Today for sure felt like Monday after having yesterday off. Well, technically we didn't have off. I'm pretty sure HS was the ONLY place open in the state! But it didn't matter because we didn't go in and I slept till 9! That's 4 more hours than I normally got, it was fantastic! I shoveled a little bit of snow, not much because my shoulder wasn't feeling it. Then went to Jer's house for his birthday and gave him his awesome gift! Then we played in the snow and went sledding. Later on we had dinner with his fam and hung out for a bit. It was nice to have a day off, but went by wayyyy too fast.
Today was actually a good day at work, I was at my desk for like an hour and a half. Which is fantastic because I'm normally sitting behind my desk for all 8 hours. Lame. I'm supposed to be getting more work since they want me working more hours, but I don't see that really happening. working 50 hours a week is really working 60 hours with having to drive 2 hours a day! :( Sooooo hopefully that doesn't actually happen with all my plans in store for the next couple months. And after it taking an hour and 45 minutes to get to work this morning, that definitely does not sound appealing.
Food for the day: Breakfast: piece of the Fritatta. Lunch: turkey burger on salad with a hard boiled egg and 2.5oz pecans and almonds. Dinner: 4.5oz pork tenderloin, 8 spears of asparagus and some roasted sweet potatoes. A pear and a couple of paleo cookies...I had the munchies today.
Strength: Floor Press 5-3-1-1-1 establish 1RM. 35-45-50-51.5PR-52.5fail. I've been struggling with this lift for the past couple months, so I wasn't really looking forward to today. My upper body strength, well, sucks! But it's ok, I make up for it with the leg lifts. So I only PR'd by 0.5kg since September, sad face. WOD: 12:00 AMRAP of: 21 KB swings (24/16) 14 burpees 7 body rows. 5 rounds plus 8 swings.
My main goal for this wod was to go unbroken for all of the movements. I was able to do this for all of the KB swings. Burpees I was too distracted by my pants falling down, so I would get 7 then have to pull them up and do the other 7. Body rows were typically unbroken except for a couple sets that were 4-3. I was aiming for 4.5 rounds, so I was really happy with finishing just over 5 rounds. I think I need to get some pants that don't fall down...
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