Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I'm back...

There’s so much to catch up on! Almost two weeks worth so I better stop being lazy and write about the last week’s worth of strength and wods!

Friday 3-11-11

Strength: Push Press 5-3-1-1-1 35kg-40kg-45kg-50kg-52kg (PR)

Since I was observing ramp up again, I had been going to the 6PM and was able to lift with Hannah. She’s such a strong woman and inspiration. I hope she takes pride in how strong she is and what a great athlete she is! Maybe in 10 years I’ll be that good too! :-P Anyway, anything upper body is pretty weak for me, but I was hoping to get a PR with my push press and I think doing the extra push ups are starting to help my upper body strength. So I was happy to PR by 2 Kg! :-)

WOD: 21-15-9 OHS(50/35) ring dips 7:35

After the last Friday WOD with OHS in them, I knew I wasn’t going to go with the prescribed weight. So I went with 30kg and the purple band for the dips. I did a lot better with the OHS this day and was able to get the first set unbroken. And most of the second and all of the third. My dips on the other hand are really rusty. My wrists were on fire and just had nothing in them. I really need to start practicing the dips after class again…

Saturday 3-12-11

Went to the Oly class before heading out to Naperville for Green Beer and Burpees.

Decided to work on my snatch and work towards a new PR. I warmed up with 25kg and 30kg. Did a rep at 35 and 40kg(my old pr) and then went to 42 and finally 44kg. I failed 3 attempts at 44kg before I finally made it on the 4th. All eyes were on me and everyone was cheering me on to lock that out overhead and get it. It’s such a rush when everyone gets so excited for you and supports you! :-) I was definitely excited to lock out the 44kg and get a new pr, next stop 50 :-P

Jer and I then drove out to Naperville to meet up with a bunch of fellow Crosfitters from many different affiliates in the area. The workout consisted of jogging to four different stations at the first we did walking lunges (I lost count, but I know it was close to/if not more than 200, boy did my ass feel that the next two days!), the second was push-ups, third was squats, and the final one was burpees. At each station you did as many reps as possible in the allotted time except the burpees you did 25, 50, or 100. I slacked and did 25. J but regardless it was a great workout. We finished at Lululemon for a group picture and then I did some damage shopping. But it was well deserved since all my shorts were way to big on me and I needed new ones. Then we went to a bar and ate and socialized. It was great to partake in something with so many CrossFitters from all over! I wish we did things like this more often!

Monday 3-14-11

Strength: Press 5-5-5-3-3-3 21kg-25kg-27kg-30kg-32kg-35kg

Nothing too exciting here. Just working on upper body again and hopefully getting new results soon.

WOD: 12:00 AMRAP of:

10DL (100/70) 20 walking lunges 30 Push-ups -- 3 full rounds

I was a little frightened by this wod. The DL’s were really close to the weight I used for Christine and struggled on, my ass/legs were already super sore from all the walking lunges on Saturday, and 30 push-ups is A LOT of push-ups for one round! But I tackled this wod as best I could, went with the prescribed weight and did much better keeping my chest up and back tight. And thanks to K-Tuck I was lifting in some fierce skull tall socks! :-p the walking lunges were pretty much my rest point. Push-ups were a fight. I was determined to the first round without touching my hips to the ground. I was able to do the first 15 reps unbroken then it was sets of 3 or 5 after that. The push-ups were definitely my weakest point in every round, but the first 2 rounds and half of the 3rd I didn’t touch my hips once. The last 15 reps I slightly touched the ground, but ugh they were rough.

Tuesday 3-15-11

Strength: Power Snatch 3-3-3-1-1-1 25kg-35kg-40kg-42kg-43kgfail

I think I went up too fast on the weights for these sets. I struggled to get the 42kg, couldn’t get the 43kg, and didn’t even try to get it again. I probably should have done 25-30-35-40-42-? Either way, I was a little upset with how these went, so I knew I needed to make up for it in the wod.

