Today was definitely Monday. When my alarm went off, I was sooooo not ready to get out of bed. I could have used another few hours of sleep, but that obviously wasn't going to happen. Boo Monday's, I would love to have my weekend back. And this whole going to bed at 10 thing hasn't been going so well...I need to work on that.
Food for the day.
Breakfast: 3 eggs and 4 meatballs. Lunch: 10 oz chili and 3 oz trail mix. Dinner: 5.5 oz almond meal coated chicken breast with 3 oz spaghetti squash with tomato sauce and 3 oz mixed veggies.
Strength: Press 5(75%)-3(85%)-1+(95%) training max 37.5kg. 5@28kg - 3@32kg - 4@36kg. The last set is 1kg over my current single rep max, so Jennie predicted that my new 1RM will be just over 40kg. I was hoping at the beginning of this training it would be a little more than that, but for some reason I struggled with this lift. Either way, there's proof that I've gotten stronger.
WOD: 12:00 AMRAP of: 15 Sumo dead lift high-pulls (35/25) 15 push ups. 7 rounds plus 23 reps. Going into this wod I notice most of the girls were in the 5-6 round range, so I was hoping to get at least 6 + rounds. So when I finished I was happy I exceeded my goal. I was able to keep my SDHP reps all unbroken with the exception of the 5th round where I went 10-5. The first 2 rounds of my push ups were unbroken, but then it went something like 7-8, 5-5-5, 5-3-7 for the remaining rounds. The push ups were definitely the ass-kicker in this WOD. But I really liked this one and was happy with the outcome.
Alright...way past my bed time...5AM comes too soon. :(
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