Monday, March 26, 2012

Open WOD 12.5 and Challenge WOD

I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed when I saw 12.5 posted. 1. because it wasn't original and a repeat of last year, yes I understand the whole "seeing how far you've come" aspect. 2. I still don't have good C2B pullups, but my fault because I don't train them as much as I should. 3. was hoping to end the Open on a better note, since all the other wods went pretty well. But oh well, onto 2013 it is! :)

I decided to tackle this WOD Thursday night, just to get it over with. I went into it just hoping to beat my pathetic score of 12 last year. Terrible memories of spending near 6:30 minutes on pullups..

Open WOD 12.5:
7:00 AMRAP
3 Thrusters 65#
3 C2B Pullups
6 Thrusters
6 C2B
9 Thrusters
9 C2B
12 Thrusters
12 C2B
...etc keep increasing by 3

score - 30 reps

If you look at the other 4 wods from this Open, this score looks pretty pathetic for me. Which it is. Yes, I'm glad I improved since last year, but still, should be farther along. I ended up tearing my hands pretty band on that last rep, which sucked. But that's part of CrossFit right?!

Well, I'm happy the Open is over. Overall, I'm very pleased with how I performed during the last 5 weeks. I can definitely tell I've gotten stronger and my motor is better, but I've definitely found more weaknesses I need to work on over the next year. Last week, after 12.4 I was 164 in the region, this week after my crap of pullups in 12.5 I finished the Open (unofficially) in 245th in the North Central Region. That's out of over 1000 female competitors, so I can't be upset with that! As a team CrossFit Prevail ended in 64th, out of 130. As a new gym, I knew it was going to be hard to make it to Regionals. I'm very happy with how everyone pushed themselves over the last 5 weeks. And with the members we have, I can't wait to come back next year and get that shot at regiaonsl!

The last 9 weeks I've been taking part in a challenge at the gym. I followed my typical pattern of doing really well for the first half+ of it then going down hill the last 3 weeks. I'm telling ya, it all started at that Prevail gathering we had. haha. ugh. I definitely didn't end where I wanted to, but this, just like the Open, showed me where I'm weak and when I fall off the wagon. So I know what I need to work on.

I did the challenge wod after doing the Open wod on Thursday and impoved my time by near 50 seconds, so that's good to see! After 3 days off from the gym, and not having the best diet, it's time to get serious. I'm ready to get back and start training hard for 2013!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Heavy Back squats and 21-15-9

Woke up again with lingering soreness in my quads. Stuck around ALL day. I warmed up with the 5:30 class I was coaching just to get loose. And then obivously did my warm up before working out at 6:30. Still felt tight. But it's mainly in the hips again. ugh.

Strength: Back Squat 6-6-3-2 (70%-80%-90%-95%)

Holy heavy!! I did quite a few warm up sets because my hips are still super tight. All this squatting is getting to me! I warmed up with the bar, then 85# and then 107#. Warm up sets and 133 felt great. 153 was good, but started to feel the tightness hinder my squat. 171 just felt like 500, especially the last rep. I had Alex spot me on the last set at 181 since the set before felt super heavy. Somehow, I made it through those 2 reps, but it was definitely a struggle. Going to have to find some new mobility for my hips in order to do somewhat well with maxing out in a few weeks.

Hang Power Snatch (55# - scaled up to 65#)
Row (calories)
Sit-ups (used the GHD)

Wanted to make this one a little more challenging. I felt as though I would fly through the 55# and the ab mat sit-ups, so I upped it a little. I felt like the weight was perfect at 65#. I did the sets like this: 15-6, 8-7, 9. The rows I felt were a little slow, had a hard time finding a rhythm. Was trying to get a calorie per pull, but I fell just short a lot of the time. GHD felt great, I believe the sets were the same as the HPS. Really liked this one.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ring dips and a Mile

As the day progressed my quads got more and more sore. I didn't feel a thing on Sunday, but definitely felt it Monday as the day went on. Was debating about a rest day, but also hoping that a mile run would loosen up my legs.

