Is anyone else starting to get depressed from this weather? I don't think we've seen the sun in a week! I'm really dying for a vacation on a sunny beach...who wants to take me!? Spring weather can't come soon enough. I went to bed around 9:15 this morning and I can't say that I woke up any more refreshed. I actually felt more exhausted when my alarm went off. It's really a good thing that I can get like 45 min worth of napping before and after work. That's the ONLY benefit of working in Rockford and having dad drive. I'd much rather have those extra minutes in my bed and drive somewhere closer, but that's not the case right now. Maybe (hopefully) sometime soon... Food for the day Breakfast: 3 eggs 5.5oz turkey breast 3 paleo cookies. Lunch: 5.5 oz chicken breast and 4 oz spaghetti squash. Dinner: a bunch of pork and veggie stir fry and a couple more cookies... Strength: Floor Press: 5(75%)-3(85%)-1+(95%) originally I moved my training max down last week, but I felt it was too much. So I decided to do this set at the same weights I did them at on the last cycle which was 38-43-48. last time I only got one on the 1+ and this time I got 2. I was pleased that I did a little better this time around since this movement has been a struggle for me. WOD: 5:00 AMRAP of: 5 power snatches 5 Overhead squats (50/35) 2:00 mandatory rest then 3:00 AMRAP Kettle Bell swings (24/16) first AMRAP 4 rounds + 4 reps second AMRAP 77 swings
Overall I was really happy with this wod. I actually think I could have pulled out more reps in both AMRAPs but there were some distractions during the first AMRAP. You see Zach decided to snatch the 50kg bar into his face and started bleeding all over. So I was slightly worried as was everyone else and everyone started trying to help which meant they were all huddled around and kind of in my way since I didn't want to hit anyone in the face. I think I could have gotten 5 full rounds, but I was happy with the 4+ rounds. For the KB swings my main focus was getting a really good first set. I did this during Satruday's team wod and I only got 62 swings in....after 90 wall balls. So my goal was to beat 62 swings. I got 56 swings in my first set and was pushing for a total of 80. So that would've been 24 reps in just over a minute. I was really trying to focus on technique with Tommy Mo there helping me and giving me pointers. But I dropped the bell 3 times I think, my forearms were on fire! Next time we do KB swings I'm really going to focus on getting the bell straight up, Tom said I was off by just a liiiitle bit, so it's something to practice!
Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!! :)
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