Wednesday, August 31, 2011


It's pretty disappointing that I can't make it to the Fort on Monday's because of class. But, that just makes me go harder on Tuesday. Hopefully soon I'll be able to get some work in on Sundays. The last few weeks have been pretty rough emotionally. Right now, I'm just taking it one day at a time, that's really all I can do. And the fact that I have one less day to go to the Fort to releave some stress and emotions, kind of sucks. Just trying to stay afloat.

Tuesday's Speed: 2 Snatches @ 60% of 1RM on the minute for 10:00. 30kg

I technically was supposed to do 28.8 kg, but I just rounded up 1.2kg. I originally was going to work my full squat under the bar and drop as low as I could every time. But for some reason or another, changed my mind last minute, and just focused on my bar path and staying back on my heels. I also tried to focus on my overhead position and making sure I didn't throw the bar too far back.

5 rounds of:
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang power cleans
6 Jerks (70kg men/50kg women) - I used 40 kg

I think some people were really expecting me to go with the Rx'd weight on this. Normally I'll do the prescribed weight, but 50kg is heavy. I probably could've done this workout at 50kg, but more than likely it would've taken me at least 16:00-17:00. First let's take a look back at the two times I've done this in the past....

September 3, 2010 at 25kg 9:00
December 28, 2010 at 30kg 7:16

um can you say improvement?! Almost a year ago, I did this wod 15kg lighter and it took me 35 seconds less. THAT is crazy. I'd say I've gotten a bit stronger in the last year. When I did this back in December, I went a little lighter than I probably wanted to, but I know I did because that was a few short weeks after "louis" appeared and I was taking it easy. But adding 5 kg, I respectively dropped almost 2 full minutes.

This time around, I added 10 kg. I could've done 45kg, I could've done 50kg, but I chose to go with 40kg. Was I being a chicken, was I staying in my comfort zone, was I not pushing myself? I don't think so. I think I was being smart my current hang power clean PR is 56kg, this is old, but still what I currently have, my Jerk is 60kg, my deadlift is 105, but I wasn't worried about that. I wanted to gauge my progress at 40kg, plain and simple. I know this wod will come up again in the future, or I can do it on my own sometime in the future to gauge my progress again. I was simply getting a time so that I have a goal for next time. There's no reason to go through this at 50kg and take 17:00 just to get on the whiteboard. I don't really care, all I wanted was a benchmark for myself.

I'm happy I stuck with 40kg. I was able to keep proper form throughout the wod. I could feel my back in the 5th round tighten up and that's what slowed me down in that round. That right there alone, confirmed that going at 40kg was just the right load. Good WOD and great to see everyone push themselves through 5 round yesterday. SUPER proud of all you guys! :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011


There's not question about it....last week was a terribly long week. Each day I was home for no more than an hour at night to eat, pack my food for the next day, shower, then go to bed. But hey, that's what I got myself into, so I'm going to have to deal with it.

Friday's Strength: 2 OHS @ 60% of 1RM (37.5kg) OTM for 10:00

Here I was working on driving through those heels again and trying not to come up onto my toes/balls of my feet. I also tried to keep my feet a little more forward than turned out.

30 Clean & Jerks (40kg)

The last time we did this back in February I got 4:00 even. My goal this time was to strictly beat that. I tried my best not to rest at all, but the fact that I would just drop the bar instead of keep my hands on it and follow it down then right back up caused me some time. I also lost a but of time when I failed the 29th clean (just stupid). But I got right back up and finished with a 34 second PR. I'll take it! Next time, shooting for under 3:00!

Friday night I was able to enjoy dinner with some friends. We haven't been able to all get together in awhile, so it was a nice evening. I was absolutely exhausted by the end of the night, but it was great!

Saturday morning was hard to get up. I was considering sleeping in and not going to Oly class. Instead I got up and made my way to the Fort. Decided to work on my heavy cleans. My shoulders were destroyed from this week, so these were just uncomfortable. I couldn't even get my elbows around for a 60kg clean. ugh.

