Thursday, May 3, 2012

Snatchy Tuesday

This girl is struggling to stay awake this week. Definitely not getting the sleep I need. I had a Anatomy and Physiology lab final yesterday, so the 3 nights prior....I was up until midnight and getting up at 5. That equals major death for this chick. Can't wait for Monday at 7pm, then I will have a month off of school to relax. Bring on the last two finals!

Tuesday's Strength: Back squat 5-5-5-5 (60%-70%-75%-75%)

So even though I didn't actually PR last week on my BS, I knew I could get that 195 if my head was in the right place. So this week I based my numbers off the 195#. My hips are still outrageously tight and I felt my back lose it a little bit. Hoping I can get that EMS machine from Dan soon and loosen all that up! And hopefully now that I'l have a month break coming up, I can focus a lot more on mobility!

5 Rounds for time of:
7 Snatches (full depth) 75# --> used 85#
200 m sprint
1:00 Rest
Round 1: 2:30, Round 2: 2:20, Round 3: 2:14. Round 4: 2:06, Round 5: 2:17
Total with rest: 15:27

Original weight was supposed to be 95# for girls, but B decided to move it down to 75. I knew 75# would be too easy but I thought 95 would be a little bit much. Especially after last weeks wod where I went up to 95#. I think 85# was the perfect fit. I failed 2 reps out of the 35. Third rep in the first round and last rep in the last round. I re-did both of those, both of them I were out in front. about 95% of the snatches felt great, the bar felt like and I was dropping under quickly. I'd like to try this one again in a few months with 95#. The sprints were more of a rest and not really a sprint, my quads were smoked. Hannah and I were litterally neck and neck with every rep this entire workout and finished the same time. I'm glad she was there and pushed me a little more with being neck and neck.

Cash out:
20 GHD sit-ups
20 GHD hip extensions
20 GHD back extensions

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