Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Had to drive myself to work today...which means no naps in the car for me! :( wah wah A little sleepy tonight that's for sure, but I'll manage. I could tell I was sleepy since I kind of dozed off while getting my massage from Heather!

Strength/Speed: 3 Jerks @ 60% of 1RM (36kg) OTM for 7:00

Shoulder actually felt pretty good for the most part. Last two rounds it started to cause issues, but overall pretty good. I was really concentrating on dropping under the bar and working on my split...still needs lots of help!

10 T2B
20 Burpees
300m row
40 Wall ball shots (20/14)
300m row
20 burpees
10 T2B


I was actually looking forward to this wod. As much as I hate T2B, it was a minimal amount so I figured I could get through them in a decent amount of time. And for the first time EVER, I figured out how to kip them and got the first 6 straight! Wowza! Then it was singles...haha. Burpees were fine the first set and the second set was a little slower. Same with the rows, first was decent and the second was about 6 seconds slower. Was hoping to make up some time here, but since I can't figure out how to row so I don't feel it in my didn't work too well. Wall balls were just awful, normally I can fly right through these, but not today. We haven't done these in awhile so it was ugly. It was like 15-5-2-3-5-5-2-3, I was hoping to do two sets of 20, but that didn't happen. Oh well. I was please with my time since the goal was 7:00-10:00. I'd like to see this one again in the future to compare.

Cashout: 3 x max ring dips with purple band 8/8/8

Then I got a massage from Heather...which was torture, but my shoulder needed it. It's so freaking tight it's going to take a few sessions to fix. sheesh.

Wednesday 7/13/11
Breakfast: 3 eggs, 1oz almonds, 1oz pecans, 3oz blueberries 4 strawberries
Lunch: 4oz hamburger with 1 slice cheddar cheese 2 cups broccoli
Dinner: bowl of spaghetti squash and meat sauce
Dessert: 1 square dark chocolate and some watermelon

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