Thursday, June 30, 2011

Feelin' Good

It's been a slow week and even more so because of the lack of sleep I've been getting. Yesterday was my typical rest day, so I coached the 6Pm then got a massage from Heather. I'm counting that as my mobility for the day. It was definitely the most painful massage I've had in awhile, my hammies and quads were just so flippen tight!

Strength: Press 3-3-3 30-34-38

Felt pretty good with this today. I was nervous because the second set felt heavy, but I didn't struggle too much getting the final rep of the final set up!

WOD: 5 rounds for total reps of of:
:45 double unders
:15 rest
:30 OHS (50/35)
:30 rest
:15 pullups
:45 rest


I REALLY liked this wod today. I liked how it felt like we were continuously moving, minus the :45 between pullups and Du's. But I felt really good throughout the wod. My shoelace came undone during the third round of DU's so that kind of tripped me up, but I always had between 42-50 du's each round. OHS felt pretty strong, it's such a slow movement, so I could rep out too many. The pullup bar was super slippery today, so it was hard to stay up, got between 4-7 a round. Felt good after this one!

Cash out:
3 x max HSPU holds :26/:30/:54
3 x max pullups (red band) 4/3/4
situps/plank/superman/situps/plank/hollow hold :30 each

Then about 15 minutes of mobility on my hips, quads, hammies, butt and back

Day 12 eats
Breakfast: 3 eggs, 1oz almonds, 1oz pecans, 5oz blueberries
Lunch: 5oz tilapia, 1/2 cup green beans, 1 avocado
Snack: 1TBS coconut butter 2.5oz turkey breast deli meat
Dinner: chicken fajitas with peppers and onions, 2 TBS guac and 1TBS pico de gallo

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Only got 5 hours of sleep last night so I was very sluggish this morning. Good thing I didn't spend much time at my desk today, otherwise it would've been torture!

Strength: Power clean 3-2-2-1-1-1 35-40-45-50-55-60fail
I feel like my strength is really struggling lately. I guess I'm just over thinking it, but I'm not making the progress I would like, and it's getting frustrating. When it comes to "power" anything, I get a mental block. I feel the need to always squat under the bar, so it's hard for me to put on the breaks. Super frustrating past two days when it's come to the strength, but oh well. Hopefully I'll see it pick up soon.

WOD: "Annie" 50-40-30-20-10 reps of: Double unders and Sit-ups 6:19

I knew my DU's had to be on in order to have any shot at a good time with this wod. Luckily enough they were. 50 was unbroken, 40 took me awhile to get them started, but unbroken, 30 had one slip at 8, then the rest were unbroken. All my situps were unbroken as well. I started to feel it around the 15th one in the 30s round, but was not going to rest during those sit ups. I was very pleased with my time and effort on the wod today. And it just so happened to give me the top spot on the board. That's always a bonus!

Cash out: 3 x max ring dips with purple band 7/7/7
bunch of mobility on my IT band, quad, hip, calves, and back.

Breakfast: blueberries and strawberries. 1.5oz almonds (didn't get a chance to eat bfast until 9:45, so i didn't eat my eggs since it was so close to lunch time).
Lunch: ribs and mashed cauliflower
Snack: Apple pie larabar
Dinner: 4oz ground turkey on top of mixed greens with cherry tomatoes, peppers and 4 tbs guac
Dessert: strawberries and pineapple

Monday, June 27, 2011

Weak Monday

Case of the Monday's for sure. I was actually more awake than normal, so I guess that's a sign that my whole30 is working!

Strength: 2 Jerks on the 1:00 for 12:00 at 85% of 1RM. 50kg first 8 rounds, failed both round 9, 45 for last two rounds. the Jerk is pretty much one of my least favorite lifts. I'm awful at upper body as I'm sure you all are aware of by now. But today my right shoulder was REALLY giving me issues of locking. It was super weak and just felt awful throughout the 12 minutes. It didn't hurt, it just felt weak. lame

WOD: 2000m row for time. 8:11

Awful! That's pretty much all I have to say about that. My previous PR is 7:54.3 at the rowing competition. I just didn't feel it today. I couldn't keep the pace Bill wanted me to stay at for the first 800m and by the time I got there my legs were exhausted and couldn't make up the ground I needed. I need to work on my form again because I only feel it in my quads. blah. pretty disappointed with today's performance. Onto tomorrow..

Cash out 3 x max dead hang pullups blue band 4/4/4. weak today. yuck! then I did some mobility at home on my IT band, back, hips, quads, and hammies.

