Monday, January 17, 2011

Snowy fun.

This weekend was a great one with my fellow CrossForters. Saturday started off with Oly class and Team Saturday. I was super crabby from going to bed late so my performance during Oly class was pretty pathetic. I worked on my split Jerk with Steph. My body was tired and weak from a hard week, so that with crabbiness was not a good combination. I did 5@25kg 3@35kg 2@45kg 1@50kg fail 55kg fail 55kg fail. My previous pr is 52kg, and 50 was already a bit of a struggle. If I was feeling it like I normally do, I probably could’ve got that 55kg over head. There’s always next time.

Team Saturday was another fun one as usual. In teams of 4: one pair rows partner A rows 400m the partner B rows 400m then A does 300m then B does 300m then A does 200m then B then A does 100m then B. Meanwhile partners C and D are downstairs doing an AMRAP of 20 push pres (35 kg men/25kg women) and 20 lateral hops (20”) *one person works at a time. Once the first pair finishes rowing they go to AMRAP and the others row. The final total was the total seconds it took your group to row minus your total amount of reps. Our team ended up with 18:08 and 18 rounds + 38 reps. After realizing some teams made some miscalculations, our team was declared the top team after the fact. And I’m just saying that’s TWO team Saturdays in a row that I’ve been on the winning team…

Saturday night was then our CFF train crawl. I was really excited to see how many people showed up. And I think everyone had a good time. Half naked burpees outside, pull ups and hand stands on the train, burpees and squats in the bar…that all makes for a good night. I definitely paid for in yesterday though and I was still recovering till about the second half of the Bears game. So needless to say I ate and drank pretty poorly Saturday night so we won’t keep that one on the record here…

Yesterday was recovery day, so I had some pretzels in the morning. Paleo Pretzel crisps as K-tuck calls them. Ahahaha. Then I had some paleo chili and meatzza at Pete’s for the Bears game, which was absolutely delish! Then Mom made meatloaf and some cooked carrots with a side salad for dinner. I’m glad I got my drinking binge out of the way Saturday because I won’t be doing that for a long time. I remembered why I like waking up in the morning without a hangover!

Today I ate: Breakfast: 3 eggs and 5 small turkey sausage patties. 3 oz trail mix. Lunch: 8 oz meatloaf 5 oz cooked carrots. Dinner: 5.5oz pork chop and 3 oz brussel sprouts with bacon.

I made another trip to Carbon today. I can't say thank you enough to Pete for giving Jeremy the opportunity you are. It means more than you know to me! Thank you thank you thank you. Anyway...

Strength: Push Press 3-3-3+ 70-80-90-110(3) I never had a 1RM on my push press, so this has been a guessing game. The 3 at 90lbs seemed pretty easy so Pete suggested I go up to 110 for my last set. I got the first 2 and on the last one I dropped my chest and failed the rep, but then tried it again and got it. Pretty crazy that I got 110 lbs over head!

WOD: 21-15-9 Cleans (135/105) push-ups (games standards - release hands at bottom) Ivy and I went head to head on this work out and chose to do 85 lbs. I again was hesitant to go heavy because full squat cleans is when Louis arrived. Pete told us this should be a 7:00-9:00 workout and would cut us off at 10:00. So I was determined to finish by the 9:00 mark. However, 85 lbs got heavy quick, that's like 38kg. I would get 3 really good reps then my elbows would drop and I'd struggle like no other. I had one failed rep during the 21, but I got every other rep. I finished at 9:14. A little slower than I hoped for, but I was pretty pleased with my performance. Just really need to work on focusing on my elbows up and I'm good! Great workout today, but can't wait to be back at the Fort tomorrow!

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