Tuesday, April 3, 2012

2k row 1k run

Slacked on the blog last week, but there wasn't much to post.

Started a new cleanse/diet on Monday. Alicia, Mom, Hannah and I are doing it and keeping each other on track. hoping this helps get of the plateau we've been on and can get where we want.

Strength: Press 3-3-3-3-3 @ 85% of 1RM - used 83# (which is more like 89% of 1Rm, didn't want to switch weights since I was sharing a bar, 85% would've been 80.5#)

-Press needs work, so I decided to just go up to the same weight as Julie, whom I was sharing a bar with.
-Definitely heavy, and a couple of the sets were ugly.
-Such a simple yet difficult lift, must get stronger.

2K row - 8:21
2K run - approx 5:45

-Decided not to go all out on the row and just pace myself. Stayed around 2:05-2:10/500m and about 26-28 s/m
-Sped up the last 250m, but didn't want to smoke my legs for the run
-Started my run probably close to 8:50-8:55 after slowly getting off the rower, walking down the stairs and across the gym.
-Went hard, but definitely not a sprint, my breathing was really off.
-Went back to run with mom and she ran about 200+m extra than she had too. Scared me shitless since I couldn't see her and thought she was on the ground. ugh.
-So I got in about 1.25 miles of running tonight.

-liked the pure cardio work today, nice way to ease into the week after being sore from Sunday and starting the cleanse.

Last night was kind of an eye opening/depressing night. I took pictures in the same bikini I was taking pics in since I started CF, but the last time I took pics in it was last April. That's when I won the BBC at Fire, and I really leaned out. Comparing them to the ones I took last night just made me cry. I know I've put on more muscle, but yuck. I have a long way to go and I hope I can get out of this hole and find whatever I had in me last spring to get there. I know a lot has changed since then, i.e. school, jer's health, etc. but I don't know...trying to stay positive...

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