just a little soft in the shoulders, but enough that I couldn't stand it. So I went after it one more time, dropped super fast under the bar and had it locked out. Got myself stable and stood it up. Was a little shaky standing it up, so I made sure I held it standing for a few seconds, threw it to the ground and jumped for joy! :)

So glad to have the Berry's there lifting with me this morning and getting little tips from Bear and Brandon. Great morning at the gym. I love pure lifting days! :) Holler!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Small Steps

I forgot to blog about Tuesday's training session. So here it is.

I got to the gym a little early, so I decided to go for about a 1.25 mile run for a warm up to get my legs going. Defintely didn't go all out, just a nice smooth pace. Then I did a bunch of mobility on my legs and 30 wall balls.

Back Squat 5 (70%)-5(80%)-3(85%)-2(90%)-1(100%)
5xbar - 5x83#- 5x133#-5x153#-3x163#-2x171#-1x190#

After my massage from Heather last week, my hips feel a little less tight. She said my hammies are super tight and that may be the reason my hips are so tight and hitting depth in the squat gets painful. So I've been making sure to roll out my hammies a lot more lately and it seems to be helping.

I think this is the best I've felt squatting in awhile. Depth was really easy to achieve and the bar didn't feel super heavy. Now that my hips are starting to feel better, I can descend a little faster and smoother than before and get out of the hole better. My right knee tends to come in a bit on the initial ascend, but I quickly adjust and push it out.

The 190# at my PR weight felt really good, looking forward to SRM in a couple weeks!

4 Rounds of:
10 Power Cleans (135/95)


So HSPU have been the evil goat lately for me. During the first round of HSPU I asked B if I could do 3 per round instead of 5, because I felt like that would be more of a realistic chance for me. I got the 3 in the first round and went straight to the bar. The cleans felt somewhat heavy because we haven't really worked this movement lately. Between the Open and my class on Saturday, I definitely haven't been getting in the Oly work I want.

Second round I got 2 HSPU and struggled to get the third. After A LOT of attempts, I got the third. Went to the cleans and felt good. At this point, I didn't care about my time, I was just going at it to try and get the HSPU.

Third round, got the first HSPU, then struggled like no other. I probably spent a good 3 minutes at least here. B tried helping me with my form and said it looks 100 times better. My lack of upper body strength for my body weight is what comes into play here. So I went to the bar and did the cleans.

Fourth round, got the first HSPU again and once again struggled like no other on the last 2. I somehow squeezed out a second after countless attempts. Then more attempts, I couldn't get the third. So I decided to do the cleans then go back to the wall, and somehow, got it on the first try.

While this is still frustrating how difficult HSPU are for me, I'm happy with how that went. Sounds pathetic, but I'm feeling more comfortable with that position and the kip. More tripod work to build the core and upper body work!

Yesterday, we finished our cleanse. It was the first day that I was absolutely starving!! And whenever someone talked about food I just wanted to eat it all. haha. But I was good. I stuck to the cleanse as I was supposed to and got some great results. Didn't do my measurements this morning because I didn't have time, but probably will tomorrow. However, I did lose 5.5 pounds. I know it's mostly water weight, but I feel better. I feel less bloated and frumpy. Now is the time to make smart decisions and not eff it all up on the weekends. Here's to staying positive! :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

2k row 1k run

Slacked on the blog last week, but there wasn't much to post.

Started a new cleanse/diet on Monday. Alicia, Mom, Hannah and I are doing it and keeping each other on track. hoping this helps get of the plateau we've been on and can get where we want.

Strength: Press 3-3-3-3-3 @ 85% of 1RM - used 83# (which is more like 89% of 1Rm, didn't want to switch weights since I was sharing a bar, 85% would've been 80.5#)

-Press needs work, so I decided to just go up to the same weight as Julie, whom I was sharing a bar with.
-Definitely heavy, and a couple of the sets were ugly.
-Such a simple yet difficult lift, must get stronger.

2K row - 8:21
2K run - approx 5:45

-Decided not to go all out on the row and just pace myself. Stayed around 2:05-2:10/500m and about 26-28 s/m
-Sped up the last 250m, but didn't want to smoke my legs for the run
-Started my run probably close to 8:50-8:55 after slowly getting off the rower, walking down the stairs and across the gym.
-Went hard, but definitely not a sprint, my breathing was really off.
-Went back to run with mom and she ran about 200+m extra than she had too. Scared me shitless since I couldn't see her and thought she was on the ground. ugh.
-So I got in about 1.25 miles of running tonight.

-liked the pure cardio work today, nice way to ease into the week after being sore from Sunday and starting the cleanse.

Last night was kind of an eye opening/depressing night. I took pictures in the same bikini I was taking pics in since I started CF, but the last time I took pics in it was last April. That's when I won the BBC at Fire, and I really leaned out. Comparing them to the ones I took last night just made me cry. I know I've put on more muscle, but yuck. I have a long way to go and I hope I can get out of this hole and find whatever I had in me last spring to get there. I know a lot has changed since then, i.e. school, jer's health, etc. but I don't know...trying to stay positive...