WOD: 4 rounds of: 300m row 12 pull-ups 21 anchored sit-ups 3:00 Rest total time with rest = 20:25

I knew the kicker here would be the pull-ups and they would eventually be done one at a time. I gave it a pretty good sprint on the rower and was finished around 1:10 every round, the first 3 pull-ups I got unbroken every round then it was 1 at a time after that, and the sit-ups were all as fast as I could and unbroken. I was really happy with this performance. Next time hopefully my pull-ups are stronger.

Thursday 3-17-11

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I was sure to wear my festive green tall socks and green beer and burpees shirt to the fort that day!

Strength: Snatch grip Push Press (from behind the head) 5-5-5 35kg-40kg-45kg.

This is definitely a tricky lift that needs work. I haven’t had too much of a hard time getting it up and locking it out. It’s on the way down and catching it when I have the trouble. And the shirt I was wearing was super slippery, so I lost it backwards a couple of times. Oops.

WOD: 3 rounds of: 3:00 AMRAP of: 30 Double Unders 15 Ground to overhead (35/25) 5 rounds + 18 double unders

The first Games Open Wod was announced the Tuesday before this wod, so in preparation, Bill set up this little wod for us. We were only supposed to go 70% effort, but it’s hard to dial back unless I’m using a lighter weight or scaling the reps. So I probably went about 90-95% on this. This gave me a good idea of what to shoot for when I performed the Open wod on Saturday.

Saturday 3-19-11

Open Wod #1 – attempt 1

10:00 AMRAP

30 Double Unders

15 Power Snatches (35/25)

I was nervous all morning about attacking this wod, so I waited back a bit and helped judge and cheer on others. Hannah crushed the wod the night before and I was hoping to come somewhat close to her, if not at least complete over 5 rounds. With some great support and tips from others I finally gave it a go. The first round of DU’s were iffy and I tripped up a bit. Most of my rounds I got a good amount strung together, but tripped up here or there. The snatches I tried to do 5-10 unbroken. First set was unbroken and I was able to get the first two rounds finished in 3:00. I pretty much gave it an all out effort, tried to keep my hands on the bar at all times and not step back and rest too much. The DU’s are what got me, but I was SUPER happy with my results. I managed to help the CrossFit Fire team and take second spot, 5 points behind Hannah, and slightly above Steph. I’m so proud of all of the Fort members and their tremendous effort on Saturday. These next 6 weeks are going to be amazing!! I can’t wait to see what we are capable of!

Monday 3-21-11

Strength: Press 3-3-3-1-1-1 25kg-30kg-33kg-35kg-38kg-40kg PR

WOD: 3 rounds of: 10 cleans(60/40) 400m run 9:41

I decided to use 35kg for the cleans because my back has been a little sore lately and I know my elbows falling and my chest leaning forward when it got heavy would hurt my back. In the end I was really happy I didn't go with the rx'd weight and saved my back. my runs were a little slow giving that it was the first time I've ran in forever, but they weren't awful. I was very happy to get out and running though. Looking forward to the spring/summer months!!! :)

Tuesday 3-22-11

Strength: Power Snatch 3-3-3-1-1-1 25kg-30kg-35kg-40kg-42kg-43kgfail

I had trouble with these again today, same as last week. Just need to drop under the bar more. I think too much about being a power snatch and making sure I don't land parallel, when I still have plenty of room to go. Oh well, next time.

WOD: 2 rounds of: 5:00 AMRAP of: 12 pull-ups 12 burpees 5:00 rest 2 rounds +19/2 rounds + 17

I really wanted to focus on my pull-ups on this one. I did the first 3 or 4 unbroken each round then it was 1 or 2 after that. My burpees were unbroken and I tried to speed through those. Overall this was a great workout, just wish my hands didn't get beat up so much!

My diet has been pretty spot on. Aside from Sunday where I had a tiiiiiny piece of cake and spoonful of ice cream to celebrate Jer's Dad's Birthday. I'm really happy with how strict I've been. It's tough getting these last few pounds off, but I'm getting there and stoked to see my progress! :)

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