Saturday Oly lifting: Snatch 25(3)-25(3)-35(3)-40(2)-45(1)-50fail-50fail-50fail
I was thiiiiiiiiiiiiis close to getting 50kg snatch! I just couldn't keep it locked out to stand it up. My shoulders are too soft. Next time I'm definitely getting it, I felt like I had it. Just a little disappointed!
Team Saturday WOD:
In teams of 3 complete:
350m row (men)/300m row (women) each person then:
12 rounds of:
15 SDHP (35/25)
15 ring dips
2400m run (add it up together)
75 pullups
I was partnered up with Nicole and Tiffany, she's just out of ramp up, brave soul for coming to Team saturday the day after you finish ramp up. But she did great. This was the biggest team saturday we've had in months!! It was great to see everyone back at the Fort again. We finished somewhere around 24:54.
Cash out: 3 x max Hand stand holds :48/:48/:53
Monday strength: Front Squat: 3-3-3 47-55-60
Last set was pretty heavy, but still felt pretty good. Need to focus on keeping my knees back.
WOD:(compare to 6/2/11 (rx 6:02) and 12/31/10(A 5:05))
21-15-9 of:
Box jumps (20")
Ball Slams (30/20)
My stomach was feeling a little funny so I wasn't sure how well I would do today, but I was determined to get sub 6:00. My first set of box jumps I got 11 in a row, which is amazing for me. I have a really hard time stringing box jumps together. But I'm getting better at them, so I got through those pretty fast. All burpees and ball slams were unbroken and at a pretty good pace. Next two sets of box jumps were 5-5-5 and 3-3-3. I called time, looked at the clock and it was 5:33. I'm super proud of this given that I took off almost 30 seconds in a month! I just kept moving and got it done!! It was a good day! :)
saturday and today I spent time doing mobility on my shoulder, back, and legs
Monday 7/4/11 - Day 16
Breakfast: 3 eggs and 4 slices of Canadian Bacon and 5 strawberries
Lunch: 5oz lamb/ground beef hamburger with 3 strips of bacon a couple pieces of zuchinni and pineapple and some of Jer's Meatloaf
Dinner: steak and shrimp and corn on the cob, i caved

Dessert: couple chunks of watermelon, and 2oz baby carrots with 1 TBS sunbutter
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