Friday, October 12, 2012

More Oly

So I've been back and forth about starting some Outlaw training and seeing how that goes for me for strength gains. I've talked to a lot of people about it and gotten many opinions. One pitfall is the time it takes. With my schedule it's going to be hard, but I want to give it a shot. I'm hoping that Alex will stick with it as well so we can help each other out. The increase in volume is going to be hard to adjust, but they said it takes typically 3-4ish weeks. So we will see.

Barbell gymnastics:
1) 7x2 Snatch from High Boxes (above knee) - heavy but perfec - not maximal - rest 60 sec
2) 7x2 Clean from High Boxes (above knee) - heavy but perfec - not maximal - rest 60 sec

Snatch felt a little off today. A couple reps I just lost it at the bottom and fell backwards. Still need to work on engaging more at the bottom and making sure the position of the bar is correct.
Cleans felt pretty good. second rep at the first set of 125 was ugly. Took me forever to stand it up. But the last set felt like my best set.

1a) 3x7 Seated DB Shoulder Press - heaviest possible, rest 30 sec
1b) 3x15 Reverse Hypers - heavy, rest 30 sec
1c) 3x20 BB Stepups 20" (front rack) - heavy, rest 30 sec
1d) 3x7 Weighted MU - rest 30 sec

1a) used 25# each arm, actually pretty tough especially after going through everything else.
1b) used the GHD so only bodyweight, might try bands next time
1c) used 55#, this was probably the worst part of it, surprisingly hard and tiring
1d) obviously don't have MU, so did 7 deadhang pull-ups with the blue band and 7 ring dips with the purple band. Definitely want it to be one of my goals to get rid of the band for ring dips.

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