It's almost Friday!!! I feel like the last two weeks have been the longest weeks ever! I'm excited for this weekend...Blackhawks game and a 3 day weekend, yes please!?
So Tuesday night was another killer metcon. It was 6 rounds of: 15 burpees 300m row 5:00 rest. Goal of 1:30-2:00 rounds. I went to the Fort already not feeling too hot, my stomach felt really off. Then when I saw the wod on the board, I wasn't too excited. I figured my burpees would really slow down, which they did but they were all unbroken. But my rowing really took a toll too. My fastest round was the first at 1:49 and my longest was round 4 at 2:09. Thankfully after round 4 I picked it up a but, but sheesh that was rough. I closed my eyes the last 2 rounds on the rower to make it go by faster! I find that when I don't pay attention to the meters slowly going up and just count my pulls and close my eyes I do a lot better. Combined my time ended up being 12:09. I was kind of disappointed in this, but given that I didn't feel well before it, I guess it was to be expected. I then laid on the slam balls for a good 20 minutes after the wod because I felt so light headed. I didn't feel right until about an hour and a half after the wod and once I showered. Sheesh. Hopefully, if we see this again, I'll feel better going into it and improve.
Today's Strength: Front Squat 3-3-3 stay at the same weight. 57kg-57kg-57kg. This is 2 kilos heavier than last week when we did the sets of 3 and I felt pretty good with it. The last round was a struggle, but felt good.
WOD: 10:00 AMRAP 25 double unders 5 Dead lifts (100/70). 8 rounds + 4 DU's. I went into this wod just hoping to give it all I had. I wasn't so much worried about the DL as I was the DU. I haven't practice nor have we done double unders in a wod in awhile. I had a hard time stringing them together a couple rounds I got 15+ in a row, but normally it was 10 and then 5 and then a couple more and just a mess. I need to start working on those again. My DL I felt pretty good about, I heard Jennie saying to pull more with my chest, so I need to work more on that and perfecting my form during a WOD. Overall I felt good about the wod. It'll be nice to have another rest day tomorrow and get back at it for Oly Lifting and Team Saturday! :)
Food for the day: Breakfast: 3 slices of Meatza
Lunch: 11oz of chicken fajitas (chicken, peppers, onions)
Dinner: salad with cucumbers and tomatoes and a TBS of honey dijon vinaigrette, spaghetti squash with chicken, spinach, tomato, pepper, onion mix on top with a lil Parmesan cheese.
Dessert: spoonful of coconut ice cream. 1oz dark chocolate chips 1oz almonds

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