Weighted Deadhang Pull-ups 3-3-3-3-3
-first set red band
-rest of the sets blue band

Weighted Ring Dips 3-3-3-3-3
-First set UNASSISTED!
-Second set first rep unassisted, last 2 purple band
-last 3 sets purple band

First set of pull-ups I felt like I tweaked my left lat. I don't know if I didn't warm up enough or what, but it kind of bothered me the rest of the night. Not much to say about the deadhangs, other than I feel like I should be stronger on these. Goal is to get an unassisted deadhang pull-up by the end of the year.

Ring dips....FINALLY!!! I've been wanting to get this damn unassisted ring dip for months. I think I really started focusing on getting one back in December. I definitely didn't practice them much throughout that time period. BUT it must have been enough to finally get them! haha. So glad I finally did that. Now time to get stronger on those too! haha

As you can see, I need to add some solid volume training on all these skills (HSPU, pistols etc). If only I didn't have a day job...

10:00 running clock
Mile run
max HSPU

HSPU - 3 on 25# plate and ab mat

Needless to say this is not my best effort when it comes to a mile run. My fastest is 7:28. However, we haven't been running since basically what, October? And we have a lot of turns in our mile route. So those two factors alone make for a crappy time. Hopefully by the end of the summer, that's back in the low 7 minute range! We need to get a new route for our mile! :)

HSPU...not much to say here. I was too excited about my ring dips to let HSPU ruin my night. Didn't want to have another temper tantrum... I really took my time with these and did what I could. I need A LOT more work to be anywhere near comfortable with these. So I've been working on tripods and just trying to get my core stronger. one day...

Open WOD 12.4

For some reason or another this WOD was haunting me during the week. Thursday night I couldn't sleep if my life depended on it. I was tossing and turning all night. Waking up thinking about this damn WOD. WHY on earth was this happening? Wall balls and DU's are two of my best movements and I knew a muscle up wasn't really within reach. Not trying to be pesismistic, but at that point I didn't have a ring dip and I don't have the strongest pull-ups either. So what was my deal?!

Woke up Sunday morning earlier than planned again. Apparently my body doesn't want me to get more thatn 7.5 hours straight of sleep. Lame. Because I could use more! Anyway, felt good and a lot less anxious. Didn't really have a plan for the wod, except to get 240.

Open WOD 12.4
12:00 AMRAP
150 wall balls 14# ball 9 foot target
90 Double Unders
30 Muscle Ups

240 reps

Brandon volunteered to count for me, which I was happy with. He's really good and giving short cues and keeping you moving. We decided at before the wod started to go with sets of 15 then a few seconds rest. I got to 90 on sets of 15, then did 6 sets of 10 for the last 60 reps. I finished the wall balls around 8:00. I was happy with that, obviously not my best "Karen" time, but that's not what I was going for. I just wanted to pace it so I finished them without being completely gased for the DU's.

Walked over to my rope, took a few seconds to breathe then busted out 30 du's. I was very surprised by this because I figured my shoulders would be smoked. I could've gone longer, but decided to force myself to rest so I didn't trip up a lot on the last 60. I think I then did 10-10-15-15. Pretty great sets overall for me not wanting to go all out. My calves were definitely feeling it here.

I finished with about 1:57 on the clock to get upstairs and play around on the rings. I took a couple breaths jumped up and went after it. Probably the closest I've been, but I still have a long way to go. Made two other attempts before the clock ran out.

Overall, happy with this performance. Got what I wanted, so that's all I can ask for. Brandon was funny when he said "you aren't even tired from this, are you?" I by no means was gased and probably could've gone for a run or something after. But filled my duties of cheering and counting for others.

I have to say my mom is awesome. Every week she inspires me more and more. She needs to give herself more credit for how awesome she is and how hard she pushes herself!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Back squats and Triplet

Holy soreness, Batman. I woke up Monday morning feeling the effects of 12.3. Sore neck, sore shoulders, calves, triceps, lats... you name it, I'm sure it was sore. I contemplated taking a rest day, but then I also thought that maybe working out would loosen me up a bit.

