Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Floor Press, row, 3 rnds, run

First day back at work yesterday wasn't too bad. I just keep reminding myself that there is a light at the end of the tunnel now that I'm doing something to make a change in my life. The end result is almost 3 years away, but there is a slight glimmer of hope...

Strength: Floor Press 5-5-5 34kg (65% of 1rm) - 40kg (75%) - 45kg (85%)

We haven't done floor press since back in February, so it's clearly been awhile. I remember trying to establish a 1RM and only going up .5kg and being super bummed about it. But any time we get in some extra strength work that will help me with other upper body work, is good for me!


1000 m Row

3 rounds of:
10 Jerks (60kg/40kg)
10 Ball slams (30#/20#)
10 sit ups

400m Run


I was actually looking forward to this workout. It was just the push I needed to get my motivation back. A longer row sandwiched with a triplet and a sprint, was a great way to end my day. My goal for the row was to pretty much just finish under 4:00. I didn't want to go all out on the row and be drained for the rest of the wod. I'm pretty sure I got off the rower around 3:55, headed down the stairs and got straight on that bar. My Jerks were unbroken, 5-5, and 5-3-2. I knew this would be my goat in the wod, but they actually felt really good. The only reason the last round wasn't 5-5 was I slipped up and lost balance on the 8th rep. Ball slams and sit ups were all unbroken and flew through those. The run was definltey slow, it's a lot easier when someone else is out there running to give you a push, but since we all finished randomly it was just me trying to push myself, which didn't go all that well. Either way I finished in the goal time of 9-12:00, so that was a good thing.

I also noticed on my run, how much it SUCKS to run/workout when you've put weight back on. Yesterday was quite the slap in the face to be quite honest. And it's really making me want to get my shit together. I haven't felt this awful in a long time. This summer has pretty much destroyed me and I need to get back to myself....

Monday's Eats
Breakfast: 3 eggs and 6 strawberries and 1.5 oz almonds
Lunch: 1.5 cups of chili
Dinner: salad with cucumber and tomato and about 2 cups of chicken stir fry
Dessert: almonds, dried cranberries and dark chocolate chips

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