Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year!?!?

Oh hey blog, it's been long that it's a new year! Welcome to 2013. That still sounds so weird to me. Anyway as any new year typically starts I've come up with some goals. Goals for the gym and for my life outside of the gym. Here we go:

CrossFit Goals:
(some of these are kind of general and I'm coming up with ways to make them more measureable)

1. More efficient at body weight movements.
        Short term                                                       Long Term
        15 Kipping Pull-ups                                        3 Dead Hang Pull-Ups
        RX HSPU in Wods                                         Hand Stand Walk
        RX Ring Dips in Wods                                   Muscle up (this is a far stretch.....)

2. Improve lifts:
        Snatch 145#
        C&J 155# ( I know this is super close to my snatch, but it's a major struggle for me, gotta   squat)
        Back Squat 215#
        Front Squat 185#
        Jerk technique - practice foot drills
4. Do more mobility research for myself and the Prevail members
5. Do at least one team competition
6. Practice skill work at least 3x/week
7. One rowing/running wod/week
8. Be Patient

My squats have been a major struggle for me over the last year. My confidence under that kind of weight has disappeared and makes my form/technique disappear too.  So being patient and really gaining confidence under the bar will definitely help me with my squats which will improve my C&J. I really like the training I've been doing the last few months, so I'm excited to see where it will take me.

Personal Goals for 2013:

1. Get into nursing school!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Get a job at a hospital and out of this hell of a cubicle.
3. Be less controlling.
4. Be more accepting when things don't go as planned.
5. See Jonas at least 3 times.
6. Make dinner at least once a week, as well as help mom on Sunday's.
7. Eat clean paleo and save alcohol/cheats for special ocassions.
8. Have date nights at least 3x/month.
9. Be more spontaneous.
10. Do some volunteer work.

Both these lists may look a little ambitious to some, but I think with the right mindset and staying focused they are highly attainable. My absolute main concern the beginning of this year is getting into a nursing program and getting a CNA/Tech job. Since I didn't get into the program to start in a couple weeks (they stopped accepting at a test score of 95 and I got a 92, UGH!), I will either start in August or May. The August start would be ideal money wise, but the May start, which is a different program would work too. I'm just eager to get started and away from this cubicle! Many prayers and positive thoughts flowing for this!

I'm hoping this year will bring a lot of good news in many areas of my life. Obviously with school, but also with Jer's health. And I'm also excited to see so many people in my life get married as well as partake in one of my best friend's special day.

I hope 2013 brings all of you the best!

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