I got to bed pretty late last night since I was visiting a couple of my friends from college for dinner. That alarm at 7 was pretty harsh. But my excitement for going back to team Saturday woke me up the second I walked in the Fort. K-Tuck and I decided to work on over head squats since we don't get to outside of WODs. This was the weight and reps
5@15kg 5@25kg 3@30kg 2@35kg 1@40kg 1@45kg 50kg-fail 50kg-fail 1@48kg new PR by 13kg!!! The toughest part of the OHS at 50kg was locking it out over head. Getting that back push jerk over head was just not cooperating. I was determined to get it after K-Tuck accomplished it, but it just didn't happen. So I took 2kg off the bar and successfully lifted 48kg. I felt good in the squat and feel like I can go heavier, I just need to get it over head.
Then it was time for Team Saturday. It was a rough one to come back to after a couple of months, but it felt great to be back. The WOD was:
In teams of 6 complete 3 rounds of:
2:00 wall balls (20/14)
2:00 ball slams (30/20)
2:00 rowing for cals
3:00 rest
*2 team members at each station with one person working at a time
*at the end of the last 3:00 rest 1:00 of max burpees
My scores for each round and the burpees were: 60/62/56/19
I had a great team with Steph, Garth, Drew, and Pete.I knew we could be in the running for the championship belt, but I also knew the overhead squats really tired me out. These are all movements I'm pretty good at, but my legs were beat. Steph and I were paired up and started on the rower, I took a good chunk of the 2:00 each round and more as the rounds continued. So I put on at least 20 cals every row. I was beat by the time we got to wall balls, but I pushed through those and the ball slams. THEN Bill decided to surprise us at the end with 1:00 of burpees. That was tiring, but if I can get 19 in a minute, I sure can do more when I'm rested. In the end our team came out on top with 1738. I love team Saturday's win or lose, because I always get a great workout with some great people.
Brunch: 3 eggs and 6 pieces of bacon and a paleo treat
Snack: Pear
Dinner: 4.5oz chicken breast, baked sweet potato, and 3oz broccoli
Oh and on another note...I stepped on the scale this morning and was at 161! Woot! goodbye nastiness that was in me!
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