Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ring dips and a Mile

As the day progressed my quads got more and more sore. I didn't feel a thing on Sunday, but definitely felt it Monday as the day went on. Was debating about a rest day, but also hoping that a mile run would loosen up my legs.

Weighted Deadhang Pull-ups 3-3-3-3-3
-first set red band
-rest of the sets blue band

Weighted Ring Dips 3-3-3-3-3
-First set UNASSISTED!
-Second set first rep unassisted, last 2 purple band
-last 3 sets purple band

First set of pull-ups I felt like I tweaked my left lat. I don't know if I didn't warm up enough or what, but it kind of bothered me the rest of the night. Not much to say about the deadhangs, other than I feel like I should be stronger on these. Goal is to get an unassisted deadhang pull-up by the end of the year.

Ring dips....FINALLY!!! I've been wanting to get this damn unassisted ring dip for months. I think I really started focusing on getting one back in December. I definitely didn't practice them much throughout that time period. BUT it must have been enough to finally get them! haha. So glad I finally did that. Now time to get stronger on those too! haha

As you can see, I need to add some solid volume training on all these skills (HSPU, pistols etc). If only I didn't have a day job...

10:00 running clock
Mile run
max HSPU

HSPU - 3 on 25# plate and ab mat

Needless to say this is not my best effort when it comes to a mile run. My fastest is 7:28. However, we haven't been running since basically what, October? And we have a lot of turns in our mile route. So those two factors alone make for a crappy time. Hopefully by the end of the summer, that's back in the low 7 minute range! We need to get a new route for our mile! :)

HSPU...not much to say here. I was too excited about my ring dips to let HSPU ruin my night. Didn't want to have another temper tantrum... I really took my time with these and did what I could. I need A LOT more work to be anywhere near comfortable with these. So I've been working on tripods and just trying to get my core stronger. one day...

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