Strength: Back Squat 8-6-4-4 (65%-75%-85%-90%)
8-123#, 6-143#, 4-162#, 4-171#

I just can't seem to get my hips loose. I've been stretching them every day and they are just so tight. It's really been affecting my squat depth too. humph. First 2 sets felt ok, not great, but better than the last 2. Second to last was heavy, and wasn't sure how I was going to get the last set. Frist 2 reps of the last set were good on depth, but the last 2 I didn't quite make it. Need to find something to get these hips loose..

10:00 AMRAP
15 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
10 Burpees
5 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
4 rounds + 1 wall ball

I went to do a warm up set with the bar and I didn't think this wod was going to happen. The 95# founds like 140# in the rack position. But I went after it anyway, in hopes that after the WB and burpees, my shoulders would be warmed up for the C&J.

All wall balls and burpees were unbroken. Didn't really struggle there. Well, the burpees weren't blazing, but just went through the motion.

Clean and Jerk. I've made a point in wods, to not rush this movement. To keep proper form and set up the entire time. So yes, these were slower and paced. But there's no need for a back or shoulder injury. Shoulders finally warmed up and most of the reps felt really good.

At first glance this wod didn't look bad, but once I was finished, I took back that statement. It was a good challenge, especially with the soreness from Sunday.

Open Wod 12.3

Another beautiful Sunday it was. Not only was it because of all the great performances, but the weather was amazing too! So glad we decided to have a cook out after the wod was complete

18:00 ARMAP
15 Box Jumps (24"/20")
12 Push Press (115/75)
9 T2B
8 rounds + 15 box jumps

My goal for this wod was 8+, maybe 9 rounds. So I met my goal and I'm really happy with that. So far I've been making my goals with all of these wods, so I can't be unhappy. When it comes to competition wods, I just get in this zone and go. I've definitely changed since Open wod 11.3 last year.

I went into this with an idea of 2:00 per round. the first few rounds I was right on track. And obviously I knew this was going to be hard to keep up as time went on. I finishe the first two rounds in 1:45ish.

All box jumps were unbroken. I believe I only had one rep where I lost control at the top. Other than that re-do, all reps were clean.

Push Press/Jerk, my goal was to drop the bar as few times as possible. First 3 rounds I split the reps 6-6 and rested the bar in the rack postion. Next 3, I dropped the bar after 6 reps, but kept the split 6-6. 7th round was 6-4-2 and last round was ugly and heavy, 4-2-4-2.

T2B, I knew would be my weak spot. Once I fatigue, I can't keep the kip going. I was alternating between narrow grip/wide legs and wide grip/narrow legs, switch grip with my hands. I was doing everything just to keep moving and not stop. My first 2 sets were 5-4, next 2 were, 3-3-3, next few were 3-2-2-2, last set was all singles. Took everything out of me to get those up. Then it was directly to the box and I finished the 15th box jump, right at the last second.

This one was all about pacing, but keep moving. Don't quit. The second you get that thought in your head, it's game over.

Shout outs to Kelly and Hannah who went through this WOD feeling like crap, but still putting up awesome scores. And to Hannah for going back 5 hours later again, and doing better! I can't even imagine what you would get if you were healthy, definitely 9+.

Jer did an outstanding job as well. True hard fought score there. Heavy weight for him and he gutted it out. Just gotta drop under that bar!

Kristina, awesome work on staying with it even though you hated every bit of the T2B. You showed what it takes to be a leader and not give up!

Same with Julie, kept fighting through the suck and moving with all the motivation and determination she had. She's been downright awesome to watch during this Open competition.

And to everyone else, you guys continue to amaze me every Sunday. And I couldn't be more proud to be part of it!

Catch up

I forgot to post about a couple of WOds last week, so time to catch up.

