Anyone else feel like it's been a super long week and we're only half way there?! Ugh, Tuesday felt like it should have been Thursday!! So yesterday, mom and I decided to splurge and have a cheat, we split a piece of carrot cake from Firewood. It was freakin delish, but I was in food coma for awhile afterward! I'm going to try and not eat any sugars and see if this helps me lean out. So no natural sugars either, no fruit, nothing. It's going to be quite the challenge for me...
Strength: Snatch grip push press from behind the head. 5-5-5-5-5 25kg-30kg-35kg-40kg-43kg
This was something new in the strength routine, but I'm glad we saw it come up. My main problem with OHS is getting the bar up and locking it out. So I'm hoping this really helped with that. Hopefully we can get some snatch balance work in...
15:00 AMRAP of:
10 dumbbell thrusters (45% of bw) I used 25# dumbbells....should have gone a little heavier with 30 but they were out
10 K2E
8 rounds
I tested out the prescribed weight for the dumbbells, which would have been 35# but it was a struggle getting 3 up. I wanted to use 30, but those were all out, so I used the 25#. It was able to rep through the thrusters pretty easily. I could generally get 8-10 straight, so that was where I picked it up in this wod. K2E on the other hand were really slow, as usual, but I reallly tried to focus on getting FROM, even if they were one at a time.
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