Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Little bit better start to the week yesterday. After a good talk, I'm feeling better and back on track. Some people will never understand the struggle, but I know there are many people that do. So I just have to remind myself I'm not alone and it's all good.

Yesterday's Speed work was 3 Press' @ 60% of my 1RM on the minute for 7:00. I used 25kg.

I was a little nervous my shoulder would start to act up during this, but to my surprise it didn't. I felt like my speed from my shoulders to overhead was very good. Hopefully this will help me get over the 42kg hump...

3 rounds for time of:
400m run
21 kb swings (24/16)
12 pull-ups

Again, I was a little nervous about this given how awful things have been the last few weeks. Between my diet, stress, not sleeping well etc. But again to my surprise, I PR'd by 28 seconds! I didn't even bother looking at my old time, to really figure out what I needed to beat, but I remembered it being around the 12:00 mark, and it was 11:58. So I was pretty ecstatic to see that I still made progress. But that's no exception to continue the way I have. So it's been back on track with the diet and talking through my stresses, and I'm starting to feel like myself again! :) Phew

Monday's Eats
Breakfast: 3 eggs, strawberries and blueberries
Lunch: chicken fajitas, just the chicken, peppers, onions and some guac
Snack: some trail mix
Dinner: 3 oz pork tenderloin, some green beans, 1/2 a red potato, and a side salad
Dessert: watermelon

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