Documenting my journey to becoming better than yesterday and activating Beast Mode! :)
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Jello legs
Strength/Speed: 2 Cleans @ 55% or 1RM OTM for 11:00 – 35kg
My left knee felt a little tight during this so I felt like I was compensating by using my right leg more. Other than that my pull felt great as well as how quick I was dropping under the bar into a full squat.
WOD # 1:
Complete 5 rounds for total reps of:
With 2:00 on the clock:
Run 400m
Max ball slams (30/20)
My first run was great coming in at 1:39, second was slower around 1:43, then it was 1:40, then 1:46 and finally 1:43. Obviously the slower I was the lesser amount of ball slams I got. My runs were strong until I got to the turnaround point and I was just dragging. My diet has not been helping, but it could’ve been a lot worse.
Since I’m leaving for California tonight, I decided to wait about 20-25 min then did a second wod last night….
WOD #2:
5 rounds of:
1 power clean (60/40)
3 hang cleans
2 jerks
200 ft sprint
2:00 rest
5 rounds of:
1 power clean (60/40)
3 hang cleans
2 jerks
200 ft sprint
I really liked this wod. I liked that it was heavy-ish with a short sprint. My sprints weren’t so much sprints after a certain point. But I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that this was my second wod in an hour. On fresh legs, I think I could get around 10:00. Hopefully we do this one again and it will be on fresh legs.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Mondays are awful!
Speed: 2 front squats @ 55% of 1RM OTM for 11:00 37kg
These felt great. The last half I started with a full clean instead of power cleaning it and riding it down. Speed felt great, let's just hope this helps see some improvement in strength later on...
5 rounds for time of:
10 burpees
20 KB swings (24/16)
30 box jumps (20")
goal 10:00-15:00
I was debating between A and RX because of the lack of better diet I had this weekend and I felt like I would be sluggish. Which I definitely was, I also know my box jumps suck and that would slow me down. I definitely moved slower than I would if my diet was better this weekend, but I think I did a pretty good. My box jumps have definitely improved because I'll get 10 in a row, but still room to grow. Hard one, but a good one!
Breakfast: 3 eggs and some strawberries, blueberries and raspberries
Lunch: 4 oz pulled pork, some roasted sweet potatoes, and a side salad with cucumber, tomato and pepper
Dinner: 4 oz burger with a slice of cheddar cheese and 2 TBS guac. small bowl of pineapple and 1oz cashews
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Epic weekend
So Friday was my 24th birthday. Downside was I had to work, wish I could've taken off, but I have limited vacation days and since I'm taking next Friday off, I had to go in. Once I left work everything was much better. I headed to the Fort for a wod then had a CFF softball game and then some of us went to Bulldogs after for dinner.
Strength: Power Snatch 3-2-2-1-1-1 25-30-35-40-42-45fail
Again when it comes to anything "power" I have a mental block and can't put the E-brakes on. But Friday everything was off and I was coming forward again and not finding my heels so it just wasn't going to happen.
Death by Tabata
8 rounds of
:20 deadlifts (125/85kg) (or 66.7% of your single rep max)
:10 rest
:20 burpees
:10 rest
95 reps
I used 75kg for the deadlifts on this one. Last time we did 85 in a wod, my back was destroyed. I just didn't feel like risking it. On top of that I used the weightlifting belt, just to be safe. that made burpees kind of awkward. But I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Early in the week I requested Bill to make an epic team saturday wod for my birthday. He didn't let me down. It was a fun one, and I think the element of rain added to it's greatness. He made an indoor version of the wod in case of rain, but I didn't like that as much, so I said embrace the rain! :)
In teams of 3:
2 rounds of:
4:00 AMRAP
5 tire flips
10 push-ups
4:00 AMRAP
10 sandbag shoulder to shoulder push presses
40 yard sandbag sprint
4:00 AMRAP
10 ball slams
10 pull-ups
*only completed rounds count
I was partnered up with Nicole and Craig and we got somewhere around 42 rounds. The sandbags were hard because they were flimsy and wet and hit me in the head and almost took out some earrings, just plain awkward. The sprints were nerve racking because i didn't want to wipe out, but made for some entertainment.
I loved the tire flip portion. It got tiring after awhile, but it was fun getting down and dirty. The pullups sucked because the bar was slippery from our hands and arms being wet. Overall this was a fun wod and a nice change of pace. I hope everyone had as much fun with it as I did.
After Team Saturday I went out on some friend's boat for party on the lake. Got some major sun once the clouds opened up. Crazy people out on that lake, too many people wearing not enough clothing, aka old women with pasties and men in speedos. but hey it was entertaining.