Team Saturday was a good one and quite a few people showed up. The wod was:

In teams of 2 complete 1 round for time:
20 pulls on the rower (each)
X wall ball shots (14#) 74 reps
30 Overhead Squats (25kg)
2Y double unders 150 reps
40 Burpees
Z Power Snatches (25kg) 102 reps

*1 Person working at a time
*x=100-calories rowed
*y=number of seconds to complete overhead squats
*z=number of seconds to complete burpees


I really enjoyed this WOD. I got to work with "bad" Tiffany. haha, despite the name she is far from bad. This is the second team Saturday I've been able to work with her and the first time was her first team sat! Needless to say in just a few shorts months she's come a long way. We had a good strategy going throughout the wod. I think we were given more reps on the double unders and snatches because Bill didn't hear us right away when we called time, but whatever, extra credit work right? The power snatches destroyed me at the end because my shoulders, but we moved as fast as we could through those. Overall a great workout and was followed by a great breakfast!

Friday, August 26, 2011

FBG Prep Round 2

Been utterly exhausted this week. Every night I've been home for just enough time to eat, pack my food for the next day, shower, then hit the sack. So that's like an hour. Last night I was able to get home a little earlier and enjoy some girl time with mom! It was nice to relax for a liiitle longer.

Thursday's Strength: Thruster 6-4-3-2-1-1 26kg-31.5kg-36.5kg-42kg-47kg-55kgfail-53.5kgfail you know how I say I hate Jerks....well I think thrusters have moved ahead of them. This movement absolutely destroys my shoulders. I felt the pinching even on the first and lightest set at 26kg!!! So freaking annoying. Every set was just uncomfortable and I didn't enjoy any second of it. After the second set I almost just called it quits. I cleaned 55kg then went to stand it but was forward and my elbows were dropped so I just dropped the bar. Got 53.5 almost up, but not enough. Just didn't have it in me and this movement just irritates my shoulders way too much.

WOD: 2 rounds of FGB at 110% of reps from last week with 5:00 rest in between
Wall ball shots - 33 reps
SDHP - 33 reps
Box jumps - 27 reps
Push Press - 22 reps
Row - 16 cals


The first round I was able to push through most of it fairly well. Obviously had some breaks in between. On all the movements I did half the set took a couple breaths then the second set, with the exception of box jumps, those were broken up a lot more. Second round was just awful. I was getting like one or two wall ball shots at a time for a good 10 reps, sdhp was 10-6-4-8-2-3, box jumps were all over, but better than the first round, pp was 11-11 and the rower was just big strong pulls. Definitely tiring, and even more so that I had to coach right after since we ran so late. It's kind of making me nervous for FGB though because I feel like I'm not doing as well as I should be...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mental battle

Every day I search and apply for jobs, I'm constantly reminded why I hate this process. First, there are minimal to no jobs out there. Second, they're all contract. Third, they all want experience. Fourth, you apply and NEVER hear anything back. This I think is by far my biggest frustration with the job application process. You sit there and spend time fixing up your resume, writing a cover letter specific to each job and company, and they don't say a damn word back to you. I've applied to many jobs over the last year and a half, and only a handful have given me any sort of feedback. Normally all you get is a automatic "thanks for your application, expect to hear from us soon" or some crap along those lines. Pretty much it's saying "nice try, you suck, don't expect to hear from us!" It absolutely bothers me that they don't have the decency to in the least bit, send an email saying "thank you for your interest, but we have filled the position, please keep your eye open for future openings." If you filled the position let us know! If you didn't like my application/resume/cover letter, let me know!!! Yes, I understand that a bajillion people apply to these jobs, so critiquing everyone would be hard. But if you have an automated "thank you for applying" repsonse, isn't it just as easy to have a "we filled the position" response?!?! I absolutely hate this processs and feel like I'm never going to escape this place. ugh.

Anyway, now that my rant is over. Because my class has started at CLC, I can't work out on Monday's anymore for a few weeks. Sad face!! Now I'm down to 4 days a week, which, maybe it will be better for my body? I don't know. Stuck in a rut, need to get out.

Tuesday's Strength: 3-3-3 Deadlift 75kg(70% of 1rm) - 85kg(80%)- 95kg(90%)

Deadlifts are feeling good these days...heavy, but good. Don't do them often enough, so they feel heavy, every time we do them! Ever since my back issues came about in march, I've really been focusing on my form with every movement, especially the DL. So I made sure to keep that back tight and my shoulders back.

