Monday, February 14, 2011

My pull ups are back!

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you all got to enjoy some time with your loved ones tonight or this weekend. It was another crazy busy weekend! Friday I left my house at 5:30AM got home around 8:45PM, showered and ate in 25min then was out the door to see a movie with Jer. Finally came home around 11:45 and CRASHED. My head hit the pillow and I was OUT! Oh and we both recommend going to see “Just Go With It”, it was hysterical! Saturday I decided to take an extra rest day and catch up on some sleep. With working 48 hours last week, working out, and observing ramp up, I was exhausted. I managed to get almost 10 hours of sleep Friday night and it was fantastic. Saturday obviously flew by and ended it with a great V-day dinner with my parents and Jeremy. Mom and I prepared some bacon wrapped dates, steaks, roasted sweet potatoes, asparagus, and paleo chocolate espresso cake. It was absolutely delish and was great to spend time with the p’s! Then we attempted to go bowling, but it was way too crowded, and ended up just meeting Steph, Colleen, K-tuck and Dave at Firewood. I was glad some of my other friends (Mal and Joe) were able to stop by too since I haven’t seen them in forever! But was also disappointed Pete and Ivy decided to be lazy and stay in! L Next time! Sunday we had a birthday celebration with Jer’s family at Nick’s Pizza and Pub. That was hard since they ordered a bunch of pizza, but I ordered a burger instead and avoided all the pizza! I took 2 sips of Jer’s birthday shake thing they brought out which was amazing and so hard to resist not taking more. So the weekend came and went and the only thing keeping me afloat this week is the thought that I have a 3 day weekend coming up! Oh and the Blackhawk’s game! :)

Food for the day:

Breakfast: 3 eggs and 5oz of chicken

Lunch: ~2.5 cups shrimp stir fry, mainly veggies and like 4 shrimp. And 2oz almonds

Dinner: taco salad. 2.5 cups salad about 4oz ground beef 1/4 avocado and 3 TBS salsa

Dessert: piece of paleo chocolate cake and 1/2 a strawberry

Strength: hang power snatch 3-3-3-1-1-1 20kg-25kg-30kg-35kg-38kg-40kg (PR)
WOD: 21-18-15-12 KB swings (24/16) pull ups

I scaled the workout to do RXd swings but C. reps for pull ups 10-8-6-4. I've been working my way back with the pull ups and today they finally just clicked! The first round I was about to get the first 5 unbroken! It was such a relief! And after that I was getting 2 or 3 in a row! So excited. I called time at 5:25, so I was pretty happy with that, could have even done more pull ups had I known they were going to rock today! :)

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