Later that night I met a couple friends for dinner then headed to Thirsty Whale to celebrate my bday with a bunch of my closest friends. I was so ecstatic to see how many people came. It made me feel super special and loved that everyone came! In the end there was probably around 30 people that showed up! I can't thank you all enough for taking part in my birthday and making me feel so blessed. I'm so thankful to have you all in my life! :)
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Over it.
It's frustrating to no end that I don't feel like I have the support I need from the people I need it most. They all feel like I'm just giving up on engineering because I only graduated last year and that I'm wasting my education and that all I need to do is find a different job at a different company. I've looked online for different jobs that I could do and I've talked to other engineers about it. And all anyone can come up with is consulting because that interacts with people, and to me that doesn't sound fun. I don't care how things work, like I said...for the last 6 years I've been trying to convince myself that I do. I don't recall ever being super happy and ecstatic when ever anyone asked me what I was studying or what my degree is in. I'm not wasting my's still going to be there, if I change my mind in 20 years I can go back to it. If anything it helped me realize this isn't the right fit for me right now. I don't want to design things and I don't want to do research. So I'm sorry if it's so wrong of me to want to make a change so I'm not miserable the rest of my life!
Strength/Speed: 3 Press @ 50% of 1RM OTM for 8:00 31kg
Not much to say about this. Light load working on speed of the movement. Shoulder felt good.
400m run
300 double unders
400m run
I was a little worried about this one just because my left foot has been pretty tight lately. It helped that I took friday-sunday off and let it rest, but I knew the jumping, let alone the combination of jumping and running would really irritate it. About 100 double unders in and it started to cramp up on me, so needless to say that last 200 were pretty harsh. Due to that my du's were so not on today and I was stringing very random little sets together here and there. I think the most I got at one time was 35, pretty pathetic. At 250 I felt a little dribble, but I was determined to finish those last 50 and didn't have any other issues after that one. phew. shoulders were on fire and the other thing that fatigued the most aside from my foot cramp. First run was pretty solid, second was pretty slow. pretty happy with that time, but interested to do it again when my foot isn't acting up!
Thursday 7/21/11
Breakfast: 3 eggs and blueberries/strawberries
Lunch: chicken breast and 2 cups of mixed veggies
Snack: larabar
Dinner: chicken sausage with some roasted green beans and potatoes
Dessert: 1/2 coconut milk ice cream
Let's hope tomorrow's a better day...blah.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Rowing Sandwhich
Strength/Speed: 2 cleans @ 50% of 1RM OTM for 12:00 - 32.5kg
I was super stoked about this strength today. I've really been working on my second pull, dropping under the bar fast, and getting my elbows around fast. So this speed work was perfect. My legs got a little tired at the end from all the wall balls yesterday, but really enjoyed this today. Even if it was 97.7 degrees in the Fort!
500m row
50 pull-ups
500m row
I wasn't looking forward to this, due to the heat/humidity and how much it would suck holding onto the bar and I didn't want to tear my hands. So I made some "gymnastic grips" out of tape. My rowing has kind of gone down hill and I'm not as efficient as I used to be. Need to get back on track with that. My pull-ups were in sets of 3 and 2 all the way through with a couple sets of 4 in there. I couldn't hold onto the bar for long it was so slippery even with the grips. The bar was so hot that it like melted the tape and left some residue on the bar. oops..I tried getting it off. Not the greatest time, but happy I didn't tear my hands!
Cash out: 3 x max handstand hold 1:00/:45/:54 and lots of mobility
Tuesday 7/19/11
Breakfast: 3 eggs 5 sausage links, strawberries and blueberries
Lunch: pork stirfry
Snack: larabar and some nutty granola
Dinner: 4 oz chicken breast, some carrots and cucumber
Dessert: 1/2 cup coconut chocolate chip ice cream
that coconut milk ice cream was delish. I used agave instead of the palm sugar. but it totally hit the spot since I've been craving ice cream like crazy on these hot days!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Back In Action
Strength: Push Press 5-5-5 34-39-45
My shoulder felt good today. I'm hoping that means the 30 minutes of torture from Heather last week paid off! It got kind of tight/sore on the last set, but it didn't bother me as much as it normally does overhead. Bill commented I need to open up my hips more when I finish overhead, so that's something to work on next time.