WOD: 3 Rounds of:
15 pull-ups
15 Front Squats (30kg)
30 Double unders
I think I ended around 8:54

Started the first round of pull-ups as 6-4-5. I was pretty happy with that. To some of you that may sound awful, but for me that's pretty good. Front squats were unbroken and the du's I believe were 15-15. Second round pull-ups were 5-4-3-2-1, front squats I broke into sets of 5, but never dropped the bar, just kept it in the racked positioned. Double unders were 20-10. Third round pull-ups definitely fell off track and were 4-2-2-2-1-1-2-1, Front squats were again sets of 5 but never dropped the bar and du's were 20-9-1. I hate when I slip up on the last du! I was disappointed in how my du's were during this wod and that I couldn't go through more front squats unbroken. I think it was more a mental battle than a physical battle. just need to push through.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Death By C&J

Busy weekend, with no time to update the blog. So what better way to do it on a quick break from work! :) Friday was a great night with softball, then dinner with a great friend - felt good to chat and just relieve some stress, then saw an amazing band play at Corkscrew Pointe. Saturday was a rainy start with a great wod then FINALLY got my new car that I've been patiently waiting for four months! Ugh. I'm so glad I don't have to purchase another car for many years...such a pain in the ass. Then went to dinner with the p's and Jer. A great weekend, but now I'm feeling kind of crummy, sneezing, coughing, stomach ache and head ache = no bueno. Why must I be at work instead of in bed?! On other exciting news, I start class tonight! New chapter of my life starts now, and I'm really excited!!!

Friday's strength: Jerk 3-3-3 42kg-48kg-54kg

Everyone knows how I feel about this lift. But Friday this felt EXTRA heavy. Even the first set felt like a million kgs! yuck. Oh well, got through the 3 sets, last one wasn't too pretty. Really need to work on my split jerk form!

Death by Clean and Jerks (60/40)
*First minute do one C&J, second minute do two C&J
*After failing a round, rest the next minute
*Divide last successful round in half and start from there
*Go for 20:00

Total reps 88

I didn't expect this wod to be THAT hard. I misread the divide part, where I thought you just did the same reps for the rest of the minutes up to 20:00, instead of going 3-4-5-6-etc. So it definitely took a lot more out of me than planned. I made it through 8 successful rounds, the 9th round I got to 7 reps. Then I started at 4 and went to 7 and then started at 3. Tough wod, but I liked it!

Oly Lifting on Saturday: Snatch work 25(4)-30(3)-35(3)-40-45-50fail-50fail.

I'm STILL trying to get that 50kg snatch. It seems so close, but soooo far away. I don't feel out in front like I normally do, it's more that I just didn't lock out my shoulders. I've been working on this for months now...ugh.

Team Saturday:
In teams of 2 complete 3 rounds each of:

400m run
30 squats
20 push ups
*While Partner A is completing round Partner B completes max Double Unders
20:53 and 506 double unders

My partner was EJ. I don't see him often or get that opportunity to work out with him, so it was nice to have a new partner! We both had a weakness, so it pretty much evened out at the end. I rocked the double unders while sucked at the pushups and he was the opposite. Mid wod came the torential down pour, so that played an interesting roll! Overall great quick wod that kept us on our toes!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

FGB Prep

It's been a crazy week and I haven't updated like I should, so this post will have Tuesday's work and Thursday's work.

Tuesday Strength/Speed:Push Press 3@ 50% of 1RM OTM for 8:00. 27.5kg

Really worked on the hip drive and getting the bar up fast. Not much to say about this lift. Aside from really focused on driving off the heels.

WOD: 7:00 AMRAP of:
7 Box jumps (20")
7 Burpees
7 Ball Slams (30/20)

My goal for this one was to just keep moving and get as close to 7 rounds as possible. That's a round a minute and I knew my limiting factor would be the box jumps. Even though it was only 7 jumps, my legs were tired from Monday and I just couldn't string them together as I planned. Burpees and ball slams were all unbroken. During my classes that I coach, I really try and preach to people to follow those ball slams down into a full squat and pick the ball up off the bounce at the bottom. I love doing this movement because I feel it in my hammies and quads a lot. Sadly some people still cheat themselves and the movement and just throw the ball down then squat and pick it up.

