Good news....I remembered my food today!! So no crying in the parking lot! haha. I realized how pathetic that was, but it really was the straw that broke the camel's back from everything else that weekend. Anywho, I'm in a much better mood today. I woke up today with a fresh start. Granted I was super exhausted from my 15+ hour day yesterday, but gotta do what you gotta do! And thanks to the kind comments from some people, I really appreciated your support and honesty!
Food for the day: Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs and 4 sausage links and 3oz mixed nuts and dried fruit Lunch: ~13oz chili (ground beef, stew meat, peppers, onions, tomatoes, and a bunch of spices) Dinner: 6oz of stew (stew meat, carrots, celery, onions) and 4oz mixed veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots)
WOD: 5 rounds of: 2:30 AMRAP of: 5 hang squat cleans (60/40) 10 burpees 2:30 rest 2+8/2+6/2+5/2+6/2+6 Since I decided to take this week a little easier, I decided to go with 35kg for the WOD. Not only that, but squat cleans are what caused "Louis". Since I went lighter than I could have done, I decided to go completely unbroken and try to go at a faster pace. My goal was to get over 2 rounds every time, so I'm very pleased with my results. In the end I was glad I didn't go RXd on the weight, just as a precaution. I could have done it, but it definitely would have been a lot harder and less rounds. Hopefully in a few months I'll be over this mental block of 'Louis' and be able to go heavy on squat cleans!
Again, I'm happy to be working out in the later class and work out with some of the girls I haven't seen in awhile. And plus it gives me some extra practice on my coaching skills! K-Tuck you did awesome with the WOD! I'm proud of you for going heavy on those squat cleans!
Okay, I gotta chime in here and say to STOP calling them "squat cleans" already. Sheesh!
By definition:
"Clean" = Bar on ground to bar on chest with a full squat to full standing position.
"Power Clean" = Bar on ground to bar on chest with muted squat (not a full squat) or no squat at all to full standing (power) position.
"Hang Clean" = Same thing as a clean but begins from the hang position.
"Hang Power Clean" = Same thing as a power clean but starts from the hang position.
B&J would agree with this but I am betting they say "Squat Clean" because it causes a lot less confusion.
Technically, it should just say "Hang Clean" which would trigger us all to think "Starts from hang, has a full squat."
Semantics baby....Nice work tonight. Way to stay after it and keep moving. S-I-C-K! No more crying either - you're tougher than that. Remember, it's just food, man. ;)
There! I've said my part. I'm done....
Ga giggity!
Haha. Thanks Tommy. I know the differences, guess I was just stating it because that's what was on the board. And sometimes when we have just "clean" on the board people don't follow suit so I get thrown off. But thanks for the correction! I'll be sure not to call them squat cleans from now on! :)
And yes, no more crying! :) I'm a big girl!
Thanks for the tips during the wod btw, you're always so much help!!
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