Thursday we did some prep for 12.3. But we started off with strength of 5x5 deadhang pull-ups and 5x5 ring dips. Ideally these were weighted, but I'm far from adding weight. I'd actually like to lose weight to make these easier. I did the pull-ups on the red band for the first two sets then went to the blue band. For the ring dips I tried the first one of every set unassisted then went to purple for all the other reps. Still need to work on static holds for this!

Next, was on to prep for 12.3. We did:
4:00 AMRAP
12 Push Jerk (75#)
6 T2B
1:00 Rest
2:00 AMRAP
Box Jumps (20") Open standards

I believe I got almost 4 rounds in the first amrap then I got 47 box jumps. the bar felt heavy and my kip for my T2B was on and off. Some were good, some were just awful. I've been doing box jumps to this standard since regionals last year, so I was pretty comfortable with that. Ovearll it gave me an idea of how to pace 12.3 on Sunday.

Friday, I took the day off work to go to the Dr. I've had a pretty persistant cough since the beginning of February, and my boss finally told me to take the day off and go to the dr. so that was pretty sweet. Finally got some antibiotics and the cough is almost gone.

Decided to hit up the 9:30AM class since I had school and night. It's been the first Friday workout I've had in awhile. But it was nice to get a workout in, in the morning.

Strength: Front Squat. Don't remember my numbers, but I know the last set felt heavy and was fought for.

250M Row
50 Double Unders
25 Sit-ups (GHD)
250M Row
50 Double Unders
25 Back Extensions (GHD)
250M Row
50 Double Unders
25 Russian Twists (14# ball)

Loved this WOD. It was written on the board with regular ab mat sit-ups and floor back extensions. But I wanted an extra challenge since I can fly through those easily, so I went up and used the GHD. Definitely glad I did that because it gave that extra push. Double unders were pretty good, just my calves were tired from the box jumps the night before and my shoulders have really been tiring on those! Overall great wod!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Suck it HSPUs!

Yesterday I woke up pretty tired. I'm really lacking in getting the amount of rest I need. My schedule is just so hectic, but it'll be worth it in the end! I was pretty sore from the last two days of training and was contemplating taking a rest day. I probably should have the way it went...

Strength: Back Squat: 8-8-6-6 (65%-70%-80%-85%)

Going into this my hips have been super tight. The bottom of the squat is just really tight and it's hard to drive out of the hole. 123 felt like 180! The sets definitely didn't seem to get any easier even though I spent time between sets stretching out my hips. I really need to start doing a TON more mobility on my hips. I failed the last rep on the final set of 6, got half way up and just couldn't go any further. I can't wait till we start running some more and get my hips opened again, all the rowing and squatting is making them so tight!

15:00 AMRAP
6 SDHP (85/55)
9 Goblet Squats (53/35)

a measley 3 rounds plus one rep. I'm actually extremly embarrassed to post what I got...

So the last year and a half or so I've been training HSPU on the band and I haven't made much progress. I went from green/green to green/blue. But I haven't felt any stronger. So it was decided at the gym, that no one can use bands anymore. It's up against the wall with some plates, or knees up on a box. My hatred for Jerks has been replaced by HSPU.

I pulled an Alex last night and threw a complete temper tantrum over HSPUs. I was able to crank out the first 2 and then I couldn't get that last freaking 3rd rep. I would lose all tightness in my core and just either get half way up, not get anywhere or just plop. I started with slamming the ab mat. Next round I screamed fuck! and the last I yelled, started to cry and just said fuck it with 30 seconds left in the workout. Seriously...15:00 and that's how far I got. Pretty freaking pathetic. I've got a lot of work to do. So practicing tripods and kipping at home it is...

I went upstairs with 30 seconds left on the clock and rowed a 2K, since I didn't get a workout in. blah.