15:00 AMRAP Of:
10 push-ups
15 wall ball shots (20/14)
20 KB Swings (24/16)
Looking at the other girl's scores I was hoping to come in around the 5-6 round mark and I did just that. There were many times I stopped to wipe of my hands because I almost threw the kettle bell over my head, or I stopped to shake out my arms to make sure each and every one of my push ups were chest to deck, no worming, no hips touching the ground. I think I only did that on one and I made it up to make sure it was legit. For some reason my wall balls haven't been as good as usual, I had to break those up a bit. But overall I'm pretty happy with this wod and how I held up. But it does sometimes amaze me the scores other people get.
Monday 7/18/11
Breakfast: 3 eggs 4 sausage links
Lunch: 4oz hamburger with 3 TBS guac and 1cup roasted veggies (onions, peppers, zucchini, mushrooms)
Snack: half a larabar, some pineapple chunks and nutty granola
Dinner: Pork Stirfry
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Strength: Hang Power Snatch 3-2-2-1-1-1 25-30-35-40-43PR-45fail-45fail
I felt like I've really been working on my second pull and that I should see some improvement on this one, which I did, but only by 1KG. I almost had 45kg but landed to deep in the squat for it to count as a power snatch. And the other one my bar path was out too far in front. More stuff to work on...
WOD: 15:00 AMRAP of:
35 double unders
3 Dead lifts (60-67% of 1RM) 65kg
This wod I was full of distractions. Every time I jumped rope I got a throbbing feeling in my head. Awesome. Then I was having the female peeing issues while doing double unders. Double Awesome. Dead lifts I was really trying to focus on keeping my back tight, since I don't want to tweak it now that it's finally back to normal. I really fell short with this wod. I think without my awesome distractions I could've easily gotten 15 rounds. But my head was not with it and my double unders weren't there either. Just another off day....
Thursday 7/14/11
Breakfast: 1.5 cups chili, 3oz blueberries, 5 strawberries
Lunch: 4oz burger and 1.5 cups veggies
Snack: larabar
Dinner: 4 oz tilapia, 1 cup mixed veggies, zuchinni, peppers and onions. 1/2 cup roasted sweet potatoes
Dessert: watermelon and 3 squares dark chocolate
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Strength/Speed: 3 Jerks @ 60% of 1RM (36kg) OTM for 7:00
Shoulder actually felt pretty good for the most part. Last two rounds it started to cause issues, but overall pretty good. I was really concentrating on dropping under the bar and working on my split...still needs lots of help!
10 T2B
20 Burpees
300m row
40 Wall ball shots (20/14)
300m row
20 burpees
10 T2B
I was actually looking forward to this wod. As much as I hate T2B, it was a minimal amount so I figured I could get through them in a decent amount of time. And for the first time EVER, I figured out how to kip them and got the first 6 straight! Wowza! Then it was singles...haha. Burpees were fine the first set and the second set was a little slower. Same with the rows, first was decent and the second was about 6 seconds slower. Was hoping to make up some time here, but since I can't figure out how to row so I don't feel it in my didn't work too well. Wall balls were just awful, normally I can fly right through these, but not today. We haven't done these in awhile so it was ugly. It was like 15-5-2-3-5-5-2-3, I was hoping to do two sets of 20, but that didn't happen. Oh well. I was please with my time since the goal was 7:00-10:00. I'd like to see this one again in the future to compare.
Cashout: 3 x max ring dips with purple band 8/8/8
Then I got a massage from Heather...which was torture, but my shoulder needed it. It's so freaking tight it's going to take a few sessions to fix. sheesh.
Wednesday 7/13/11
Breakfast: 3 eggs, 1oz almonds, 1oz pecans, 3oz blueberries 4 strawberries
Lunch: 4oz hamburger with 1 slice cheddar cheese 2 cups broccoli
Dinner: bowl of spaghetti squash and meat sauce
Dessert: 1 square dark chocolate and some watermelon
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Strength: Front Squat 6-4-3-2-1-1 34-40-47-54-60-70fail-70fail
Pretty disappointed today. Second movement in the last week I haven't been about to PR on. I was ok with not doing it on my Press, bc that just sucks, but my front squat?! really?! blah. I got out of the hole and slightly back above parallel and just couldn't stand it all the way. Don't know what the issue is, but pretty flippen frustrating!
4 rounds:
With 4:00 on the clock complete:
5 Power Cleans (70/50)
10 Box jumps (24")
400m run
rest the time you have remaining goal 2:00-2:30 per round
I scaled to A which had the same number of reps but were 200m runs and my times were 2:12/2:09/2:12/2:10.