Thursday's Speed: 2 OHS @ 55% of 1RM OTM for 11:00 36kg

I was pretty excited about this one. I don't get to work on OHS that often, so any time it comes up I'm happy. I love this lift. I was actually supposed to go with 34kg on the bar to stay at 55%, but Nicole and I decided to share a bar so I just went to 36. I'm happy I did, gave myself a little 2kg push. Really tried to focus on driving off my heels, with this and the snatch I tend to come forward on my toes. So I picked my toes up in my shoes and went to work!

WOD: 1 round of FGB for total reps/cals
1:00 wall ball shots (20/14)
1:00 SDHP (35/25)
1:00 Box jumps (20")
1:00 Push Press (35/25)
1:00 Row
30/30/24/20/14 = 118

Just like last year around this time, we are starting to do some preparation for a fundraiser wod called Fight Gone Bad. That work out is 3 rounds of this with a 1:00 rest in between the rounds. Last year I got 93 reps. So that was my goal, to beat that. I knew my box jumps were stronger and I knew I was stronger overall, so I didn't think it would be that hard to do. I beat my wall balls by 6 reps, sumos by 7 reps, box jumps by 6 reps, push press by 7, and I actually went down 1 cal on the rower, but I'm not worried about that. Pretty happy with this and I'm excited to see how things go over the next few weeks and when FGB happens on Sept. 17th!

Thursday's Eats
Breakfast: 3 eggs, 1 nectarine, 1oz almonds
Lunch: salad with cherry tomatoes, 1 avocado, and 3.5 oz tuna
Dinner: 1 brat, some roasted sweet potatoes, side salad and some watermelon

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Stronger Pull-ups!

Another Monday down. Starting next Monday, they will be long days till December with classes starting. I'm actually excited. Ready for change and to take the steps in the right direction! I've been pretty tired lately, though. Which isn't a good thing with classes starting. I need to start getting more sleep and going to bed a little earlier and not being out so late on the weekends. I can't say that my diet on the weekends has really helped with my sleep/fatigue either. But good thing the majority of the parties are over with, so I can stay on track 7 days a week instead of just the weekdays. Still trying to find that willpower I had a few months ago...where did it go?!

Monday's strength: Deadlift 5-5-5 establish a new 5RM 65kg-75kg-88kg

My previous 5RM was 85kg. I didn't want to push myself too hard with this lift today. Given that my back has been in good shape for the last couple of months and we haven't deadlifted in quite awhile. I made sure to really focus on my form on every lift. One thing I noticed at the end whe it was heavier was my shoulders wouldn't stay pulled back and would get loose which would kind of arch my upper back. So I really need to focus on keeping those shoulders back with every pull.

WOD: Complete 5 rounds for total reps:
With 3:00 on the clock:
100m sprint
max unbroken pull-ups
walk back to start of 100m sprint

31 pull-ups

My goal with this WOD was to sprint as hard as possible every round, as long as my foot held up. The first two rounds my foot was a little tight, so I think my sprints were faster in the last 3 rounds. As far as the pull-ups go I just tried to stay on that bar as long as possible and get past my mental block that prevents me from getting more than 4 in a row. I had to make an immitaion gymnastics grip out of tape for my right hand because it tore during Saturday's wod. Without this, there was definitely no way I would complete this wod. I was pretty consistent throughout and actually surprised myself and got 6-6-6-7-6. I think I should've got more the first two rounds as well, but the mental block really prevents me. However, I am happy with this because it's always been 2 or 4 pull-ups at a time, so to get more than that on every round was pretty awesome!

Monday's Eats
Breakfast: 3 eggs, an apple with some of my everday paleo fruit dip
Lunch: big salad with tomatoes, 4 oz ground beef and an avocado
Dinner: a big piece of meatzza
Dessert:frozen mango, couple squares of dark chocolate, and 1oz almonds

For those of you that want an update on Jer. He started chemo yesterday and is doing pretty well. A little bit of an upset stomach, but it could be worse. Please keep the positive thoughts and prayers flowing. This is going to be a tough ride, but if anyone can do it, he can! Thank you all for your tremendous amounts of support!