Onto the next WOD.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Open WOD 12.2

Woke up Sunday morning pretty anxious. I wanted to sleep until 8:45, but I was wide awake at 8. Had a great time the night before at the Prevail party. Ate way too much yummy paleo food and treats, but it was well worth it. We really have something great at this gym! :)

Open WOD 12.2
10:00 to perform:
30 Snatches @ 45#
30 Snatches @ 75#
30 Snatches @ 100#
Max reps snatches @ 120#
72 reps = 30 @ 45#, 30 @ 75# and 12 @ 100#

The morning started off on a high note. During the first round Dean brought out his inner beast and snatched 135 for 8 reps. He had a few fails in there, but after he nailed the first one, he had the momentum he needed. Mind you, Dean weighs 140#. Awesome, just awesome! This just set the tone for the rest of the day!

There were two more heats after this one before I gave it a go. I cheered during the second heat and started my second warm up during the third. Then Heat 4 arrived and it was do or die. I can't lie, I've felt a lot of pressure this week with this WOD. I'm sure I put it on myself, but the snatch is one of my best movements. While I don't have an incredibly heavy PR, 115# is my current 1RM, my technique is really solid. This movement just comes naturally to me and I've put in a lot of practice with it. So I felt the pressure to perform well on this one...

My goal: 75+. While I fell 3 reps short of my goal, I'm still extremely happy with how I did. I broke the first set into 15/15. This was a light weight, where I just wanted to use my legs and get my shoulders warmed up, but not gas myself out of the gates.

The second set at 75# started out 5/5 and then I think I did sets of 2's and 3's the rest of the way. I didn't rest more than 5 seconds between those sets. It was drop the bar and go. Then we had the transition to 100# and the game began. This is where the fun started and where it really mattered.

Started my first rep at 100 with about 4:30 left on the clock. First one went up easy, power snatch. Did another. Tried a split snatch on the third and immediately said no more of those. Just not used to split, just needed to stick with what I was used to. Got a couple more. I had some fails and then some good reps. The fails were just stupid, I think. I wasn't sticking to my technique. I was trying to save my legs, by not dropping completely under the bar like I ALWAYS do and like what I'm comfortable with. I regained focus and started dropping under the bar and just dug deep and cranked 6 out in the last minute. It was for sure go time and I knew it. If it wasn't for my failed attempts, I could've had around 78 reps, but can't take it back now! :)

I couldn't let anyone down. The energy in that gym was absolutely unbelieveable. I felt like I was in a bubble, but everything and everyone around me was full of excitement, cheering, encouragement, jumping up and down and so much more. It was incredible. I felt great once that 10:00 was over and that I made the gym proud! :)

Next was heat 5, and my mom was giving a crack at the Masters 60+ division. She didn't sign up, but wants to do the wods, just to see how she does. And Um, right now, I'm kicking myself for not signing her up!! She did amazing. She brought me to tears actually! She got through the 35# and 55# with ease. Her old 1RM was 66#, and what did she do?! She busted out 4 reps at 75#!!!! They were hard fought and after the first good rep, the flood gates opened. Then she got 3 more! My gosh, I couldn't have been more proud of her! It was just so inspirational!

I didn't get to watch Bear go, since I was counting for mom at the time, but he did an amazing job given his shoulder and back issues the last few months. Brandon's score was well deserved as all his reps at 165 were full depth and drove out of the hole.

We headed back to the gym around 3:30 to watch Hannah give it a go and Cannon's her second attempt. Truth be told, Hannah is my inspiration, I hope I'm that awesome in 10 years! :) She made that weight look easy and busted out 79 reps. Not one single fail. After all her injuries and soreness, she really just out performs us all. If she was 100% healthy, sheesh, she could've easily gotten over 80. Cannon's also did a great job at trying to get that 100# overhead. She's thiiiiis close. You're going to get it soon, girl! EVERYONE did a phenominal job and I couldn't be more proud to be your friend and your coach!

Overall, this has by far been my most favorite day of CrossFit. It was an emotional rollercoaster of a day. I woke up anxious, turned to inspired and ecstactic, then nervous and thrilled, then I cried I was so happy, oh my gosh what a phenominal day. I will never forget it!