Friday, October 19, 2012

Back at it

I'm not going to even bother talking about Tuesday's training. I was such a mess because my head was so focused on being devastated about school. Needless to say it was ugly and I only did half of what I was planning to do.

Thursday's Training:

1) Snatch: 2x2 @ 70%, 2x2 @ 80%, 2x1 @ 90%, 2x1 @ 95%, 4x1 @ 80%
     -rest 60-90 sec for the sets through 90%
     -rest 30 sec between reps for final set
     Based off 125#: 88, 100, 112, 118, 100
2a) 3x5 Snatch deadlift (stopping @ knees)
     -heavier than 1rm snatch (110%+), rest 60sec
     -135, 140, 140
2b) 3x5 BTN Snatch gril Push Press
      - heavy, rest 60sec
      - 85-95-100
The gym was crazy last night, there were quite a few people at the 4:30. And they were working on Hang Snatch, so I was helping people, people were walking in my bubble, then they were learning to rope climb etc. Needless to say it was pretty distracting. I had a few failed reps out front so I know I wasn't opening correctly. I actually couldn't stand a couple up from the bottom of the squat. Just had to tighten up and engage more.

Probably should've used my straps for the snatch deadlift and gone heavier. And could've gone heavier on the push press, but was afraid of the re-racking on my neck!

12:00 chest facing wall HS and HS walk practice

-Practiced both facing the wall and butt against the wall at first. Focused on a tight core and trying to transfer weight to each hand. SO much hard when facing the wall, but I can see some improvements. Then I practiced freestanding and just trying to kick up into it and hold it. So hard to find that happy medium.

For time:
30 T2B
20 KB Thrusters (24/16) - both arms
Row 1k
20 KB Thrusters - both arms
30 T2B

I knew this one would take me awhile. I'm very inefficient at T2B and kipping them. I think the first set, my biggest set was 5, then it was 3s 2s and 1s there on out. The KB thrusters were brutal, nothing like having heavy weight on your chest making it harder to breathe. My forearms are pretty bruised from getting the KBs up. The row was slow for sure. I'm out of shape on the rower, I think it was almost a 4:20 row, pathetic. I just closed my eyes and went for it.

Even though it wasn't the greatest, I felt good. I feel like I haven't been in the gym for weeks, so it was nice to get after it.

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