I knew the cleans would be kind of heavy and the box jumps would be my slowest part and my 400m run is around 1:40ish. So I decided to scale and do the 200m runs. I knew I would be able to get the rounds finished in a respectable time that way. One of my cleans I didn't loosen my grip at the top and kind of tweaked my left wrist. just another thing to deal with and put icing on the cake for today. blah...tomorrow's a new day I guess...
Today's Eats
Breakfast: 3 eggs, 2.5 oz turkey burger, 3oz blueberries
Lunch: big bowl of spaghetti squash and meat sauce
Snack: cashew larabar
Dinner: 3oz pork tenderloin 1.5 cups mixed veggies
Dessert: watermelon and mango
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Weekend Review
Strength: Press 6-4-3-2-1-1 21-25-30-34-38-43fail-42.5fail
Press sucks. I haven't been able to PR on this in a long time. Can't get past my 42kg. Frustrating, but one of those things I have to deal with and continue to work on.
WOD: 125KB swings for time *at the top of every minute complete 5 burpees...start the wod with burpees. 6:25
Before the WOD started Bill came up to me and said if I reach around 5:30 and I finish my 100 swings (which was the prescribed wod) to go to 125. I hit my 100 just before 5:30 so I continued on to 125. My shoulders were smoked so the burpees slowed down, but my swings felt great.
Saturday Oly Class:
Hang clean 25(5)-30(4)-35(3)-35(3)-40(3)-45(3)-50(1)
I really wanted to work on my second pull and getting my elbows around faster. My elbows have prevented me from many heavier cleans, so it was time to pick my clean apart and work on it piece by piece. My speed got a little better with the lifts, not where I want it to be, but seeing improvement. I'm very happy with how I've been dropping under the bar in the squat and how that's changed with much work!
Team Saturday
In teams of 4 or 5 complete
8 X 400m run or 500m row
one person runs at a time while the others complete
125 Double unders
30 unevenly weighted step ups (20") (24kg/16kg KB)
30 Body rows
1 person completes each station, everyone doesn't have to do everything, pick and choose as you go. We were the winning team ending a little over 21:00. I got to work with Kim, Alex, John, and Ryan P. They were a great team to work with even though we messed up a couple times and actually ended up doing some extra work but in the end it was a great workout.
Time to relax with a movie and some fruit then hit the hay. Back on track with my diet today! :)
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Strength: 2 Dead lifts @ 60% of 1rm on the minute for 10:00. 65kg
Nothing special to say about this. We were working on speed while keeping good form, so my main focus was not to hurt my back again. Overall feeling good!
WOD: "Nancy"
5 rounds of:
400m run
15 OHS (40/30)
I was shooting for somewhere in the 15:00 mark, but my runs were pretty slow today. And I took some time getting back to the door for my runs since I was out in the driveway. But mainly my runs could've been faster, I was kind of disappointed in that. the first three rounds of OHS were unbroken and the last two sets I did 10-5. Major improvement from last July where I did this with the 15kg bar and got 15:52. I'd say that's a bit of improvement! :)
Cash out: 3 x max pullups with red band 5/4/4 and a bunch of mobility
Thursday 7/7/11 - Day 19
Breakfast: 3 eggs with 3 slices of Canadian Bacon, 1oz almonds, 1oz pecans, 3oz blueberries 5 strawberries
Lunch: 5.5oz chicken breast with 1.5 cups veggies
Dinner: 3 cups of greens with 4oz ground beef, peppers, a little avocado
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Sucky Shoulders Round 2
Yesterday and today had a pretty similar feel to it. Fast busy morning, then a terribly slow afternoon. I’ve been working on this demo to impress the CEO’s over in Connecticut and boy are they picky. Oh well, hopefully it turns out the way we planned. Now I need to find more work to do. If I don’t have work, I spend time researching about mechanical engineering. I’m determined to find something I want to do, but it’s pretty hard and rather frustrating…
Anyway, yesterday was pretty much my most hated day at the gym. EVERYTHING was upper body work and with the way my shoulder has irritated me lately, I was not looking forward to it.
Strength: 3 Jerks on the 1:00 for 7:00 at 55% of 1RM – 35kg
I was hoping my right shoulder would eventually warm up during this, but it never happened. I’m contemplating getting some ART work done on that shoulder because I don’t think I’m going to be able to fix it on my own..
21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand Push-ups (box)
Ring dips (purple band)
Like I said EVERYTHING was upper body. Normally I would do my HSPU in the bands because I feel as though I get a better range of motion that way, but due to the amount of people in the class and the amount of reps, I don’t think I would’ve been able to finish. Dips were better than the last time, but my push-ups were pretty weak. Shoulder didn’t feel too hot after this one, but I made it through. I never got tired, like heavy breathing tire during this one, just pure shoulder fatigue. Yuck.