Monday, August 15, 2011

I heart my CF Friends and Community

This weekend was by far one of my favorite weekends of the summer. It reminded me so much about the community I’ve been a part of the last 14+ months. It all started Friday, after working out and coaching the 6PM class, Jer and I headed out to CF Carbon to support fellow CFers putting themselves through a grueling WOD called “The Seven” to honor those SEALS recently killed. This is what makes me proud to be part of the community. Those SEALS and all other military personnel put themselves out there and risk their lives for us, the least we can do is work out in their honor. I got there in time to watch the last two heats go through the WOD. A little over 30 people worked out while many of us supported from the side. I thought about putting my workout clothes back on and going through the WOD, but it looked awful. Next time we have a group hero WOD, I’m for sure in. Anyway, I’m proud of those that did participate in this workout and paid their respect to those who had fallen!

Afterwards, a large group of us went out to On the Border for dinner and some drinks. It was great times catching up with people I haven’t seen in awhile. Great stories told, many disturbing comments shared, and many laughs had by all. What a fantastic group of people that I’m glad I can shares times like this with! I hope to have many more times like this in the future.
It was a little hard to get out of bed Saturday morning and head to the Fort, but as always, I headed on over for a great workout. I started the morning by getting dunked and my body fat % measured. My result was 21% and I can say I’m fairly happy with that. My diet has been far from optimal in the last few months, so I’m sure it could’ve been even better than that. I would’ve liked to see where I was when I first started to compare, but this gives me a base to start and improve from.

I then worked on just some snatch progressions with the bar, tall muscle snatch, hang snatch, muscle snatch to quarter of a squat and then muscle snatch as deep as I could. I’m basically working on this to get a good bar path, strong pull, and the correct placement overhead. I tend to throw the bar too far back and lose my balance. The team challenge was a good one where everyone did the same amount of work. It ended up being around a 42:00 WOD for my team. I also tore my right hand, so hopefully that won’t affect me too much this week!

Saturday night, Jer and I headed over to Season’s for a bbq and to watch the Lakemoore fireworks. I was a little worried they were going to be cancelled due to the weather, but instead they started an hour late. Which felt a lot later than 10:30 since I was so tired from the busy week. This was also another great night with some fantastic people!

Sunday I had my second cousins 1st birthday party in St. Charles, then we headed over to Pete and Ivy’s for Ivy’s birthday bbq! Another great get together with my CrossFit friends. More stories shared, great food, more laughs and good times had by all!

All in all this weekend reminded me of the community outside the Fort. The CF community is growing rapidly and I want to be able to experience it. I’m happy that I’ve continued my friendships with the people who have started their own adventures or gone to other boxes because it’s more convenient locations or to their lives etc. I’m glad that I partake in events such as Friday’s Hero WOD, it gives me the opportunity to meet other people, gauge my athletic ability with others outside the Fort, catch up with friends I don’t get to see that often, and just have a good time. I’m looking forward to all the events coming up and hope that more people will step out of their comfort zone and experience everything that is out there.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Hey Karen, I owned you!

Another long week is almost finished. Thank goodness. I'm getting tired of this job search thing, there's nothing out there. I don't want anyone to think I'm not thankful for the position I have right now, it's great pay, benefits, and gets me experience etc. But I have so much going on in my personal life, that the added stress of being completely miserable with my job isn't what I need right now. I want to work closer to home so I can have more time to take care of things in my personal life.

Yesterday's Strength: Jerk 5-5-5 36kg-45kg-51kg

My least favorite lift. I struggle with this lift a lot because of my right shoulder. It just gives out and doesn't have the strength I need to carry the load. We also discovered that when I begin the dip I kind of fall onto the balls of my feet instead of staying on my heels. Which then causes my hips to travel foward and carry/balance the weight in the front instead of more on the back leg.

