Thursday, June 23, 2011

A friendly wager

Woke up pretty sleepy today. I hate 5AM. End of story.

Strength: 2 Power Snatches on the minute for 12:00 at 85% of 1RM. 40kg
I love the strength work like this we've been doing lately. The more we get to work on the oly lifts, the happier I am! I would work on them every day if I could! I still have the problem every once and awhile of jumping forward which causes the bar to be kind of off balance over head. So I'm really trying to focus on locking it out fast and slightly jumping backward. Over all I felt pretty good about this strength work. (Note to self: wear better underwear so I'm not having a constant wedgie. As Dolores said "is your bum eating your knickers?" bahahaha, I love her!)

WOD: 4 rounds of:
25 KB swings (24/16)
25 Pushups

This wod looks easy written out, but knowing how I lack pushups, I knew it would suck. I tried to stay as strict as possible during the pushups, but they weren't great. I can tell that I was worming on some of them because my back is feeling the torture from it! boo! On the other hand my kb swings were all unbroken. I knew I had to make up on those for how long the pushups took me. BTW, I've never heard so much moaning during a workout as I did tonight when coaching the 7PM class. I had to hold back from laughing out loud. You guys were troopers!

Here's my food from yesterday and today:

Wednesday 6/22/11 - Day 4
Breakfast: 3 eggs and 4 sausage links. 1oz almonds 1oz pecans

Lunch: big salad of mixed greens, cucumber, and 6oz of ground turkey with 2TBS of homemade balsamic vinaigrette

Snack: Cashew larabar

Dinner: 4oz tilapia with 3 TBS guac and 10 asparagus spears. Side salad with mixed greens and spinach, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, and 1 TBS homemade b.v.

Dessert: 2.5 oz frozen blueberries 2.5 oz frozen pineapple

Thursday 6/23/11 - Day 5
Breakfast: 3 eggs, 1oz almonds, 1oz pecans, and 7oz of mixed berries (raspberries, strawberries and blueberries) a bit much, but they were delicious. No fruit later today because of that one!

For some reason the past two days I've been getting this tight cramp in my stomach after I eat breakfast that lasts for a couple minutes then it's gone....I have no idea why...

Lunch: 6.5 oz pork, 1.5 cups mixed veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots).

snack: apple pie larabar

Dinner: big bowl of chili with 1/4 an avocado. couple chunks of pineapple and 3 strawberries.

My goal next week is to cut down the fruit to only a few days a week. And to limit my carbs. So my brother texted me the other day asking if I wanted in on a friendly wager because he's been "a lazy bastard" since he graduated. I said sure, extra incentive is always a reason to stay motivated! So we decided that each of us will make a list of things to work on every week until September. And the end of each week we will send each other a report on how we did and our accomplishments from the week. If one of us fails, we buy the other person something that's on their wish list. And the things on these lists aren't exactly cheap, most are at least $50+ in order to make failing a punishment! So here is my list of goals until September:

- After Whole30 (July 18) allow only 2 “cheats” (meals) per week (birthday may be an exception).

- Work on pull-ups/ring dips/hand stand hold/HSPU at least 3 days a week in sets of 3 x max.

- Blog at least 4 days a week.

- Keep a daily food log.

- Stretch/mobility for a minimum of 10 minutes at least 5 days a week.

- Research for 30-60 minutes per week to find something I’m interested in Mechanical Engineering.

- Contact one friend not currently living in McHenry every week.

Hold me accountable people!!!


"Tommy Mo" said...

I don't have any problem holding you accountable. But sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for.

Curious - what's on your wish list besides everything from Lulu's catelog? :)

Kir said...

HAHA. there's more than just a weightlifting belt, and new shoes, etc..