Today was quite possibly the slowest day at work. Not only has it been a super long week already, but today just dragged on! On top of that there are so many people sick at work or stayed home because they are so sick. I really hope I don't come down with anything. Especially with the Open starting next week. Better make sure I get some extra rest in!
Strength: Front squat 3-3-3 at same weight of 60kg
I was a little nervous going up to 60kg, but I was determined to do it for all three sets. I've been going up around 1-2kg every week, so hopefully I really start to improve this movement. Bill did notice that my knees tend to track forward on my way up because my quads are more dominant than my hammies. So now I know what to focus on the next time I do this.
WOD: 5 rounds for reps of:
:30 wall balls (20/14)
:30 ball slams (30/20)
2:00 rest
16/14 - 16/15 - 16/16 - 16/16 - 16/17 = 158
Since it was only a minute of work each round I was going for an all out effort. I based my wall ball shots around what I normally got in a minute for FGB which was about 28-30. So I was aiming for 15 per round. I happily beat that every round and was consistent with 16 every round. I'm glad I didn't let up. Ball slams I didn't really have a game plan, but figured it would be similar to wall balls. I've had trouble figuring out the most efficient way of doing ball slams. But today I finally figured out how to clean the ball up instead of using my biceps. So I was pretty happy with my consistency with these as well. Overall, I really enjoyed this workout. It wasn't crazy hard and it was movements I enjoy and am pretty good at. It was a refreshing day at the Fort tonight.
Food for the day:
Breakfast: 3 eggs, 3 oz skirt steak and snack size baggie full of orange and yellow pepper slices
Lunch: 12 oz chili
Dinner: salad, 6 oz pork tenderloin, 7 asparagus spears and 5 potato wedges.
Day two no sugars of any kind. Doing pretty well so far, granted it's only day two, but I'm really interested to see if this is really going to improve my struggles with losing the last few pounds..
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