150 wall ball shots (20#/14#)

The last time we did this was back in October and I got 8:23. I had Ivy couting for me and pushing me through my rests to get back at it and keep moving. This time I was by myself, I had to push myself and not sit there resting too long. I heard about some of the other times the girls set in the morning and it gave me something to chase. My plan was to start out with 3-4 big sets to get the first 100 knocked out. I was able to do 30-30-20-10 and kind of hit a block, but pushed past that and did 5-5-10-10-10-10-5-5. Every time I dropped the ball I made sure to take a few quick breaths and get right back up there. I made sure every one hit the target, I missed one and redid that rep to make sure it counted. By around the 100th wall ball, my throat started to feel like it was getting smaller and was burning. So my breaths were short and quick, enough to get moving again. I called time and immediately laid on the floor trying to catch my breath. I was ecstatic to see I PR'd by almost two minutes. but my throat was burning for a good hour after and I was coughing as if I had smoked a pack before the wod. yuck. Still feeling it a little bit today!

Yesterday's Eats
Breakfast: 3 eggs, blueberries, strawberries (I think I need to switch this up...)
Lunch: 2 cups chili 2 squares dark chocolate
Snack: Larabar
Dinner: chicken cobb salad and an apple and frozen strawberry lemonade
Dessert: some trail mix and 2 squares dark chocolate

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

F Thrusters!

I'm feeling better now that I'm back on track with my diet. It's only been a few days, but I forgot how quickly I feel better from eating the right way. Busy few days, so I've been kind of sleepy. And my allergies are attacking me like no other today. I've been constantly sneezing and blowing my nose all day. yuck!

I have to admit, I wasn't looking forward to yesterday's strength or WOD at the Fort. I knew my shoulder wasn't going to be happy, so I wanted to avoid it, but went anyway.

Strength: Thruster 5-5-5 35kg-39kg-45kg

The first set alone felt heavy and really crimped my shoulder. Every other movement has felt fine overhead, but thrusters just seem to really make it pinch. It was kind of a struggle to get the last 5 at 45kg, but I got it done.

5 rounds of:
5 burpees
10 thruster (65% of today's 5RM - 30kg)


Like I said before, I wasn't looking forward to this wod at all. 50 thrusters just sounded awful and pair that with burpees. After the first round I said "wtf is this wod?! this is just awful!" I tried to get through my burpees as quick as possible to make up time, even though I didn't want to get back to the bar. My first set of thrusters was unbroken, the second set was 7-3 and the final three were all 5-5. That was by far the worst part of the workout. Normally burpees are the worst part of the wod, but I'll take those any day over thrusters!

Tuesday's Eats
Breakfast: the usual....3 eggs, blueberries and strawberries
Lunch: pork chop, 1/2 cup green beans, 1/2 a small red potato and a salad
Dinner: 4oz burger with cheddar cheese, 1 brat, side salad
Dessert: cantaloupe and some trail mix

So, if anyone still reads this and can help a sista out. I'm desperately looking for a job closer to home in the McHenry/Lake County area. I would prefer it to not be a contract position. With my current plans of attending school, it'll make my life a little bit easier to be working closer to home, instead of driving to Rockford every day. Any help would be greatly appreciated! <3

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Little bit better start to the week yesterday. After a good talk, I'm feeling better and back on track. Some people will never understand the struggle, but I know there are many people that do. So I just have to remind myself I'm not alone and it's all good.

Yesterday's Speed work was 3 Press' @ 60% of my 1RM on the minute for 7:00. I used 25kg.

I was a little nervous my shoulder would start to act up during this, but to my surprise it didn't. I felt like my speed from my shoulders to overhead was very good. Hopefully this will help me get over the 42kg hump...

3 rounds for time of:
400m run
21 kb swings (24/16)
12 pull-ups

Again, I was a little nervous about this given how awful things have been the last few weeks. Between my diet, stress, not sleeping well etc. But again to my surprise, I PR'd by 28 seconds! I didn't even bother looking at my old time, to really figure out what I needed to beat, but I remembered it being around the 12:00 mark, and it was 11:58. So I was pretty ecstatic to see that I still made progress. But that's no exception to continue the way I have. So it's been back on track with the diet and talking through my stresses, and I'm starting to feel like myself again! :) Phew

Monday's Eats
Breakfast: 3 eggs, strawberries and blueberries
Lunch: chicken fajitas, just the chicken, peppers, onions and some guac
Snack: some trail mix
Dinner: 3 oz pork tenderloin, some green beans, 1/2 a red potato, and a side salad
Dessert: watermelon

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Old habits came back...

