Thursday, May 5, 2011

Running home

I think it’s official that I can call the Fort my second home. I spend almost more waking hours there than I do at home. Bill recently added some running wods to the board for some extra credit work. And I know my running is pretty rusty right now after spending the winter inside. So the first one was a 5K, so I headed to the Fort to run during the 5PM class. Last time I ran a 5k was in October and I got 25:28 which had beaten my previous record by 3:00. This time I was shooting for around the same time, but I knew it was going to be challenging. The course wasn’t bad at all and I felt pretty strong for the majority of the run. I just hate straight long paths, because they’re so boring and feel like there’s never a finish, and this one probably 2 of the 3.1 miles is on a straight path. So that was kind of dreadful. Anyway, I made it back to the Fort door in 26:10. Which is just over 40 seconds longer than my previous PR. I originally thought I was like 2:00 off because I thought my old record was 24:something. So all in all it wasn’t THAT bad of a difference. I would still like to get my 5k time to 24:something. I also want to get my mile down to under 8:00. So hopefully we’ll see some improvement if I keep up with these running wods.

After my run, I stretched out and tried to get rid of the tightness in my hammies, quads and calves. 6PM rolled around and I was off to coach my first class! :-) I raised this thought of me coaching to Jennie back in January/February and I’ve been going through the coaching development program by helping with ramp-ups, then doing my own mini mock ramp-up, and now I’m assistant coaching some classes. I can honestly say I loved every bit of it! :-) I think it’s going to be a little hard for everyone to transition into having Steph and I coach some classes because we are all so used to Jennie, Bill and Zach coaching. But with baby Brady coming, they’re going to need the extra help. And I can only hope that everyone will bear with myself and Steph and help us transition as well. If you ever have any feedback for me, please feel free to email me or talk to me on the side or whatever. I’m always open to hearing your opinions.

After coaching the 6PM it was our May installment of Warrior Women Wednesday. Jennie taught us some drills to work on for our running technique. It was definitely an awkward feeling to run that way after running ‘my way’ for so many years. But I’m really going to try and focus on this form during the wods and running wods. My calves are pretty sore today from the 5k and running drills yesterday, but I’m hoping the new form will help with the pain I occasionally have in my knee. I <3 WWW every month, it’s great to hang out with the girls and let loose and bust a move to some of DJ Hannah’s mix! :)

Today’s Food:

Breakfast: 3 eggs with some cheese, 1 chicken sausage, and strawberries/blackberries/raspberries
Snack: 2oz almonds and cashews

Lunch: beef stew with carrots and sweet potatoes

Dinner: Cashew chicken and Beef from Green Pea Pod = AMAZING and a couple fork bites of rice

Dessert: 1.5oz dark chocolate

Today’s Strength:

Jerk 3-3-3-3-3 34kg-38.5kg-43kg-47kg-51kg

My right shoulder has felt pretty tight and sore lately, so this was a struggle for me today. I also had a hard time dropping under it again. And Jennie mentioned that I'm readjusting the bar overhead. So I have a bit of work to do on this one.

WOD: 40-30-20-20 KB swings (24/16) Situps (anchored) 6:45

I was looking forward to this wod when I saw it on the board. I was debating between the 20 and 16 kg bells, but decided to stay with the prescribed weight since it was so many reps. I'm glad I stayed with the 16kg kb because my forearms were feeling it for sure. Both kb swings and situps were all unbroken. Good 'easy' work out for the end of the week! :-)


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