So it's been a few days since I last updated. I now finished day 6 of the 100 day challenge, eek, seems so far away. Anyway I've had 3 workouts since then so I better catch y'all up. Thursday: Strength: Front Squat 3-3-3 at 59kg WOD: 21-15-9 SDHP (40/30kg) Knees to elbows - 5:13 :90 rest 21-15-9 Box jumps (24/20") Ball slams (30/20) - total time for entire wod 10:33
The front squats felt great that day. My hip didn't feel as impinged like it does every once and awhile so I went a little heavier. The last set was obviously tough, but I felt good. The wod I knew was going to be a little slower than I would like, but my K2E are super slow. I can't kip them so it's 1 or 2 at a time. I really focused on getting the full ROM and getting to my elbows every time, no cheating the movement. SDHP felt great and I definitely felt it in my inner thighs the next day.
The second half of the wod I was pretty disappointed in my box jumps. I really need to figure out how to string them together. I think it's a fear thing, since my knee will sometimes act up after box jumps. The ball slams felt good and I was able to do all those unbroken. It was also a nice day at the Fort because Jeremy came to workout . I'm glad he finally made it there with me and got to experience the energy there. He did great since it was pretty much a purely endurance workout. He's getting better every day!
Strength: Push Press 3-3-3 35kg - 45kg - 50kg
I was determined to get 50kg up this week. I tried it the week before and with my hands torn to shreds, I couldn't lock it out. I got the 2 reps of the last set up and on the 3rd I dropped forward to much and couldn't lock it out. I re-racked it and got that 3rd rep of. Anything over head is a struggle for me, so I'm happy to see some progress.
WOD: 5:00 AMRAP of: 5 OHS (50/35kg) 5 Push Press 3 rounds 2:30 rest 2:30 AMRAP of: 10 pull-ups 10 burpees 1 round + 16 reps
I was comparing the first half of this wod to one we did previously with power snatches and ohs at this weight. That one I got 4+ rounds, so I was hoping for something similar. I didn't realize how shot my wrists and shoulders would be though. the last 2 ohs of each round I struggled A LOT with. I dropped the last one on rounds two and three. So I was a little disappointed with this performance.
On the second half, my arms were shot so this was going to be interesting, but I was going for 2 rounds. My pull-ups really slow me down since I have to pretty much do them one at a time. So I gave it my all on my burpees to pick up the speed. Again, a little unhappy with this performance. This just wasn't my wod.
Oly Lifting: Clean 3@25kg 3@35kg 2@45kg 1@55kg 58-fail 1@58kg PR
I was feeling some PR's this morning, so I really wanted to focus on my clean. My old PR was 55 and once I reached that weight, I felt great and that I had more in me. A couple things I need to focus on with my cleans is getting my elbows around fast at the top when I catch it, instead of scooping under it at a lower position and not falling forward. I was a little forward on the 58kg, but I feel like I still have more in me. Once I focused on that bar and convinced myself that I could do it and it wasn't heavy, I got that PR! I need to work on the same approach every time and know I will do it!
Team Saturday WOD:
In teams of 4 or 5: 2 rounds for time and reps: 6 x 250m row (2 people alternating) AMRAP wall ball (20/14) - total reps 330
then, 2 rounds for time and reps: 6 x 25 Box jumps (20") (2 people alternating) AMRAP KB swings (24/16) - total reps 243
Total time - 23:34
My team consisted of Dave, Dan V., Nick and myself. I've worked with Dave before and I know he's a great athlete. Dan and Nick are still pretty new, but I was excited to work with them. Dave and I paired up and started on wall balls while the other 2 started rowing, we completed around 150+ wall balls while they rowed. Then we went up to row, which for me was a challenge, since Dave could row so fast I had a shorter amount of rest between rows, but it was a great push for me.
Next we moved down stairs and I started on box jumps while the other pair did KB swings. I'm still struggling to string these together and after rowing/wall balls, my legs were tired! I would get about 5 together then it would be singles. Then Dave would string all or almost all together and I'd have to get back on the box with very little rest. It was tough, but the last round I was able to get the first 11 strung together and the majority after that. Finally we moved onto KB swings while Nick did box jumps and Dan did ball slams. Nick had a really tough time with the box jumps, so Dave and I got quite a few rounds of kb swings. We finished with around 143 kb swings.
Overall this workout was great. It was nonstop and I haven't sweated that much in a workout in a long time. I was glad I was partnered with Dave so that he could push me that little extra bit every round. It was a great start to my Saturday morning, I just love Team Saturdays! :)
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