Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Some days...

Some days you have it....and some days you don't. This single rep max week has been a hard pill to swallow. While I've made a few gains, I'm still wishing for that extra bit. But there's not much I can do now, just have to push past this and train hard.

Since I didn't get the chance to go to the gym yesterday, due to taking a 3 hour standardized test, I went in today to take care of my Press and Back Squat SRM.

Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1

125-145-165-185 PR- 195 fail

We worked on srm back squat back in October before we started this Wendler cycle. At that time I was struggling with this lift by not keeping my chest up and raising my butt first. Just like my front squat on Monday, I got the 195 up 3/4+ of the way and couldn't get that last little bit. I do not understand how I can get it that far, but can't get it the rest of the way! I'm RIGHT THERE!!!! ugh, so frustrating. But I know I have it, I tried it 3 times and got closer every time, just not all the way. I've got it next time... Some positives to take away: I'm not dropping my chest like I used to. I've placed the bar a little lower on my back to prevent myself from "taco-ing", which allows my butt and chest to raise at the same time. I'm getting better at not bottoming out and finding that just below parallel spot.

So, I probably shouldn't have even attempted the Press srm after that since I was a little defeated. But I figured I would give it a shot....not a good idea. I'm going to have to redo this one.

Press 1-1-1-1-1

55-65-75-85-96 Fail

While I know this is going to be the hardest of the lifts to PR on, I still feel like I could've done better. 85 felt hard to get up. At that point I should've just called it quits and waited for another day. Instead I attempted to put up 96# three different times. Each time I barely got it to my nose. My old srm is 95#, so I wanted to just get it by at least a pound. But I don't even know if I could've put up 95 today. I'm definitely going to have to tackle this another day when my head is in the right spot...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Walk a way happy and hungry KG!!

Your feelings are prime example of Coach Burg's thoughts...check it out...

Keep working hard will come!!