This past week has been anything but easy and an extreme emotional roller coaster. I'm pretty disappointed to say that I have resorted back to old horrible habits of emotional eating here and there. A little dark chocolate here, then some cookie cake and ice cream at a 3 yr old's birthday party, then some brownie at another's all starting to add up. And I'm really starting to feel and look like shit. There are so many emotions running through me right now and I reallllllly need to find that spark I had to lose the weight before and get rid of my emotions in a healthier way. This is just pathetic and I'm rather ashamed that I'm even writing about this happening. Tomorrow is a new day, time to start over again. So sick of saying that. Why can't I just stick with this?!

Because of the emotional week I had, I decided to take a personal day on Friday. I was mentally and physically exhausted and just couldn't get myself to even consider going into work. So I took a day off. I took care of some stuff in order to start classes, then went to a birthday party, then worked out, coached and had a softball game. It of course went by way to fast, unlike the days I work...

Friday Strength: Overhead squat : 6-4-3-2-1-1 30kg-36kg-42kg-48kg-54kg-62kgPR

Super excited to get a PR on this. Took 3 tries to get it locked out overhead, but I stuck it on the third try and made a successful lift! :)

WOD: 8 rounds for total reps of:
:20 SDHP (35/25)
:10 rest
:20 Push Press
:10 rest
171 reps

I forgot how much tabata catches up to you and how quickly it does. 8:00 seems like nothing, but phew does it get tough. The trick is working through the entire :20 and getting that bar racked before the time is called to start. I was pretty happy with the end result of this.

Saturday Oly Class, I worked on some snatch balance up to 40kgs and some muscle snatches with just the bar.

Team Saturday
In teams of two
AMRAP in 5:00 of:
row for cals *only 20 pulls per person at a time
1:00 rest
AMRAP in 5:00 of:
10 ball slams (30/20)
10 Toes to bar
1:00 Rest
AMRAP in 5:00 of:
21 double unders
7 burpees

91 cal/ 8 rounds/ 9rounds +12reps = 521 reps

I was partnered up with Pete. I knew he would push me, so I was excited to be paired up with him. On the rower we just switched back and forth with 20 pulls each. We started the second AMRAP with me doing all the ball slams and him doing the T2B, then we switched it to 5 and 5 ball slams then 3-3-2-2 on the T2B. Third AMRAP we started with me doing all the DU's and him the burpees, then we traded with DU's and me 3 burpees him 4. We both surprised each other when I would finish the DU's unbroken he would be like "already?!" then he would do the burpees and I would have the same response! haha. It was a great workout though and in the end we came out with the victory! :)

Cashed out with some ring dips on the purple band 6/6/7.

So AGAIN, here's to a new week and a new start. Time to get my shit together, so I don't feel and look like shit. blah!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Box Jumps/Push-ups

It's been a crazy busy week full of stuff to do and many emotions to go along with it. I haven't gotten to bed before 11 once this week, so I've been hardcore draggind. yuck.

Strength: Push Press 6-4-3-2-1-1 26kg-31.5kg-36.5kg-42kg-47kg-55fail-55kg PR

Shoulders felt pretty good on this. And was hoping my new shoes would give me a PR, since anything overhead hasn't been PRing lately. Boo! I failed 55kg on the first attempt, but I think I just gave up before it even started. I wasn't completely there. So I was determined to get it the second time around. And I probably could've gone even a couple kg's heavier for another attempt, but I decided to take it easy.

8:00 AMRAP of:

3-6-9-12-15-18-21-....continue on in intervals of 3
Box Jumps (24/20")
18 full rounds + 2 push-ups

I knew the push-ups would be my limiting factor here, so I tried to make up for it on the box jumps, since I've been improving on those. I stayed true to form on the push-ups making sure my hips didn't touch and I wasn't snaking the movement. At times my butt was a little too high in the air on the way up, but hey my hips didn't touch right?! Definitely started to feel the fatigue in the round of 9. Box jumps weren't as great as I hoped for. New shoes took some getting used to. And I wanted to make sure that my hips were opening up, but I was still moving through them at a good pace. I wasn't breathing heavy at the end of this, just felt the muscle fatigue in my arms.