After that I went home and ate real quick then had 2 softball games to play in. Let's just say I almost lost my cool. And if it wasn't a church league, I would've gladly dropped my shoulder into the other teams third base coach that was in my way and didn't bother to move (must I mention he's the soccer coach at McHenry and still as much of a dick as I remember). Glad people have to play dirty in a church league to win. Completely blows my mind...

Breakfast: 3 eggs, 1.5oz almonds, blueberries and strawberries
Lunch: chili
Dinner: dry rub ribs, mashed cauliflower and side salad with cucumbers tomatoes and BV.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Bum knees

Thank goodness today is Friday. It's been a long week and I'm ready to enjoy my weekend!

Strength: Front Squat 5-5-5+ 40-45-51.5(9)

My IT bands have been pretty tight lately, so these weren't feeling too great today. I'm trying everything I can to roll them out and loosen it up, just hasn't been working. Maybe soon enough..

4:00 row for calories
1:00 rest
3:00 pullups
1:00 rest
2:00 BW front squat (used 45kg)
1:00 rest
1:00 Push press/jerk (60/40)
64/33/15/10=122 total reps

I tried to take my row in a smooth pace making sure I don't run out of gas. One strong pull with a 2 count return. I was hoping for around 70 calories, but just fell short. The pullups I wanted to get a good set at the beginning and then it was sets of two there on out. Front squat...again my knees weren't feeling awesome, so I did quite a few fewer than I wanted on these. Rested too much in between sets. Push jerk...shoulders were weak from yesterday, so I didn't get as many as I hoped for. And again probably rested too much here too.

Cash out: 3 x max handstand hold 29 seconds/ 35 seconds/ 34 seconds. could've held them longer, but after yesterday my shoulders were weak. And i was also trying to keep my feet off the wall as much as possible which lead to getting off balance.

Day 6
Breakfast: 3 eggs, 1 oz almonds, 1 oz pecans, about 1.5 cups worth of strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries.

Snack: larabar

Lunch: 15 oz chili and 1/2 an avocado

Dinner: side salad with cucumber and tomato and B.V. 3 Shrimp kabobs which was about 14 shrimp some pineapple and peppers

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A friendly wager

Woke up pretty sleepy today. I hate 5AM. End of story.

Strength: 2 Power Snatches on the minute for 12:00 at 85% of 1RM. 40kg
I love the strength work like this we've been doing lately. The more we get to work on the oly lifts, the happier I am! I would work on them every day if I could! I still have the problem every once and awhile of jumping forward which causes the bar to be kind of off balance over head. So I'm really trying to focus on locking it out fast and slightly jumping backward. Over all I felt pretty good about this strength work. (Note to self: wear better underwear so I'm not having a constant wedgie. As Dolores said "is your bum eating your knickers?" bahahaha, I love her!)

WOD: 4 rounds of:
25 KB swings (24/16)
25 Pushups

This wod looks easy written out, but knowing how I lack pushups, I knew it would suck. I tried to stay as strict as possible during the pushups, but they weren't great. I can tell that I was worming on some of them because my back is feeling the torture from it! boo! On the other hand my kb swings were all unbroken. I knew I had to make up on those for how long the pushups took me. BTW, I've never heard so much moaning during a workout as I did tonight when coaching the 7PM class. I had to hold back from laughing out loud. You guys were troopers!

Here's my food from yesterday and today:

Wednesday 6/22/11 - Day 4
Breakfast: 3 eggs and 4 sausage links. 1oz almonds 1oz pecans

Lunch: big salad of mixed greens, cucumber, and 6oz of ground turkey with 2TBS of homemade balsamic vinaigrette

Snack: Cashew larabar

Dinner: 4oz tilapia with 3 TBS guac and 10 asparagus spears. Side salad with mixed greens and spinach, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, and 1 TBS homemade b.v.

Dessert: 2.5 oz frozen blueberries 2.5 oz frozen pineapple

Thursday 6/23/11 - Day 5
Breakfast: 3 eggs, 1oz almonds, 1oz pecans, and 7oz of mixed berries (raspberries, strawberries and blueberries) a bit much, but they were delicious. No fruit later today because of that one!

For some reason the past two days I've been getting this tight cramp in my stomach after I eat breakfast that lasts for a couple minutes then it's gone....I have no idea why...

Lunch: 6.5 oz pork, 1.5 cups mixed veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots).

snack: apple pie larabar

Dinner: big bowl of chili with 1/4 an avocado. couple chunks of pineapple and 3 strawberries.

