Monday, April 4, 2011

Two down...Four to go!

It’s the start to another week after another great weekend was put into the books. I can honestly say Saturdays are my favorite day of the week. I get to start of the morning with some great competition with amazing people at the Fort, then I eat breakfast, take a bath, do some shopping or stuff around the house or relax, and hang out with the boy and some friends in the evening. Nothing gets better than that!

Saturday Jer and I decided to go try out Bulldogs Grill in Wauconda, since I’ve heard Brad and Season rave about it at the Fort. Um. Delicious! It’s a great littler burger joint with great food. I ordered the Double D (two patties with American cheese, grilled onions and bacon, no bun of course) and Jer ordered the Hangover (I think it had a fried egg and some bacon on it). When the waiter brought out our food, he automatically assumed the Double D was Jer’s. haha, because apparently I can’t eat a huge burger. Then later another waiter asked if I was warned about how big that was, I said does it look like I needed warning? I have like 2 bites left. He was like no kidding, that’s my kind of girl. Jer was pretty proud! No wimpy salads for this girl. Ahaha. After that I decided to have a treat and we both got some amazing shakes. But I paid for it the rest of the night because my stomach hurt like no other. Sad face. Guess I’ll have to start taking some dairy pills when I choose to eat ice cream! Oh well, it was so worth it.

Anyway a couple WODs to update y’all on from last week.

Thursday March 31, 2011

Strength: Snatch grip push press behind the neck 1-1-1 48kg-51kg-57kg – PR I think I could’ve gotten 60 up but I’ll tackle that next time.


4 Rounds of: max pushups (Games standard) 250m row 3:00 rest 48 pushups/ 14:03

I decided to go easy on the pushups and stick with 12 per round to practice for the games WOD on Saturday. I didn’t want to overdo it, so I just focused on the full range of motion and keeping that plank position. Then it was all out on the rower, probably could’ve gone a little bit harder, but I was satisfied. K-Tuck and I both said after this WOD that we felt like we should be more winded than we were, but it’s not a bad thing to take it easy every once and awhile. I’m sure our bodies appreciated it.

Saturday April 2, 2011

Games Open WOD #2

15:00 AMRAP of:

9 Deadlifts (70/45)

12 Pushups (hand release games standard)

15 Box jumps (24”/20”)

10 rounds + 9 deadlifts

I came in the night before to cheer on Hannah and mentally prepare myself for some expectations. After watching her, I figured I would be happy with getting at least 8 if not more. I was super nervous getting to the Fort Saturday morning. The first heat was already going when I got there ( I was a little slow getting out of bed that morning). So I immediately started cheering for K-Tuck to kick some butt, and she sure did, she set the bar high with 10+9 our top spot for the females was set. I watched a few more heats, I enjoy watching others, it gets me in the mood and amped up to do the WOD.

Finally my heat came around and it was time to get after it. Tommy Mo came over and gave me some quick tips to really push myself on the bar and on the jumps and rest during the pushups. Then it was 3.2.1…GO and I’m off. First couple rounds done in 2:00 then a couple more…look at the clock and there’s still 10:00 left….holy crap this is going to be a LONG 15:00!! Couple more rounds 7:30 left on the clock…only half way there! Sheesh. At this point I had no idea what round I was on, I was just going and having Nicole count for me. My deadlifts were all unbroken, and I’m happy to say that my pushups were typically 12 or 6-6, which surprised me! I guess this 100 day pushup challenge is really paying off, I really think had I not been doing that my pushups would’ve greatly suffered during this WOD. My box jumps were definitely my weakness. My quads were just shot once I got there, so it would typically be sets of 5-5-5, but those were even pretty spastic. I finished a round and had just under 20 seconds to get to the bar and finish those deadlifts, I admit my back was not tight and I just busted through those 9 reps to finish them before time was called and I got them. I fell to the ground with no idea what my score was. I looked at Nicole and she goes, you just freakin got 10 rounds plus 9 deadlifts!!! I tied with K-Tuck!! And then Stacy who was going in the same heat as I, got the same 10 +9 too!! What are the odds that the top three women’s spots have the same identical score!? I gave it all I had and it was brutal. 15:00 felt like eternity, but I couldn’t have been happier with the result.

I’m so proud of everyone at the Fort who has been giving it their all at these WODs. Just gotta push past the suck and you’ll amaze yourself with what you’re capable of doing! Two WODs down four to go, I can’t wait to see what’s coming our way next