Monday, January 9, 2012

Sister of Fran

Friday was a somewhat long day at work. Again, for it being only a 4 day week, it seemed like a long one. But it was a better day than the one prior, so I can't complain. I was really looking forward to getting to the gym and spending the evening with great people.

Cleans 5-5-5
53#(40%) - 65#(50%) - 83#(60% well more than that)

The cleans felt really light, as they should, but I really wanted to focus on my form for my back. So I went up a little bit on the last set. I wanted these to be mainly touch and go at a heavier load, but I think it ended up being 2-1-1-1. Chris said my 4th rep, my back gave a little, so I refocused on the last one and that felt the best!

11 foot Wall Ball shots (20/14#)

My version:
21-15-9 11' Wall Ball shots 14#
11-8-5 dead hang pull-ups with blue band

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about my training and after talking to my brother about it, I decided to switch things up a little bit. Whenever we have pull-ups in a WOD, I'm going to try and scale back the reps and do dead hangs with the bands. I want to be able to get that unassisted dead hang, efficient chest-to-bar pull-ups, and be able to string together more kipping pull-ups. The only way this is going to happen is if I get stronger, and kipping pull-ups don't really build the strength in my shoulders that I need to get stronger. So I'm also going to work on these dead hangs as skill work other days during the week. This will go on for a few weeks and we will see how I progress, hopefully it helps!

Anyway, the 11' wall balls were actually pretty hard. They pretty much turned into jumping wall balls. The first set was horrendous, I dropped the ball about every 2 shots. Second round was a little better and the thrid was unbroken. Definitely something I think is good for training and strengthening the shoulders even more.

The dead hangs were also disappointingly hard. I got 6 unbroken the first round then it was 2's and 1's. It's amazing how much more difficult those are compared to kipping. The second round I did 2-1-1 sadly added the purple band then 2-2. Final set I believe was 2-1-1-1. It was definitely an eye opener to do my pull-ups this way. I knew I didn't have much OH strength, but sheesh those got hard fast. It is for sure something I want to continue doing and see what kind of progress I make.

Finished the evening with a rowing WOD, some dip practice, skin the cats, ab work and hanging out with friends at the gym!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I totally agree with your new stance on pull ups. I've been doing weighted DH pull ups as often as I can to build more strength to get through my kips. Definitely a smart training move. Just be patient, they take forever to build...same with the ring persistent and it'll come!!