This weekend went by so fast and I had barely any time to do anything! Saturday was a great experience and one of my favorite days so far this year. AND one of the reasons why I love being part of CrossFit Fire. Saturday was such a great bonding experience and I hope that we are able to go to more competitions as a group. 22 two CrossForters participated in the Chicago Indoor Rowing Competition. Each of us rowed an individual 2000 meters and then there was a male and female 2500 meter relay competition. It was so encouraging to watch everyone row their 2k and everyone PR. I was lucky to have Kinsy next to me during our heat so I was familiar with someone rowing. I had a goal in mind of rowing 8:00, but I exceeded that and rowed a 7:54.3 2K, which crushed my old PR by 20 seconds. I don't remember everyone's exact times, but I know everyone PR'd and I'm so happy we were all there to support each other and achieve so much!
We waited around for a few hours before the relay's started. The female team consisted of Nicole, Hannah, Kinsy, Steph, and myself. Our original plan was to have our strongest rower, Nicole, start and give us the lead followed by Hannah, Kinsy, Steph and myself. Bill believed I had a good chance at finishing our relay off strong based on how I finished my 2K race. Nicole gave us a good lead and while she was rowing the line up was jumbled and I was thrown on the rower after Nicole, I pulled the hardest 500m I've ever rowed and kept the lead by 10-16m the entire time. Our transitions were a little slow, since we were all sharing one rower and we have never practiced that before. Hannah followed me, then Kinsy and finally Steph. We ended up in 3rd, which was a little heartbreaking, but we all did our best and it was a great competition. I hope we can get another chance at it again in the future. The boys team came in 4th in their relay. I was so proud of everyone, we beat so many teams that row for their sport, just goes to show how badass we are! :)
Today started off rushed at work. I was running around trying to finish some stuff on time so we could ship boards out and get them tested. And then the afternoon was slow and I was rather tired and just ready to get out of there and to the gym.
Strength: Hang Power cleans 3-3-3-1-1-1 35kg-40kg-45kg-50kg-56kg-58kg fail - 57kg fail. I finished at 56kg and that was a PR. I tried 58 and 57 three times a piece, but I just couldn't get my elbows around. Next time I got it.
WOD: 4 rounds for time: 21 KB swings (24/16) 12 Burpees. Goal time 5:00-8:00.
Right before the WOD Tommy Mo asked me if I was going heavy for the KB swings. I was actually thinking it before he said something, but I second guessed myself and thought I was crazy. So I was happy that Tommy Mo pushed me to go heavy and I decided to use the 20kg kettle bell for the swings. I need to start pushing myself that extra notch every once and awhile. And like Tommy said, my swings are pretty strong, so 20kg wouldn't break me. So I went at it, but kept the 16kg KB close, just in case. My goal was to get the KB swings unbroken every round, I was successful the first two rounds but the last two I went 15-6. And all my burpees were unbroken. However, my underwear was giving me some issues, so that slowed me down a bit. I ended with a time of 7:12, which was within the goal time, so I was very pleased with that. Thank you, Tommy, for pushing me that extra bit, I need that from time to time. Gave me that extra bit of confidence, so I hope to do it more often!
Food For the Day:
Breakfast: 3 eggs and 5 sausage links
Lunch: Roasted chicken, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and carrots
Dinner: 6oz tilapia and 9 asparagus spears and a side salad with cucumber and tomatoes.
Dessert: banana, almond butter muffin with cinnamon butter. OMG DELISH! and .5oz dark chocolate
You are ALWAYS very welcome, Kir. Your swings are so technically sound and strong that it's an easy decision for you to move up to the 20K KB.
"Short term pain, for a long-term gain!"
Way to get after it. Proud of ya!
I cannot tell you how proud I am of you!!!! Watching your physical and emotional transformation since you began Crossfit has been amazing and so encouraging!! Keep up the good work, and we'll all keep supporting your skinny little butt the whole way!!! Love you more than you know!
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