My Eats
Tuesday 7/5/11 - Day 17
Breakfast: 3 eggs 6 sausage links and 4oz blueberries
Lunch: a bunch of steak cabobs...with peppers, onions, and mushrooms. 1oz almonds and 1 oz pecans
Snack: apple pie larabar
Dinner: 5 oz chicken 3oz brussel sprouts and a side salad
dessert: 5oz watermelon
Wednesday 7/5/11 - Day 18
Breakfast: 3 eggs, 1oz almonds, 1oz pecans, 4oz blueberries
Lunch: a bunch of steak kabobs
Snack: 1oz almonds and 5 strawberries
Dinner: steak fajitas with lettuce, pico de gally, onions, peppers, and guac
Monday, July 4, 2011
1 Year!
Saturday Oly lifting: Snatch 25(3)-25(3)-35(3)-40(2)-45(1)-50fail-50fail-50fail
I was thiiiiiiiiiiiiis close to getting 50kg snatch! I just couldn't keep it locked out to stand it up. My shoulders are too soft. Next time I'm definitely getting it, I felt like I had it. Just a little disappointed!
Team Saturday WOD:
In teams of 3 complete:
350m row (men)/300m row (women) each person then:
12 rounds of:
15 SDHP (35/25)
15 ring dips
2400m run (add it up together)
75 pullups
I was partnered up with Nicole and Tiffany, she's just out of ramp up, brave soul for coming to Team saturday the day after you finish ramp up. But she did great. This was the biggest team saturday we've had in months!! It was great to see everyone back at the Fort again. We finished somewhere around 24:54.
Cash out: 3 x max Hand stand holds :48/:48/:53
Monday strength: Front Squat: 3-3-3 47-55-60
Last set was pretty heavy, but still felt pretty good. Need to focus on keeping my knees back.
WOD:(compare to 6/2/11 (rx 6:02) and 12/31/10(A 5:05))
21-15-9 of:
Box jumps (20")
Ball Slams (30/20)
My stomach was feeling a little funny so I wasn't sure how well I would do today, but I was determined to get sub 6:00. My first set of box jumps I got 11 in a row, which is amazing for me. I have a really hard time stringing box jumps together. But I'm getting better at them, so I got through those pretty fast. All burpees and ball slams were unbroken and at a pretty good pace. Next two sets of box jumps were 5-5-5 and 3-3-3. I called time, looked at the clock and it was 5:33. I'm super proud of this given that I took off almost 30 seconds in a month! I just kept moving and got it done!! It was a good day! :)
saturday and today I spent time doing mobility on my shoulder, back, and legs
Monday 7/4/11 - Day 16
Breakfast: 3 eggs and 4 slices of Canadian Bacon and 5 strawberries
Lunch: 5oz lamb/ground beef hamburger with 3 strips of bacon a couple pieces of zuchinni and pineapple and some of Jer's Meatloaf
Dinner: steak and shrimp and corn on the cob, i caved

Dessert: couple chunks of watermelon, and 2oz baby carrots with 1 TBS sunbutter
Friday, July 1, 2011
Sucky Shoulders
Strength: 2 Thrusters on the 1:00 for 11:00 at 55% of 1RM 30kg
So these pretty much felt awful. Front squat part of it was great, but my shoulders have been giving me issues. I haven't had this problem in awhile, so I'm pretty disappointed it's coming back again. My right shoulder is worse than the left. So every time I pushed the bar overhead, I got this tight almost like a pinching feeling in the top of my shoulder. Guess I've got lots of mobility to do on my shoulders...blah!
WOD: 3 rounds of:
400m run
21 KB swings (24/16)
12 HSPU (used to green bands for assistance)
This wod felt pretty good, I was nervous about my shoulders, but it went well. My first run was solid, second a little slower, and the third even slower. My legs just weren't feeling it today. All rounds of KB swings were unbroken. HSPU felt MUCH better this time than the last few times we've done them. The first set went 7-5, second was 5-4-3, third set was 4-3-2-3. The HSPU were definitely what slowed me down during this wod, but I was much happier with them today, than in the past. No cash out today, going to do some tomorrow after team Saturday. Did some mobility on my shoulder, hips, and back.
Breakfast: 3 eggs, 6 circle slices of Canadian bacon, 4oz blueberries
Lunch: 1.5 cups of chicken fajita stuff, 2 TBS guac, 1oz almonds 1 oz cashews
Snack: 2 oz pistachios
Dinner: cashew chicken and beef
Dessert: Watermelon