Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Oh Hey Cleans!

I've been distracted from blogging lately. Needless to say, I've been extremely busy. This weekend, inclduing Friday, since I took a sick day, I was home for a total of about 2.5 hours. And during that time included an hour and a half nap on Saturday and showers. So I'm pretty tired these days. School is a lot of time and work, and I need to catch up already. eek. Anyway, I trained Thursday, Friday and Sunday mornings. All felt great, I feel like all the lifts I'm really get the technique down, just need to up the weights!

Monday Strength:
Clean 1(70% of 1RM)-1(77%)-1(85%)-1(93%)-1(100+%)

I was super excited to get after the cleans today. I feel like the movement is very fluid and I'm dropping under the bar really well. All the sets felt great and then I got to my last rep and was debating how high to go. My previous 1RM from about 2 weeks ago was 143. I was struggling to stand 145 up that night, mainly due to exhaustion. So I decided to get after the 145 and not increase by too much. A PR is a PR! My first two attempts I failed, both of them I was out front and my elbows weren't coming through fast enough. I decided to give it one more go and everything was great. I dropped under the bar quick, my elbows came through and my squat even felt a little stronger. I think I have a little more in me, but I really want to start training my squat because right now I think that's really going to be my limiting factor. Hey DB, let's start that squat therapy! :)

Tabata Row for Calories - 58 calories
Tabata Thrusters (45/33) - 87
Total 145

I was pretty excited about the clean PR, so I didn't go too hard on the row. I was trying to keep a hard pull, but somewhat quick pace. I was shooting for around 60 cal, so I'm pretty pleased with that. Thrusters I was trying to keep 12 reps a round, but that lasted the first 3 rounds then it was 10 and 11 for the following rounds. My hip flexors/psoas have been pretty tight the last few weeks with all the squatting, so I really need to add in some more mobility for those!


Unknown said...

Squat therapy is coming! We are deloading next week. Rampin' it back up after that.

Great work on the PR!!

Brandon said...

Ditto on what Dan says! Great job!