Louis was a little sore this morning when I woke up. I was a little nervous that I over did it and I was going to have to sit the bench again. But I took some Advil and he’s feeling pretty good. I don’t really think the lump swelled at all (maybe a little?), I think it was just sore. I’m not too sure. It’s hard to explain since it’s an awkward injury to being with. Hopefully it’s just a little thing and maybe I’ll avoid any form of squat cleans for awhile? Or just go lighter. We’ll see. I wonder why that movement just hates me… I guess I should’ve “iced that mother” after the workout last night. Those are the words of Kelly Starrett, when I asked him for recovery advice.
One of my favorite parts about the Fort and the CrossFit community in general, is how it feels like one big family. You’re family at home is supposed to be there to support you no matter what. No matter how strong, weak, lost, on the right path, succeeding, having troubles succeeding, etc. they’re there to support you and help you achieve your goals and pick you back up. And the same goes for CrossFit, everyone, there wants to see you excel and push yourself that little bit further. I remember the day I got my first pull-up and Jennie started jumping, dancing and singing a little tune with me. Or during Fight Gone Bad, when I was struggling with the sumo dead-lift high pulls and Tommy Mo was right there yelling in my ear “you want to be a size 6, push for the size 6”. Or that Tuesday where we did that awful WOD with heavy cleans and jerks and burpees and running and who knows what else, but I was at my lowest of lows. I almost started crying (ok maybe I shed a tear or two) on the last 400m run, but then I saw everyone in the parking lot cheering me on and Jennie hugged me when I came in and said I did a great job for fighting through the suck. I felt like absolute shit and it was my worst performance EVER, but I didn’t give up. Why didn’t I give up? Because I had support, I had my Fort family there cheering me on to finish and making sure I did not give up. No one ever judges you for not being able to do a movement correctly or if you have to scale down to your ability. They help you improve your technique and push you to jump on that box if you started on plates, or move down to the blue band for pull-ups if you’ve been using the green or add another 5kg to crush your old PR. They see the best in you, which you may not always see yourself. Sometimes we focus too much on what we can’t do, instead of what we can do.
I wish more people were given the opportunity or took advantage of the opportunity to experience this family. I’m lucky enough to have my parents there crossfitting with me and my brother and sister-in-law crosfitting in Virginia (we constantly text each other PR updates and our struggles). If I ever have to move for a job or something else, it’s going to be REALLY hard to leave the Fort. But I’ll know that I’ll always have a place to go and where I’m welcomed with open arms, love and support. It really is the best feeling.
Breakfast: 3 eggs, 5 oz ground beef and a pear Lunch: 4 oz flank steak/spinach roll and 8 oz mixed greens with 3 grape tomatoes and olive oil/vinaigrette Snack before my laaaate dinner, a paleo brownie treat that just so happened to be my brothers xmas present to me that I got in the mail today and it was AMAZING!!! nom nom nom Dinner: side salad with balsamic vinaigrette and a burger with cheese a fried egg and 3 slices of bacon, no bun.
Strength: Front Squat (training max 69.75kg): 5@28kg(40% of training max) 5@35(50% of training max) 5@42kg(60% of training max)
Front squats felt good. I really wanted to focus on my form, getting the deep squat and really driving my knees out. My left IT band has been bothering me on and off for awhile now...it really needs to go away. So it was a good thing it was light today.
WOD: 4:00 AMRAP of: 21 double unders and 7 power snatches (40/30) 4:00 rest 4:00 AMRAP of: 14 burpees and 14 pull-ups
I didn't know how I was going to do with this workout given that Louis was acting up a little and I haven't done double unders in ages. But it turned out pretty good. I was pleased that I did the RXd weight for the snatches and the second round of double unders I strung them all together! woot! I ended up with 2 rounds plus the double unders and 4 snatches, so 25 reps. For the second half I used the two purple bands again, I'm still working on my dead hang at home, but I'm still not comfortable with my unassisted pull-up...ever since I got the one it's been awful! I just can't seem to get over that bar and I pull way too far from the bar...eh, I don't know, it'll come back someday. Anyway, my burpees were pretty solid and I started to slow the second round at like the 10th rep and my pull-ups I did 5-5-4 for both rounds. I ended up with 2 rounds and 7 burpees, so I was pretty pleased. It was fun to work out with BOTH mom and dad at the fort tonight. I'm sure it'll happen more often!
Excited for Oly lifting and Team Saturday tomorrow, it’s been almost 2 months since the last time I went! Wowza!
Fort love!
1 comment:
Focusing on what we can't do instead of what we can do - that lit up a little light bulb in my head!
When did you get so smart? :)
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