My goal next week is to cut down the fruit to only a few days a week. And to limit my carbs. So my brother texted me the other day asking if I wanted in on a friendly wager because he's been "a lazy bastard" since he graduated. I said sure, extra incentive is always a reason to stay motivated! So we decided that each of us will make a list of things to work on every week until September. And the end of each week we will send each other a report on how we did and our accomplishments from the week. If one of us fails, we buy the other person something that's on their wish list. And the things on these lists aren't exactly cheap, most are at least $50+ in order to make failing a punishment! So here is my list of goals until September:

- After Whole30 (July 18) allow only 2 “cheats” (meals) per week (birthday may be an exception).

- Work on pull-ups/ring dips/hand stand hold/HSPU at least 3 days a week in sets of 3 x max.

- Blog at least 4 days a week.

- Keep a daily food log.

- Stretch/mobility for a minimum of 10 minutes at least 5 days a week.

- Research for 30-60 minutes per week to find something I’m interested in Mechanical Engineering.

- Contact one friend not currently living in McHenry every week.

Hold me accountable people!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 3

A little tired today and definitely didn't want to get out of bed and go to dreadful work.. blah.

Strength: 2 power cleans on the 1:00 for 12:00 at 85% of 1RM

I did the first 5 rounds at 50kg and the last 7 rounds at 52 kg. Everything felt pretty good with all of the cleans. I need a little faster elbows on them, but considering I had to squat clean 50kg during the open wod 3, I felt much better about these!

800m run
21 Wall Ball shots (20/14#)
21 Toes to bar
400m run
15 WB
15 T2B
200m run
9 WB
9 T2B

Looking at this on the board I knew that the T2B would really slow me down in this wod. But I was determined to do it Rx'd. My first run I tried to keep up with Rosie, but she's way to fast for me, and I finished the 800m around 3:45, so I was pretty happy with that. All my wall balls were unbroken every round and the T2B were were very sporadic. I did what I could to string some together and then it was singles. Overall, I was pretty pleased with this time. I can't wait to get my T2B kip better!

Cash out:

3 x max (-1) rind dip with 1:00 rest between rounds. used purple band 8/6/6

Day 3 eats:
Breakfast: 3 eggs, 1oz almonds, 1 oz pecans, 2 oz blueberries, 2 oz strawberrries

Lunch: big salad with romaine and red leaf lettuce, 1oz red peppers, 4 cherry tomatoes, 2 oz cucumber, 1 avocado, 5 oz chicken, and 2 TBS homemade balsamic Vinaigrette

Snack: cherry larabar

Dinner: 6 oz pork and 1/2 cup of cauliflower rice

Dessert: 2.5 oz frozen blueberries 2.5 oz frozen pineapple

A little too much fruit today, but I was super hungry. And I feel like fruit is the best thing to snack on when i'm still hungry....

Monday, June 20, 2011


After many weeks of allowing too many "cheats" here and there and not being happy with my weight and some performances in the gym, I decided to start a whole30. I decided this before going to Virginia to start it the Sunday we returned. I knew that one of our outings on vacation was going to be wine tasting, so I didn't want to miss out on that. And we may or may not have stopped for some ridiculously delicious frozen yogurt...just sayin. Anyway, basically I'll be eating meat, fish, veggies, nuts, seeds, some fruit and lots of good fats over the next 30 days. This means NO grains, NO sugars, NO dairy, NO legumes, NO processed foods, NO alcohol, NO white potatoes, and NO making any paleo-fied foods/desserts. and NO weighing myself on the scale.

During the BBC, I did strict paleo for 3-4 weeks and I saw some amazing results. I have a problem of having one slip lead to another, so absolutely no cheats this time around otherwise it's back to day zero! My sleep has been somewhat off and I've been struggling to stay awake at work lately...not only because I'm not a fan of my job in the slightest, but also because of my diet. Mom is on board with me and doing the whole30 as well, so I'm excited to see how we do! I'll be posting my food here and on the CFF forum we used for the BBC. I'm also going to try and blog more like I was at the beginning of the year. I found it to be such a stress reliever, and stress is one of the main reasons I have a hard time losing weight. So much going on in my life...

Monday 6/20/11 - Day 2
3 eggs
1oz almonds
1oz pecans
2.5 oz blueberries
2.5 oz strawberries

Big salad with mixed greens and spinach, peppers, tomato, guacamole, and 5oz chicken

Salad with peppers, cucumber, tomato and a homemade balsamic vinaigrette. 3 small chicken legs and 1 cup of mixed veggies.

