Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Friday I decided to get in the second running WOD before class. I don’t know if that was a good or bad idea. The second running WOD was:

3 x 800m runs with 1:1 work to rest ratio




I can’t say that I enjoyed this at all. It was MUCH harder than running the 5K, in my opinion. After Wednesday’s WWW running class, I was trying to focus on my form and it just wasn’t pretty. I would get it for about the first 300m then slack off then the last 200m I would get it back. My legs were pretty tired from the week’s worth of work. Definitely have some room for improvement in the running department.

Friday’s Strength

Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5 36kg-41kg-46kg-50kg-56kg

I had to get these sets in pretty quick since I was helping Jer with some mobility on the bands since his hip has been bothering him. And my legs were already tired from the week and the running wod. By the fourth set of 5’s it really started to feel heavy. I tend to drop my elbows and my chest as the weight gets heavier so I was really trying to focus on keeping those up.

Friday’s WOD

100 Double Unders

21-15-9 Power Cleans(70/45) Box Jumps (24/20)

100 Double Unders

I decided to scale to option A after doing the running wod, but once it was over I wish I had gone RX’d. I’m going to have to do this one again and see how I do. Scaling for A was 80 DU’s 15-12-9 PC’s and BJ’s 80 DU’s. I finished in 11:39. My double unders were pretty solid the first round, maybe 2 trip ups, my cleans were kind of slow, but I was really focusing on my form and getting my elbows faster(my main problem with cleans), box jumps have been kind of slow again, but felt alright. Last set of double unders I tripped up more, but I was just super winded. Really want to try this one again and see how I would do RX’d.

Monday’s Strength

Press 3-3-3-3-3 25kg-28kg-31kg-34kg-37kg

Just like last week my right shoulder was super tight. Between sets I took some time to stretch it with the band and I think by the final set it finally felt loose. I need to start making sure I take some extra time on days we work overhead to stretch out my shoulders.

Monday’s WOD

“Helen” 3 rounds for time of:

400m run

21 KB swings (24/16)

12 Pull-ups

RX’d – 11:58 compare to 9/20/2010 on the blue band for pull-ups 12:02

So this was my third time doing the wod, but the first time RX’d. I’m glad my shoulders were finally starting to feel loose by the time the wod started. My runs felt downright awful. My form was off, the wind on the way back sucked, I felt sluggish, my stomach felt off, it was just bad. All rounds of KB swings were unbroken. Pull-ups of course were broken up more than I wanted. First set was 4-4-2-1-1, second was 4-2-2-1-1-2, third was 2-2-2-2-2-2. If only I could string these together my time would be much better. Next time we do this I hope my runs are better (need to buckle down the diet, I’ve been like 85-90ish%, need to focus) and my pull-ups are strung together better.

Cash out – 3X max handstand hold

I did 3 30 second holds. Arms were beat, but this is something I’ve been doing a few times a week at home, slowly inching closer to that handstand pushup.

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