I know I promised I would have something insightful to blog about today, but I really don't. All I can say is that I love catching up with friends I haven't seen in awhile. I love sharing crazy stories, or what's new, or gossip about who did what, or plans for the future. I wish that everyone didn't get caught up in their busy lives, myself included, and were able to spend more time keeping in touch. But I'm thankful for the times I do get to catch up. So, thank you Mark and Chase for getting dinner with me tonight, I've missed you guys!
Food for the day, Breakfast: 3 eggs, 6oz pork tenderloin, 3oz blackberries and 4 strawberries. Lunch: 5oz flank steak and spinach roll up, and 4oz salad with 4 grape tomatoes. Dinner: handful of almonds then 1/2 lb burger with cheddar cheese and sweet potato fries.
Strength: Floor Press: 3(70%)-3(80%)-3+(90%) (training max 51.5kg) : 3@36kg - 3@41.5kg - 1@46.5kg (SAD FACE!) Last cycle I just made the numbers on the plus days so I only added 1kg to my training max this week. I don't know if I'm just tired and weak or what, but that was heavy today. I struggled with the second set at 1.5kg so I knew the last set was going to be hard. I was kind of disappointed I only got one rep on the last set, so it's time to take some more of and work from there next week.
WOD: 12:00 AMRAP of: 3 Power Cleans (60/40) 6 Push ups 9 Squats. My total was 13 rounds plus 1 Clean. I LOVED this workout. I originally asked Jennie if I should do 35kg for the cleans, only because Elizabeth and that work out that had me crying the one time were heavy cleans. Louis was in the back of my mind saying don't torture me!! So I was a little hesitant to do the RX'd weight, but like Jennie said it's only 3 reps a round. So I did the 40kg and I'm glad I did. I think the workout would've been too easy if I went lighter. This was the perfect weight to push me, but not struggle through it. I was kind of disappointed that my squats were pretty much 3-3-3 throughout because that's a strong point of mine, but my legs were shot from the push ups. Those I was happy with, I think only one set I did 5-1 and the rest were all unbroken. I can't believe how far my push ups have come since I started in June with the green band on the rack! wowza! Overall, I was really happy with this WOD and hope to see it again in the future and see what kind of progress I make.
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