Strength: Press 5-5-5+ 25-28-32(8)

5 Rounds of:
50 double unders
10 HSPU (used two green bands)

I actually felt pretty strong with the press today. Upper body is my weakest spot, so I was happy to see how I did with this. There's definitely room for improvement, in order to get better at pushups, pullups, get my ring dips and hspu. So upper body is one of my main areas to focus on this year.

My first 2 rounds of double unders were pretty solid. But then the third round came and I was starting to get the peeing issue. I don't know why I'm getting this now, but it's so not cool. Definitely a distraction from being able to string my du's together. Not only that but my shoulders were smoked from the HSPU, so they got tired fast. HSPU is definitely one of my weaknesses. I like working with the bands because I feel like I get a better range of motion than on the box. my first two rounds were unbroken, but after that it was brutal. My back also started to tighten up a little from the pressure of being upside down and I think I wasn't perfectly straight either. Overall, I was kind of disappointed with how slow this went, but upper body sucks!

Cash out: 3 sets of max (-1) pullups on the blue band 4/5/4

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


My back is starting to finally feel normal again. I still get a little sore from certain lifts or it tightens up during certain movements, but it’s far better than what it was. The PT is really helping loosen it up and get me back to normal. Once I’m finished with PT, I decided I’m going to start getting massages from Heather a couple times a month to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

Yesterday was a great day at the gym. Strength was to establish a new 5RM on our deadlift. Now, given that my back has been off and deadlifts were part of the reason it started, I was kind of weary about this. But the PT said it’s ok to do lifts as long as I’m not going max effort and my form is crap. So I took it easy and really concentrated on keeping my back tight with every lift. I got to a new 5RM of 86kg. I can definitely go higher on this, but I want to take it easy so I’m not reinjuring myself and back at square one!

For the metcon, we encountered “Fran”. She’s one of the infamous benchmark girl named WODS. I have to say that I was looking forward to it, because I remembered how awful my pull-ups were the last go at it back in November. My time back in November was 6:58, but I think maybe 10 out of the 45 total pull-ups were chin over the bar.



Thrusters (40/30)



This go at it, my goal was to get through all the thrusters unbroken and then start my pull-ups with as many as I could and chip away at it. My first goal of unbroken thrusters was a accomplished. I never put that bar down! I let it sit in the rack position at about rep 17 in the first set for a couple seconds, then chugged away at the last few. The sets of 15 and 9 were unbroken as well!

As far as the pull-ups went, the first set I got 6 in a row…which for me is the most I’ve ever gotten in a row, I was pretty ecstatic. After that it was 3’s, 2’s and 1’s. any way I could get through them and making sure I got my chin over that bar every time. I also made sure that if I jumped down from that bar, I would get right back up and not just sit and stare at it. I can’t explain how happy I am with this performance. I beat my old time by 53 seconds! That’s a lot, especially considering my pull-ups were crap last time! I can’t wait to see what I’ll get once I have some more upper body strength and can really string together my pull-ups!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Another Curveball...

Just when you think things are going right...God throws a curveball at you when you least expect it. I started this year with great hopes of getting a full time job, living a less stressful life, starting coaching at the Fort, having a healthy cancer free boyfriend, and just enjoying life. Most of these have been spot on...I got a full time job, I've started coaching at the Fort and love it, I'm still working on not stressing out and had a healthy boyfriend....until today. I really hope this is the last time, third time is a charm right? SO hopefully that means it's the final roller coaster ride! If anyone can do it and push through this a third time, I know it's Jer. He's the strongest and most courageous guy I've ever met!

For those of you who know me even in the least bit, know that I love helping people. Part of the reason I started coaching at the Fort. I will do anything for the people in my life to make sure they are happy or to make sure they get what they need. And when I can't do anything I feel so helpless. And this is the most helpless I have ever felt. I can't say anything to fix it, I can't do anything to fix it, I have been begging God to give him a break and that hasn't worked....what else can I do?! I just feel lost.

I've been crying on and off at work, in the car, at the gym, and at home since 2:00 when I heard the news. Not only because my heart is hurting, but because of all the wonderful people in my life. When I looked on Facebook or at my phone to see how many people are out there supporting Jer, I couldn't help but tear up. And what made it even better, is that the majority of these people I've known for barely a year and they're all from the Fort. Thank God for CrossFit Fire and all the loving people from there! You guys continue to amaze me and I can't thank you enough for the endless amounts of support you all are providing. I honestly couldn't make it through this without all of you. I love you all!

Please continue to pray and think positive thoughts!