Life has been crazy lately and I'm slacking on this blog, so here's a week's worth of updates! sheesh!
Thursday March 24, 2011 Strength: snatch grip push press 3-3-3 45kg-47kg-48kg so it was definitely an off day and Steph and I were having issues figuring out the weights on the bar. we wanted to start at 40, but when steph brought out the 10 and 5 kilo plates I just put them both on each side, didn't even realize I loaded the bar to 45 instead of 40. We realized what had happened at the 3rd set when I could barely get 50 overhead, and was wondering what was going on. so needless to say we went a little heavier than planned, but it worked out. and now I had a sweet bruise on my leg, from having so many issues. haha
WOD: 4 rounds of: 21 calorie row 14 KB swings (24/16) 7 pullups :90 rest 14:32 I knew this wod was going to be a total grip killer. i wanted to give as much as I could on the rower, but by the third round I was so gassed and it was so hard to give it all I had. So it was a little over 1:00 for each row. KB swings were all unbroken and pullups were the first 3 then singles after that. But I busted through them and was pretty happy with this wod.
Friday March 25, 2011
Strength: windmill with 16kg kettle bell these were interesting, look easier than they are once you've got weight in your hands.
WOD: Tabata :20 on :10 off Deadlift (135/105) Wall Ball Shots (20/14) Wall to Wall Sprints Situps 213
Today was supposed to be a rest day, but we decided to make it a couples thing at Carbon, haha. It was fun to work out with Jer, K-Tuck, and Dave at the same time. I definitely didn't go all out on this wod since it was supposed to be my rest day and since I was taking a second shot at the Open Wod the next morning. I paced the DL's and wall balls and sprints, pretty much the only thing I went all out on was the situps. Overall it was a good workout, but probably would've been much better had I gone all out.
Open Wod #1 15:00 Amrap 30 double unders 15 power snatches (35/25)
5 rounds +30 double unders +9 snatches
I improved my score by 7 reps from the week prior. I was really shooting for 6 full rounds and I ended 6 reps short. But I was super happy with how I did during this wod, especially with my ending and getting the 9 snatches straight. My arms really tired out during the double unders, so I took a couple more breaks during those than I would prefer. But it was a great Saturday morning and I can't wait for this Saturday! :-)
Tuesday March 29, 2011
Strength: Power clean 3-3-3-1-1-1 35kg-40kg-45kg-53kg-57kg-59kgfail-60kgfail-62kg PR
The 62kg clean was a full clean, couldn't put the breaks on to make it a power clean. And man was it ugly, I had to scream to get that clean up, but I was happy to get that. Looks like I'm going to make my clean goal a little higher! :-)
Wod: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
KB swings (24/16) used 20kg bell Box Jumps (24/20) Ring dips (toes) 9:17
I was originally going to use the 16 kg bell, but Tommy was next to me in my ear making the chicken noise for not using the heavier bell. my thought process was I wasn't using the purple band on the ring dips, so I would stick with the lighter bell. But I decided to go with the 20kg bell, swings were easy and all unbroken. I'm really going to try and use the 20kg bell in the majority if not all the workouts that have KB swings. Box jumps have gotten a lot better and all besides the first round were unbroken. Dips were hard doing them with using my toes slightly instead of the band. But I need to start doing them without the band to reach my goal of getting an unassisted ring dip. I'm slowly making my goals for the year, I just need to really sit and write them down!
Wednesday March 30, 2011
I tried to finish with 1RM on my front squat, and I think i could've gotten 70kg had I not tried it as a 1 1/2 FS first. But I'm super close and hope to get that next time!
WOD: 4 rounds of:
:30 jumping squats (30/20) :30 rest :30 wall ball shots (20/14) :30 rest :30 pullups :30 rest
This was a leg burner for sure after the front squats. Jumping squats I was consistent 17/16/17/17, same with wall balls 13/13/13/14 and pullups 8/8/7/8. I was determined to stay consistent with every movement, so I was happy with that. Still trying to get more pullups in a row, but it was the first 3 every round then singles after that.
Tomorrow is another wod then a rest day, then saturday comes the big day for wod #2!!