Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New addition to the community!

Holy crap, I haven't updated in a week! My bad. Life calls my name and takes away my time from this blog. so we'll start way back from last Thursday...

Thursday strength: Front squat: 5(65%)-5(75%)-5(85%) 45kg-51kg-57kg
All I remember from this was that the last couple reps in the last set felt heavy. Front squats have really felt heavy that last few times it's come up...

WOD: with 15:00 on the clock:
run 1 mile
max burpees

My goal with this one was to try and beat my old time or come very close to it. With the summer of not so great eating, I figured it would've been a little slower. But to my surprise, I came in at the EXACT same time as my old PR. I'm just glad it wasn't slower. Then I took about 1:00-1:30 to start the burpees. I was just trying to catch my breath and since I was wearing my glasses it threw me off. I probably should've had at least 70 burpees...

Friday Speed: 3 Jerks @ 60% of 1rm (30kg) on the minute for 8:00

Wod: "Cindy"
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats

I can't say that I'm not disappointed in this. I thought I was doing so much better and was going to get around 13 rounds....blah. Pull-ups were unbroken for the first 7 rounds. And the push-ups are what got me. I made sure to do my best not to touch my hips and worm up. If I did, i would redo that rep. First couple rounds were unbroken, then it was 5-5, then sets of 2. yuck. Really need to get better at these...

Saturday, I went to the Whole9 seminar with my mom, Season and her sister. It was a long day. I knew a good majority of the information already, so it was kind of repetitive, but there were some points I didn't know and they were pretty good ones, so it was worth it just for that.

Sunday: Team wod at PreVail with Nicole, Rosie, Jennie F., Whitney and Julie
Team run 455 1/2 m
227 wall balls
227 sit-ups
227 push-ups
230 air squats
team run 455 1/2 m
*one person works at a time
*finish one movement before going to the next
28:35 first girls team to finish

We pretty much split this up with a certain amount of reps to aim for each, but if we felt good to keep going. I think I did 30 wall balls, 30 sit ups, 40 push ups and 60 air squats. We got to the last 30 squats and I decided to just finish them since those are easy for me to fly through and then it was off on the team run. I almost stumbled a little becuase my legs were jello, but I was out the door. At the end I tried chasing Zach down, and totally would've had the guys not said something, but I was about a step behind him. This was such a great way to spend my morning. SO incredibly excited another box is opening up so close to home and that I can share this experience with a lot of my friends. Looking to a lot more time being spent there! :)

Tuesday Strength: BACK SQUAT!!!!!!!! 5-5-5 105#-123#-140#

Holy crap, I haven't done a back squat since January. And I was SO excited to do these yesterday. But also realized, it's been a LONG time since I've done this movement. I feel like I should be much stronger at these, but given that we don't do them, I'm not. I decided to go with 60%-70%-80% of my 1RM. And it's a good thing I did because the last two reps were kind of rough. But every rep was below parallel, chest high and felt great!

WOD: 10:00 Amrap of:
20 Double Unders
10 KB swings (35#)
5 pull-ups

My goal for this was to get 8 rounds/beat Dan Berry. :) I didn't make the 8, but I beat Dan by 1 rep! haha. My double unders were pretty solid yesterday, I think the 5th and 6th rounds were the only two that weren't unbroken and had one trip up each. KB swings were all unbroken. And pull-ups the first 3 rounds were unbroken, then it was 3-2,2-2-1, 2-1-2, 3-1-1-1, 1. Pull-ups are still definitely something I need to work on, but my left forearm was on fire!!!

Cash out: max handstand hold 2:00 after wod is over. 1:07

I was shooting for 2:00 to beat Brandon, but sheesh once the minute came my arms were shaking like no other and I felt like I was going to collapse on my head.

A great day of training with great people. Can't wait to go back! :)


Brandon said...

You "killed" it yesterday! Great lifts, really fast and smooth through the WOD! Keep it up!

Kristina said...

Ditto to my hubby! You did awesome & loved having you! :)

Jennie Yundt said...

Way to represent the Fort! Atta girl!