After a few minutes of rest, I jumped on the bar and did 3 x max dead hang pull-ups with the red band. 5 reps-4reps-4reps. then I did some mobility on the ball for my foot and some stretching.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

CFG5 = Inspiring

If you didn't know...Mom and I took a quick trip to California this weekend. We left Thursday evening and arrive in Carson, CA around 12:15 AM...2:00AM our I was almost up for 24 hours. Needless to say I was exhausted. As much as I wanted to get up to go to the beach and watch the first wod of the day, getting in that late and the beach being almost 40min away WITHOUT traffic, we decide to just take our time getting ready then head to the Home Depot Center to catch some of the first Affiliate wod. I was grinning from ear-to-ear the second I walked in the HDC. I felt like a kid in a candy store with all the other CrossFitters, tent city, the stadium set up for the next wod, the cheering, the swag, the everything. It's something every CrossFitter should experience at least once.

You thought it was inspiring to watch the people compete at regionals...but Oh.My.Gosh. these athletes are SO inspiring. All the hard work they've put into their training to compete at that level is fascinating. It was also inspiring/emotional to watch the events when there was an athlete struggling to get that bar up and to finish the wod, and the other athletes and the crowd were behind them to help them get over that hurdle and give them the confidence they CAN and WILL do it. Annie Sakamoto was definitely one of the most inspirational females, her tiny little thing lifting those weights...sheesh! One of my other favorite parts was Rob Orlando's show he put on during the rope climb/C&J event, glad his spirits were still up after the first wod and that he made the best of the situation. I could talk forever about being there just one day. Next year I hope to make it the entire weekend!

Saturday mom and I visited one of her old high school friends that lives in San Diego. We toured around town and went to lunch and then did some hiking. Every trip I've been going on lately gives me thoughts about wanting to move and see what else is out there. I feel so sheltered in McHenry and I feel like I'm missing out on so much. Maybe one day I'll get out of there, but for now I need to focus on the job/new degree situation.

Sunday we drove back to LA in the morning to catch a 12:30 flight. I was hoping to make it back to the HDC for the first events of the day, but wasn't really possible with a 2.5 hr drive from San Diego. Regardless, this was a much needed little getaway. Wish it was longer, but mom and I had a great time.

Strentgh: Snatch 3-2-2-1-1-1 25kg-30kg-35kg-40kg-45kg-50kgfail-48.5kgfail

I'm stuck. Every time I go to work on the snatch, I can't get past my 48kg PR. A few weeks ago when I tried this on a Saturday I could get 50 up, but couldn't lock out my shoulders to stand it up. I dropped under it, got it overhead, but no lock out. The last two times including today, I was so out in front I couldn't even get it overhead. Then I tried 48.5, just to PR, but nothing. I almost had it, it was overhead, but too out in front so I couldn't hold it up to stand it up. I have a problem from being out in front and forward from the beginning of the movement. I need to keep my bar path tighter, and some how almost jump backwards to make sure I stay back. Every part of this movement is forward to me which just throws me off balance and can't get it. So my next steps are to start focusing on breaking down the snatch piece by piece. Saturday I think I'm going to work on some snatch balances, to start off with.

5 rounds of:
50 double unders
12 pull-ups

Bill came up to me after this one and said "your double unders looked pretty hard today". Well, basicall I should've have done the double unders to begin with. With my foot issue I've been having, pretty sure it's Plantar fasciitis, I should've subed the DU's. BUT along with my foot issue, I haven't been eating all that well the last few weeks, so I can definitely start to feel the effects of that. I just felt super sluggish and off and the DU's just wore me out. However, there were quite a few times during the DU's, I just stopped becuase of my foot. So I should probably stay away from those for a few days. I was hoping my new CF kicks would magically get rid of the problem! :) The pull-ups were a struggle as usual. I would get sets of 3-4 to start then it would be 1's and 2's the rest of the way. Between the humidity making the bar all slippery and my lack of confidence in stringing more together, it was a rough one. Good news was I didn't tear my hands, and I was absolutely ecstatic about that!!

Cash-out: 3 x max ring dips on the purple band 7/7/7, then a bunch of rolling on my foot and stretching/mobility later on.

So here's to getting back on track with the diet after a few too many slip ups and getting back in action. Not worth feeling like crap all the time and especially during a wod! And here's to taking the first step tonight to make change happen! :)